Perhaps I shall stay?

So this is it.

The fight is done.

I took off her head,

And now i have won.

And now I shall return to the land of the sane.

The land of the dull, the boring and plain.

The land where tomorow does not mean change.

Where there'll be no room for the fun and the strange.

There I'll reside,

Until I die.

I'll pass the days,

And silence my cry.

Or...Perhaps I won't?

Perhaps I shall stay?

Indeed I could stay with my toys and my friends;

And our adventures would never come to an end.

After all I am loved here by most, and feared by the rest.

Imagine the fun of putting their love to the test...

The very idea makes my blood flow fast.

A new game to help Wonderland forget its dark past.

Not only their hero, but also their queen.

I'd make Wonderland better, than has ever been seen.

New pointy toys and new twisted friends.

I'd never face loneliness ever again.

So I will forget

And I won't be sad.

For I choose to stay,

in the land of the mad.