Chapter 1

Adrienne Garnet stared at the closed of Abigail Chase's office and sighed. A few minutes ago a Mr. Brown and a younger man had gone into Abigail's office. Finally giving into the battle going on inside her head she tossed her straight, red hair over her shoulder and put her ear to the door. Inside Abigail was speaking to Mr. Brown and the younger man.

"Mr. Brown I have personally seen the back of the Declaration of Independence and I promise you the only thing there is a notation that reads 'Original Declaration of Independence dated 4 of July 1776.'" they both finished

"Yes Ma'am." He said "But no map." Abigail said. Several moments of silence came after she spoke.

"It's invisible." Mr. Brown replied.

"Oh…right" Adrienne heard Abigail said not sounding convinced at all. There was a new voice, which Adrienne assumed was the younger man. "And that's where we lost the department of Homeland Security." "What lead you to assume there is an invisible map?" Abigail asked

"We found an engraving on the back of a 200 year old pipe." Mr. Brown replied

"O-owned by free Masons." The younger man said, stammering slightly.

"May I see the pipe?" Abigail asked. There was another a moment of silence.

"We, uh don't have it." Mr. Brown's voice said. "

Did Bigfoot take it?" Adrienne heard Abigail ask. There was a rustle of movement and Mr. Brown spoke again. " It was nice meeting you."

"Nice to meet you to" Abigail replied

"You know that really is a nice collection," Mr. Brown said referring to something in the room, "Must have taken you a long time to hunt down all that history."

Adrienne quickly backed away from the door as it opened and pulled out a notepad and pretended to write. Mr. Brown walked over to the small waiting table and picked up one of the Gala pamphlets then walked down the hall followed by the younger man. Adrienne watched them go, curiously, then turned to Abigail's office. "What was that about?" she asked walking inside. Abigail seated herself in her desk chair and leaned back. "Some myth about a treasure." Abigail replied.

"What did that have to do with the Declaration of Independence?" Adrienne asked sitting down herself in one of the chairs in front of the desk. Abigail studied her suspiciously

"Adrienne, were you eavesdropping?" Adrienne shrugged and turned slightly red "Possibly." She admitted.

"Adrienne you are going to get in trouble one day with that habit."

"Yeah, I know but…. I couldn't resist"

"Anyway" Abigail continued "There is supposablely an invisible treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence."

"So are you going to check it out?" Adrienne asked curiously

"Run chemical tests on the back of one of the most Important documents in history? We wouldn't want to risk damaging it. And Mr. Brown had not proof whatsoever."

"You could probably just use lemon juice on it. That would not cause any damage." Adrienne suggested

"True." Abigail nodded "But there is not reason to."

"Yeah, Your probably right." Adrienne sighed "But it would be cool if there was a map."

Abigail leaned forward and put her hands on the desk in front of her, her chair creaking slightly as she did so. "Adrienne." She said slowly "Nothing will ever come of that. It's just a waste of time."

"Yes, I know." Adrienne agreed. "So what did you want me for?"

Abigail shuffled some papers on the side of her desk and pulled out a Gala pamphlet "You are going to the Gala this weekend right? Adrienne shook her head "I hadn't planned on it. I'm just an assistant historian"

"You still get an invitation just because you work here as an historian." Abigail said reaching across her desk and handing the pamphlet to her.

"So I get in without having to make a donation?" Adrienne asked, opening the pamphlet.

"Yes, you should come."

"Ok" Adrienne said closing the pamphlet and standing up "I'll come."

"But I'll probably be very bored since you will be the only person I know." She added

Abigail smiled reassuringly "Don't worry something interesting always happens at parties."