One Hundred Days
Rating M (R)
Day 9

He knew he had to do something. This was so wrong, so very wrong. The Avatar's waterbender was so full of life, had such a fighting spirit…

But for now, she lay on the cold metal floor, her eyes unfocused, and her world distraught.

She had stopped crying some time ago. After they had brought her back from 'interrogation' – that's what they called it. It made Zuko sick.

"We have to find a way out of here."

A half-conscious nod, a small moan in agreement. Zuko wiped his forehead with his arm, looking around the cell, searching for an escape, searching for something to say.

"Hey now.." He reached across the floor, scooting ever so slightly toward the beaten shape of his enemy. "C'mon, I need your help for this."

False encouragement seemed only to go so far. She shivered, still staring straight ahead. Zuko cringed. He would definitely need her to get out. He could never do it alone.

Scratching the back of his head, a bit unsure, he moved slightly closer to her. Reaching his hand out, he paused, not knowing what to do, what to say.


That finally got her attention. Her grey blue eyes slowly met his golden gaze.

"Please. I need your help."

If humility was a form of redemption, Zuko felt as if all his past transgressions should be forgiven by this point. So what, he tied her up a while ago. Didn't hurt her that bad.

Here he was, Prince of the Fire Nation, beaten, broken, and imprisoned. Basically prostrating himself to an equally broken former enemy of his.

"Yes, Zuko." A soft whisper, voice cracking, and maybe a hint of blue in those icy eyes.

Former enemy.