
Author's Note: Please note that this is an AU-story. I have been toying with the idea of writing them into the legal field for a while now and I'll have a shot with it now. Let's see how it turns out, huh? ;)

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. So keep your lawyers in check. ;-)

"Freeze! Put that knife to the floor and keep your hands where I can see them!" A steady voice cut through the night and he was blinded by a sudden beam of light. Desperate to shield his eyes from it, he jerked up his arm and pressed his hand onto his aching eyeballs.

"I said put your hands where I can see them!" the voice repeated and footsteps approached, accompanied by the lighter tapping of paws. He could distinguish the low growl of what had to be a large dog and swallowed. He had always been afraid of dogs.

"Pleaseā€¦" he whispered, but his plea for mercy was lost in the crescendo of voices around him. He finally remembered to obey their orders and dropped the knife, the blade causing an almost musical noise on the tiles.

His breaths came ragged and the sweat of fear trickled down between his shoulderblades as a bulky man in a dark jacket approached him, his 9 mm Smith and Wesson, the FBI standard weapon, raised.

"Don't make a move," he said, more gently now, as if not willing to startle the suspect.

He remained frozen in place, his hand shielding his poor eyes. He could feel something liquid smudging his eyes and a scream began to form in his throat when the metal stench of blood evaded his nostrils.

He dropped his hands and frantically blinked to restore his eyesight.

Choking with fear he looked down onto his hands and found them smeared with dark-red blood. Stumbling backwards, he slipped on the tiles and fell into the horror that surrounded him.

Blood covered the white tiles, was smeared in grotesque patterns all around him.

He felt strong hands grip his arms firmly and as they came together on his back and the distinctive clicking of handcuffs rattled his ears. Then he spotted the body, slumped on the floor only inches away from him.

And finally, he screamed.