Chapter one

The big bad mech has a soft spot!

Sequel to Ironhide's secret

Disclaimer: don't own

Read and review people!


All was quiet in the room. Ironhide had laid down on his recharge birth. Starting up his stasis routine he played soft music. After a half hour he was fast into recharge. The day had been a long one, fighting deceptacon's, saving the planet… again! He deserved some good rest.

Then a little black figure crept up to his recharging form. The agile creature leapt onto the broad black chest of its victim. Slinking low it put one paw out to Ironhide's face and patted his faceplate. Meowing in a morbid tone he continued to swat at his face until he got a response. The response it got was not the one it wanted.

Leaping from its perch as Ironhide sat up abruptly canon charged. Seeing the offending thing was just Ambush the large mech scolded his pet.

"Ambush no! Go play with Cotton, or Blurr. Preferably Blurr that way you will annoy the twins at the same time."

Ambush jumped up onto the mech's lap and rubbed against a side panel. Purring all the while. Reaching down to stroke the black cat that was seeking attention he succeeded in grabbing air. Ambush easily danced out of his reach and pounced on his cannon. Skittering across the recharge birth he sunk low on his haunches waiting for a response.

Ironhide reached up and quickly darted out a hand to his pesky pet. Ambush's eyes grew huge at the prospect of a chase. Dodging away he only succeeded in having to jump off the recharge birth. This to the utter satisfaction of Ironhide, laying back down he turned on classical music. Chirping to his cat he told him to go sleep with cotton on the old tire in the corner. The cat disappointed at not getting more attention went out to seek some else where.

Sideswipe sat petting Blurr the little fireball of energy both he and Sunny had adopted after the whole kitten fiasco. The orange cat rolled on his back purring the whole while, soaking up the attention. Ever since he accidentally entered Sunny's Spark casing he had a perpetual puffed up look. Picking up the purring bundle he rose from his spot at a table in the mess hall.

Reaching to get a cup of energon for him self, he also snagged a kitty energon for his little friend. The mess had started stocking kitten energon once Optimus had declared it ok to keep the animals. The adoption had really turned out to be beneficial to the Autobots. The cats had an innate six sense of approaching danger, not to mention taking out the carbon rats that plagued the base.


Optimus prime sat at his desk, his large legs propped up on his desk. Looking at a data pad of the day's report he thought absently of things he needed to do. Magnet came into his office in a lazy stroll. The multicolored tabby sat down and looked up at Optimus. Optimus looked down at the small feline then returned to his data pad. Magnet stared to howl until Prime leaned down to pick up the fury animal and plop him down on his desk.

Magnet seeing a positive response proceeded to play with the wires on Optimus' leg and even jumped up on the tires attached to his leg. Optimus wiggled his leg a bit to get the pesky cat off.

"Magnet, please leave I have much work to accomplish." He stated to the cat whom merely laid down low next to one of the tires.

Sighing Optimus returned to the work at hand, only to have Magnet tackle his tire. The cat was on top of the tire chewing and clawing at it, as if it were deceptacon. Smiling he came up with an idea. Releasing a strut in his leg the tire began to roll back with the weight of the cat on it. The cat seeing its plight stopped attaching the tire and began to walk up the tire. This only caused the tire to move more. Before he knew it the cat was running on the tire as if it were a kitty Nordic-tract.

Prime sat there watching the scene unfold giving in to the humor he gave a laugh. Reaching for the cat he picked it up and petted the beast while holding it in the palm of his hand. Once he deemed the cat to have sufficient attention he once again turned his attention to his work. Occasionally giving a chuckle at what he had seen.


Author's note: ok people I have no idea where I'm going with this sequel. So you will need to help me out and give me ideas! Please help. Thanks, and a happy thanksgiving to you all!