Disclaimer:I don't own anything…
Author's note:-sigh- again! Sorry for being so late! However, I have been extremely busy, with some projects of my university, I haven't had enough free time lately…but I managed to write this chapter. heh just because I haven't updated lately doesn't mean that I am not going to continue it…oh about the jealousy thing, this chapter shows the beginning of it, heheh because to make it even more interesting (dangerous) I had to add something more…on my opinion this is the chapter that I like the most, because it shows another side of Nao, that I haven't showed in the previous chapters. Anyways I apologize again, and I have to warn you guys that this chapter is really LONG, so please don't kill me for that…well enough babbling and enjoy reading it!
AnimeJock: you will probably laugh if you knew how many times I have read your review! I am the one that should be thanking you for taking your time writing it! Haha is kind of funny because I agree with you, I really don't like seeing Natsuki and Nao as something more. About Tomoe, don't worry the least thing that I would do is to make her fall for Shizuru, because she always does and it's about time that someone gives her a break…I think that second to Takeda she is the most hated character because usually in the stories she is the bad one. On this one, I am not making her good´ but I'll promise you that she will be different, maybe just maybe you'll end up liking her heheh. Anyways I hope that you also enjoy this chapter and thanks again for that awesome review!
Uwiechan: bloody god! How can I deny you something when you ask like that huh? –sigh- you do have a point, Shizuru is ALWAYS the jealous one mourning over Natsuki's love…I can't promise you that she won't be jealous because it has to happen, what I can assure you is that she would definitely not be the only one here jealous. I'll do my best to make this jealousy different from what you have read ok? So please –puppy eyes- don't stop reading my story!
The Silly Tactics to Make You Fall In Love
Chapter 8: Silly Tactic # 3: Player
Dinning hall…
"-Smiling-Bye-bye Natsuki-chin! And good luck with the girls!"
"Shut up! You bloody Baka-sensei! Luck my bloody ass!"
"That's not the way to talk to your lovely sensei, Natsuki-chin! Nao-chan! Take her with those girls now!"
"Sure thing…see ya later senpai, Baka-sensei…I'll guarantee that we will see results this time! Right pooch?"
"-Grumbling- right my ass…" Sensei you are so going to pay for this!
"Sheesh talk about grumpy!…someone seems to be in her days…"
"-Blushing- Shut up!"
"Start walking pooch, we got a hell of a lot of things to do today!"
"-Angry- yeah…how awesome…" man…this sucks…
Nao's bedroom
"All right! Now is just you and me pooch!"
"What the hell! What are we doing in your bedroom spider?…didn't she told me something about destroying my shyness?…OH NO! PLEASE DON'T DO ANYTHING TO ME NAO!! MIDORI-SENSEI! CHIE-SAN! HELP ME!"
"-Angry- If you try to do something pervert to me… I am going to kick your butt spider!"
"Like I would do something to you pooch…sheesh talk about jumpy…I wonder what Shizuru-hime did to you last night? You are in such a weird mood today pooch…"
"-Blushing- shut up! She didn't do anything! Besides who was the perverted idiot that said, that when two people are alone in the same bedroom they should do um…eh… s-something! huh? HUH?"
"Hahaha you sucker! Does that mean that if you are in the same bedroom with Baka-sensei, you are going to do something with her huh? I was talking about you and Shizuru-hime you idiotic pooch!"
"Sucker! How can you say that about my sensei! If you keep saying stuff like that I am going to have nightmares for the rest of my life!"
"Oh? Are you saying that because you find Baka-sensei unattractive? Hah! You have to admit it pooch, that even Baka-sensei has her stuff heheh…"
"-blushing- W-what s-stuff…what are you talking a-about?"
"-smirking- a very…very nice…cleavage heheh…"
"-blushing- you perverted idiot! Don't talk like that about my sensei!"
"Sheesh…it was a bloody joke pooch…but what I said about Baka-sensei is true…haven't you checked her out?"
"Not even a little peek pooch huh? And when she comes to hug you, haven't you-"
"Hahaha! Ok! Ok! I get it! I was just testing you pooch…damn you have serious trouble controlling that blush of yours! Without you realizing it we just had our first talk about ladies attributes, wasn't it nice pooch?"
"Nice my ass…thanks to your perverted comment, now I'll be scared to be near of my sensei forever!"
"Damn…It seems that we have a lot of work to do with that bloody shyness of yours pooch!"
"Shut it! What are we doing here anyways! And you better answer me now you sucker! And please no more –blushing- talking about Midori-sensei "stuff" ok? Or I would kick your butt!"
"Aw! How cute! The pooch is embarrassed! Don't worry pooch I will tell Baka-sensei to hug you more frequently, so you will be able to feel-"
"Sheesh ok!…Didn't I told you before that today we are going to meet my cool beauties? Well, you can't go there like this pooch! You must be ready! That's the main reason of why we are here, I am going to explain you my next Tactic…"
"Ready? Oh bloody god…don't tell me that they are going to do something with me!"
"Nah…well I can't assure you anything…sometimes when I left them unattended…they can behave a little wild you know…heheh not that I mind of course…"
"Spider! You told me that I was only going to look! You bloody liar!"
"Come on pooch! You can't dispose of your bloody shyness by just looking! You need some real experience! But I am so warning you pooch! That doesn't mean that I am allowing you to steal my hotties, you got that?"
"Ha! As I if would like any of them, they are no match for Shizuru, you know…"
"Yeah right…just you wait until you see that bunch of smoking hot ladies! Not that they can compare with that hot piece of ass that my crush is…"
"-Blushing- stop talking so bluntly about girls you idiot! I'll promise that I would look at whatever you want spider, but…-puppy eyes- please don't make me do anything perverted!"
"Aw pooch! Don't be such a sissy! I really want you to get the girl you know…you are never going to get her if you keep being a naïve sucker. I'll do my best with this tactic, so just trust me ok?"
"-Sigh- ok…so you said something about being ready? What are you waiting for you idiot? Speak!"
"That's my pooch! Ok…Since things are getting good with Shizuru-hime, I think that you seriously need to get to the next level!"
"Huh? The next level? What are you talking about spider?"
"Well…last night when I was spying you pooch, I realized something…you are quite the sweet talker, but words are not enough for a smoking hot goddess like her. Because at some point like last night, she is going to get in the mood and we don't want you to screw another opportunity again! Therefore, you HAVE to be the one to make the first move next time! Trust me pooch if you take the lead she is going to get the hots for you. But as stupid and shy as you are right now, you are never going to impress her, that's why you have to be bolder!"
"The first move? Taking the lead? What you are talking about spider? that sounds like a plan to win a battle or something…and what's that mood thing anyways huh? I don't understand…"
"Damn…I totally forgot for a second there that you have a socially retarded brain, but don't worry pooch! I am going to explain you this in a way that even a naïve sucker like you would understand!"
"Retarded my bloody ass! Stop calling me like that you idiot!"
"Do you always have to hit me you bloody pooch?"
"You deserve it! Now tell me what do you actually meant spider!"
"-Sigh- Ok…in order to win Shizuru-hime's heart! Because both of us know that "like" is not the same as "love"… you Natsuki "pooch" Kruger…you need to stop being so bloody shy with the ladies! After thinking a lot about it, I came with the most awesome ultimate plan! So the name of my next undeniably successful tactic is called: Player!"
"Player? Playing what? I'm still without understanding you weirdo; can't you use more specific words huh?"
"You idiot…a player is someone like me!"
"Like you? I have to be more like a perverted moron to win Shizuru's heart? There is no way in hell that I am going to do that spider! One like you is more than enough!"
"SHUT IT! I am not a moron you sucker! What I meant with that is that you have to stop being so innocent! Moreover, a player you idiot is someone that has a tons of hotties, just like me! But we are not getting a lot of hotties for you; we don't want Shizuru-hime to kick your ugly butt for cheating on her…"
"I guess that you are right…after all…-blushing- I r-really want to kiss Shizuru…but I'm afraid that I would faint before it actually happens…"
"Yeah I can see that… you are all bloody red just by talking about it! Cool down a little pooch! I promise you that when we finish using the "player" tactic, you are not only going to gather enough courage to kiss her, but also for getting in her pa-"
"Shut up you perverted idiot! Now tell me of what this "player" Tactic is about!"
"You bloody aggressive! I told you that we can't get you any hottie because that could get you in trouble with your goddess…besides you are so in love with her that I doubt that you agree to do something with someone else… so you are going to spend the entire day with me! You are going to meet my hotties and you are so going to see what Yuuki Nao the sexiest thing alive does to have fun on a regular day!"
"Uh…well I am still unconvinced about this "player" stuff…and why do you believe that this tactic is so special spider? How can you tell that this would be a huge success huh?" sexiest thing alive my ass…Shizuru is the sexiest thing alive! Anyways…that moron has many fan girls, so this tactic is probably going to be successful…
"Do you really want me to answer the obvious pooch?"
"Of course that I do! You idiot!" I still have my doubts about this, because I could get in a serious mess with Shizuru if I screw this up…
"Ok…just imagine pooch! If you could act like me, talk a little more like me and look as half as good as I look, there is no girl that wouldn't fall for you! I am the living proof of it! This tactic is so not going to fail! Because I am confident in my skills, you know! I even surpassed my own sensei on this! So yeah, there is no question that this time is going to work out!"
"Huh? You have a sensei? Chie-san taught you to be a huge pervert? Oh bloody god! How come that you never told me about that spider? I can't believe that someone even more perverted than you, actually exists! I knew it! That innocent face of "I don't do anything" of Chie-san was a full lie!"
"Hahaha! You are the one that has that face you idiot! Because you really "don't do anything", so shut it pooch! Oh! And about Chie-san being my sensei of the charming arts with the ladies…you are so very wrong! She is not my sensei!"
"Huh? What? Then who is it? Wait…don't tell me! I know who taught you that bunch of perverted stuff!"
"You really know who pooch?"
"Sure! It was Midori-sensei that taught you that!"
"Baka-sensei? Hahaha! Don't make me laugh pooch! She is as stupid as you are…oh well not that much, but I can assure you that when it comes to "love situations" she really sucks! So…is quite obvious that she is not my sensei…you are never going to find out! I am only going to introduce her to you if the "player" tactic fails! So stop bothering me you idiotic pooch!"
"Ok…but you have to tell me later who your sensei is. Sheesh…the only bad thing about this tactic is that I know that we are going to do something pervert…and to make things even worse I found out that another perverted moron like you actually exist! Damn it! Why must winning someone's heart is so bloody difficult huh?"
"Hey! That's not the way to call it! We players never say the word "pervert" We are doing something "niceeee" not "perverted" you sucker! So don't you say that word ever again pooch! You got it?"
"For me is the same thing you loser…I really don't like this idea! And I thought that I just needed to bear talking with a bunch of perverted fan girls! You never told me that I was supposed to act like you spider!"
"Shut it already pooch! Now is not the time to complain! I have some hotties to introduce to you! When I said that I would destroy that shyness of yours I really mean it! The only way of achieving that is with this tactic! You are going to thank me later for this you sucker! "
"Yeah right…I am so going to thank you for throwing me to a pack of perverted fan girls…"
"-Laughing- oh yes you will! Let's go pooch we have to transform you into a player by the end of the day! So move it!"
Academy halls…
"Wait a minute spider…now that I think about it…I want to tell you something…"
"Now what's itching you pooch?"
"Shut it! Huh…well...I…you are going to get pissed off, if I tell you…"
"Come on! Just tell me pooch!"
"Y-you are about to teach me how to become a pervert… do you really think that this would work out? Is this really, what I need to win Shizuru's heart?"
"Hey! You are starting to offend me pooch! Get to the point!"
"Uh…what I actually mean is…how could someone as perverted as you can teach me something about love, if you have never taken anybody seriously? If you are so talented then why your crush isn't with you now?" man…that was harsh…-gulp- but I really needed to tell her…I don't want to screw it again…failure this time could lead Shizuru out of my reach…
"-Angry-Did you? Did you just imply that I have never loved somebody Natsuki?"
"N-nao! I'm sorry I didn't mean it in that way…i-is just…that I…I don't want to screw it again with Shizuru…I don't want to lose her you know…the time is running out, another mistake and that's it…"
"Heheh you idiotic pooch!"
"Huh? What's wrong with you spider? Aren't you mad with me or something?"
"Let me tell you something pooch, I don't know anybody else that has loved someone as much as I did…you don't understand pooch, I used to think the same way as you do now, but you know? Because of thinking in that way…right now I just have a broken heart and an impossible crush…"
"I'm sorry spider…I didn't mean to hurt your feelings like that…forget what I said…"
"Aw pooch shut it! You are getting too mushy! I understand sucker…you are getting nervous because you have less time to win her heart, but don't worry pooch, remember that you have my help on this! Besides I can't blame you for saying that…because that's the truth, I don't take any of those girls seriously. Only Tomoe-san is the only one that I want you got that?"
"Does that mean that she was the one that broke your heart spider? I didn't know about that…s-so she was your g-girlfriend or something?"
"Huh? Why are you so interested in my past pooch? Nah…she wasn't my girlfriend, well she was going to be…but…sheesh just forget about it! I don't want to talk about that…it was a long time ago so don't ask me again! You got that you bloody pooch?"
"A long time ago? So you started to have a crush on Marguerite-san, when we didn't know each other? That really sucks you know…but why didn't you mentioned anything about this before huh?"
"Hey pooch! Shut up! I will tell you about what happened…when I feel like talking about it…but right now, you are really starting to piss me off! So let's go and check out my cool beauties!"
"Ok spider…but you have to promise me that you will tell me about that later!"
"Hey! No more talking about that you sucker! Or do you want me to start talking about Shizuru hime's awesome pink underwear? How does that sound pooch?"
"-Blushing- S-SHUT UP!! Let's go then…I don't want to spend my entire afternoon with you spider…the sooner we get out of this tactic the better…"
"I wouldn't say that pooch! How can't you possibly not want to spend the entire day checking out girls huh? There must be something sooo wrong with your brain you know…"
"-Smirking- hah! you are just eager to meet my cool beauties aren't you pooch? You don't need to hide it, it's perfectly understandable! After all seeing a lot of smoking hot ladies gathered around you and willing to do anything, is so very tempting heheh"
"Sheesh…you are not fun at all pooch…"
Academy classrooms (aka: Nao-chan's worshiping area)
"Just look at that pooch! Enjoy the view! An entire classroom filled of smoking hot ladies! Damn! The temperature is already rising up heheh! soooo hot!"
"Hot? You idiot! I'm bloody freezing!"
"You bloody pooch! I said that because of the bunch of smoking hot ladies!"
"Oh!...I think I get it…but…um…what's that supposed to mean? What does the temperature has to do with ladies huh?"
"You sucker…just forget that I said something, I wasn't expecting you to understand anyways pooch…so now let's get ready for the ladies!"
"R-ready? Oh bloody god…please Shizuru…forgive me, for this!"
"-Shaking finger- No! no! Pooch! From this point you just have to forget Shizuru-hime for a while, all right?"
"-Puppy eyes- All right…" man this really sucks…sheesh why can't Shizuru just fall in love with me right now huh? This "player" stuff is so not like me…I feel like I am cheating on her or something…
"Hey there my cool beauties!"
"-Squeals- NAO-CHAN !!"
"Heheh…how are you doing today cuties? Missing me already?"
"Nao-chan! Of course that we missed you! After all, we haven't seen you in like…one day, two hours, twenty-four minutes and thirty-two seconds…that is just too much for us right girls?"
-Shudders- talk about creepy…these fan girls of the spider are scaring the hell out of me they even count the seconds! someone should seriously get them a life…
"Aw I am so sorry to hear that my lovely ladies…but as all of you can see I am currently helping Kruger-sama with her training, so I haven't given all of you the attention that you deserve…I promise that I would make up for it, so don't worry about it my cool beauties!"
"-Giggles- Nao-chan!"
"Nao-chan, why is Kruger-sama so red? Is something wrong with her?"
"Oh! Nothing like that baby girl, you know that Kruger-sama trains so much everyday, she is tired, so don't worry about that, she is actually here, because she told me that she needed a break, so why don't you all my cutie pies be nice and try to make Kruger-sama feel more relaxed?" haha! This is sooo much fun! Let's see how you handle this pooch…
"…" OH! bloody god! This can't get worse! What if Shizuru passes by huh? She would totally kill me…feel relaxed? That sounds like something pervert! I don't think that I could get out of this alive…
"Of course Nao-chan!"
"Did you heard that Kruger-sama? Aren't my hotties nice? They are going to make you feel way more better, after your training! Isn't it awesome Kruger-sama?"
"-Stiff- …." I am so dead right now…oh god I am cheating…this is so wrong!
"Isn't it? Kru-ger sa-ma?" you better answer now pooch, or I would kick that ugly butt of yours!
"Aw! Kruger-sama always looks so intimidating! But right now she just looks totally adorable right girls?"
"-Blushing- um…t-thanks…"
"-Gasps- wow! She actually said something!"
"Awww! Kruger-sama you are so cute, you should talk with us more frequently! I am sure that every girl in this academy would love to talk with such an adorable girl like our majesty!"
"Oh yes! I would totally love to talk more with our majesty! Doesn't she looks like a cute little puppy girls?"
"Oh yes she does! I bet that our majesty fiancée must be delighted with her! Sooo cute!"
"-Furiously blushing- ….." this is so embarrassing…I am not c-cute! At least they haven't tried to do something pervert with me…yet…
"So, Kruger-sama, Nao-chan told us that you were training a lot today"
"Oh! Can we do something for our cute majesty then?"
"-gulp- N-no…I am…f-fine…" damn…spider that's enough…please cut it out already! I didn't like the sound of that…I don't want to do anything pervert!
"-laughing- It seems that Kruger-sama is feeling better now. Thank you my cool beauties! However, if all of you keep those compliments, I am going to start feeling…a little abandoned. I am definitely starting to think that my hotties, didn't really missed me that much…" aw pooch…you just missed the good part…well, at least you didn't faint and that's a start, but I am afraid that this wasn't enough…it seems that I have to do something about this…
"-Gasps- Nao-chan! How can you say that! Of course that we missed you!"
"Nao-chan please! Don't even mention that again!"
"Oh! Nao-chan we would never change you for anything!"
"Well…words are just that…words…so I guess that all of you have to prove me right now…-smirking- just how much all of you missed me…" okay! You better pay attention to this pooch! This is going to be a hot ladies overload hehheh!
"-Whispering- Spider! What the bloody hell are you doing! Don't tell me that all of them are going to kiss you!"
"-whispering- no…not all of them are going to kiss me you idiot, some of them hug me, bite me, lick me and who knows maybe I get lucky enough to grab a smoking hot ass heheh…"
"-Panicking- oh bloody god! I am so not going to look at that bunch of perverted stuff!"
"-Whispering- you are so going to look! How can you stop being so shy if you can't even handle looking other people kissing huh? If you dare to cover your eyes pooch, then I'm going to kick your ugly butt! I'm warning you!"
"-Whispering- I don't bloody want to look!"
"Eh…could all my hunnies give me a second? Kruger-sama wants to tell me something!"
"-Giggles-Of course Nao-chan!"
"I'll be right back my cool beauties!"
"What the hell is your bloody problem pooch huh?"
"What is my problem? I don't want to be surrounded by that bunch of perverted girls anymore! I feel like I am cheating on Shizuru or something!"
"As far as I know sucker, you haven't done anything, so you haven't cheated on her! So stop being such a loser and let's go back inside! You just managed to mumble something and blush like a total idiot! That is not enough to get rid of your shyness! I already told you pooch, that we are not going to get you in trouble with your goddess, so stop thinking about that already!"
"No buts you sucker! Now we are so going back inside, and I want you to pay attention to what I am about to do all right? Last night you couldn't recognize how someone looks when it's about to kiss, so this time you have to learn the "look" you got that pooch?"
"-angry- I bloody got it…"Ok Natsuki…you are like…screwed right now…so just breathe…and while they are doing perverted stuff with the spider you just have to think in something awesome to distract yourself…hopefully this player stuff will be over soon…
"That's exactly what I wanted to hear! Now let's go back!"
Inside the classroom…
"I am back my cool beauties! So, who is going to be the lucky first to show me how much she missed me huh?"
"Not fair I'm the first one!"
"Nao-chan I want to be the first!"
"I am prettier than you! So I should go first!"
"No way! Nao-chan is going to pick me not you!"
"Now, now ladies calm down ok? There is plenty of me for all of you…there is no need to fight! I don't like it when all of you fight for me…do you girls want to make me sad?"
"-Gasps- Nao-chan! Please don't get sad!"
"All right my cool beauties…I will decide who is first ok?" now who is the one with the shortest skirt…hohoh that one! Very nice…now that's what I like to call a nice butt! Ha! But even if they are all my hotties… they are just no match for your heavenly smoking hot ass Tomoe-san…yeah none of those butts are major nosebleed material…only yours…
"Hai! Nao-chan!"
"Eh…damn I can't remember her name… but it's not my fault! Sheesh why they are so many? Heh guess that I am so irresistible…you my cool beauty! You are the first one!" yeah nobody is as hot as you are Tomoe-san…you are the only one that I keep always on my mind…the only name that I really care about to remember…my real cool beauty…
"-giggling- I am your favorite right Nao-chan?"
"Yes…you are…" Tomoe-san…
Nao…that's weird…she is about to do something pervert…she should be smirking or something… but why her eyes…why they look so sad? I haven't seen them like that before…could it be about what she mentioned about Marguerite-san?
"Nao-chan? What's wrong?"
"Huh? Oh nothing! I was just thinking about how nice you look today heheh…" bloody hell…I got distracted by a second…Tomoe-san the things that you make me do…
God they are getting so close! Damn, she is seriously going to kiss that girl! Bloody god…I don't want to look…ok…Natsuki don't panic…just think about something really nice…uh…Shizuru…Shizuru…damn it they are bloody kissing…ugh this is too much for me to handle right now…can't t-think…
"-Smirking- Very nice! It seems that you missed me a lot my cool beauty…" ok pooch did you got all of that? Pooch…huh? She fainted? I can't bloody believe this…
"-Blushing- Nao-chan…"
"Nao-chan! What's wrong with Kruger-sama?"
"Ehh…I am so sorry my cool beauties but I am afraid that we have to leave this for some other time…it seems that Kruger-sama is not feeling good…so can we do this later?"
"-gasps- but Nao-chan…you are leaving us again?"
"You promised to stay with us!"
"Nao-chan please don't leave us!"
"Aww come on my cutie pies! Why that long faces? I really have to help Kruger-sama…so could all of you make me happy by showing me your lovely smiles huh?"
"Giggles- all right Nao-chan! We are going to wait!"
"Remember that you promised us Nao-chan!"
"Heheh! Now that's what I like to see, all my cutie pies smiling! I'll promise that I would make up for it next time!" pooch you are so going to pay for this!
Nao's bedroom
"Pooch! You bloody idiot come on! Wake up already!"
"Ugh…damn…it…spider! Stop slapping me you sucker…"
"Pooch you just totally screwed it! You couldn't even handle that? Well…at this rate you can kiss good-bye Shizuru-hime! You are never going to win her heart like that you bloody loser!"
"Shut up… it wasn't my fault! You were about to kiss a bunch of creepy girls, that was too much for me…couldn't we do something a little less..uh…perverted?"
"What? My cool beauties are not creepy you idiotic pooch! Less perverted? Do you call a bloody kiss perverted? Then…I guess that you are not good enough for Shizuru-hime...maybe I should pay her a little visit, I am not a shy moron like you, so she is definitely going to appreciate my company heheh..."
"-Angry-What did you just said Nao?"
"Aww did that hurt your feelings pooch? –Angry-You better listen to me now loser, if you don't keep trying then she would be gone by the end of the month! Why don't you try a little harder huh? Are you so seriously in love with her as you claim to be Natsuki? You really have an opportunity unlike me…and you are totally wasting it!"
"Nao! How dare you to question my love for Shizuru! How can you talk about love huh? You admitted that you don't take anybody seriously!...you have gone too far this time!"
"Too far? You are the one that has gone too far! Saying that I don't freaking know anything about love! You loser don't know how it feels to be heartbroken! You don't know how is to be desperately in love with someone and be rejected in the most painful way! At least Shizuru-hime is giving you an opportunity! So don't you ever say that again Natsuki!"
"Nao…I… I'm such an idiot…please forgive me…I really shouldn't have said that…"
"Hey, there is no need for you to get all touchy because of that pooch…Why don't we just forget about it?"
"Nao…why don't you tell me about what happened between you and Marguerite-san? I saw you before, back there with those girls, you were sad! If something's troubling you, then why don't you let me help you out?"
"I don't want to…So let's go; we have plenty of things to do…"
"No! We are not going anywhere, until you tell me what is troubling you spider! what is it huh? You don't trust me enough?"
"Look…sometimes people has things that they just try to leave in the past… well this is one of those things, and I don't feel like talking about it right now…"
"But you mentioned before that someone turned you down and that you don't have any opportunity…are you talking about Marguerite-san? What did she-"
"Shut up! I said that I don't want to talk about that…"
"Come on Nao! Don't be such an idiot! Who told me that best friends are supposed to help each other no matter what huh?"
"That was me…I said that…"
"Then? Are you backing up at your own words? You bloody coward! You know that keeping something that is troubling you to yourself is no good! So stop acting as if you had a stick on your ass or something! Sheesh…you are so not cool like that spider…"
"-Laughing- Pooch you idiot! I guess you are right, you are my best friend after all…I am going to tell you…but I am warning you! If someone else finds out about this, your sorry ass is so dead you got that? Besides I have a reputation to keep you know…so not telling anybody about my embarrassing display of mushy words!"
"It's a promise spider! I won't tell anybody else!"
"Ok...don't you dare to break that promise! And…"
"Huh? What spider?"
"I'm sorry for what I said before pooch…I got carried away, it wasn't my intention to be so harsh with you…"
"Aww! I didn't knew that you were such a big softie spider! But well forgive me too, I was such an idiot, I shouldn't have said all of those things…Now tell me about what happened spider!"
"Shut it! I am not a softie! Anyways…three years ago before I met you pooch, I was as naïve as you are right now…um well not that much, I don't believe that someone else like you actually exist…"
"You idiot! Shut up and start telling me!"
"-Laughing- all right…well it started like this…"
It was snowing outside, and the current class was as boring as hell. I asked for permission to go to the bathroom, with the intentions of not going back to my classes of that day. To tell you the truth, a bunch of falling snow seemed more appealing to me on that moment, than to listen to some ancestors history crap. So I ditched, and I took a sit on a bench in the gardens. Since I was so lost on my own thoughts, I didn't noticed that someone just took a seat by my side. However, I did felt as if someone was looking at me, I turned around just to see, the hottest girl that I had ever seen in my entire life. She was looking at me so intensely while a beautiful smile was adorning her face. I am not going to lie I was as nervous as hell, my hands were sweating and I could feel my face slightly burning. I couldn't believe my luck, such a beautiful girl was sitting next to me. I was also freaking out, what was I supposed to do on that moment? Well I now know what, but on that time, I certainly didn't have the slightest idea. Since I didn't wanted to look like an idiot in front of her, I just decided to keep my mouth shut…
End of flashback…
"Wow spider! That is just so out of character for you! Oh bloody god…I didn't knew that you could talk like that! It sounds like…romantic or something…Damn! please tell me what happened next!"
"S-shut it pooch! T-that's not r-romantic you sucker! Stop saying that or I am not going to tell you the rest of the story!"
"Oh come on spider! Please continue with the story! But keep that romantic narration thing; it makes it sound so awesome!"
"Ouch! Ok…I get it spider…so what happened next huh?"
"Pooch you are such an idiot! Well…"
Said hot girl looked at me with an amused expression on her face, showing me again that awesome smile of hers, and still looking flawless, she said, "Excuse me, you have been staring me for the past few minutes, without uttering a single word…I was wondering if you could actually talk…"
"I talk…I mean, um, yeah, I can…" I said stumbling over the words and looking like the biggest idiot ever…
She chokes out a laugh "Oh! I am aware of that now…"
Great…just what I needed on that moment, that gorgeous goddess was totally making fun of my stupidity, I seriously wanted to kick my own ugly butt on that moment…
Still giggling, she looked directly into my eyes, of course I immediately directed my gaze to the other side, trying miserably to hide my stupid blush. In an amused tone, she spoke "well…now that I am certain that you can actually "talk" I just wanted to let you know that you just seemed so lonely, that I could not possibly resist the urge of making you company, please forgive me for my rudeness…"
I just nodded, unable to speak and not taking my eyes of the snow covered ground. Opening my bloody mouth before, was a huge mistake and I was so not going to repeat it again, not in front of that goddess anyways, but that was until she said something again…
"Oh! It seems that you are not very talkative, could it be that my presence is actually bothering you?"
"I am glad to hear that, so what is Yuuki Nao doing out of the classroom? Let me guess, the class was boring you to death…"
"-Blushing- W-what? How do you-"?
"How do I know your name? Well…it happens that we are in the same history class, the same one that you so religiously like to skip; I am amazed by the fact that our teacher actually let you go out, knowing that you were not planning to come back…"
All right, that goddess knew my name? And to make things even more shocking we were actually in the same boring class? That couldn't be…how come that I haven't noticed her before? I should have notice her…
While trying to suppress my shyness, I finally managed to mutter, "S-so…um, what's your name? I…I mean since you s-seem to know mine…"
She smiles again "Forgive me, I got carried away and I totally forgot to introduce myself, how rude of my part…my name is Tomoe Marguerite..."
I dared to stare at her, getting a better look of her face, that I couldn't get before because of my bloody shyness, and she was just simply breathtaking. As mushy as it sounds I have only talked to her for ten minutes, well she talked to me because I was busy being a total idiot, but I swear that I already had a huge crush on her…
"Um…Nice to meet you Marguerite-san…b-but how come that I…I haven't seen you before?"
"Oh…well that is because you can not actually see someone if you always ditch classes…"
"-Blushing-That is not my fault! Our sensei is so boring, plus I don't understand half of the things that they are explaining…I rather be here freezing and all alone, than to listen to that bunch of boring stuff…"
"Alone? I didn't know that you liked to be just like Kruger-sama…"
"Kruger-sama? W-what about her?"
"Kruger-sama is so unapproachable…she just spends the entire day training or polishing her sword, she doesn't even talk with anybody else, just with her sensei…I tried to talk to her before but it seems that she is not particularly interested in making any friends...she was rather rude if you ask me…"
Someone just rejected her? Who could that idiot be? My shyness totally forgotten by that point, I was just infuriated by the comment because I will never say no to such a gorgeous goddess…
"That Kruger-sama sounds like an idiot! how could she just ignore you like that? I am not like her!"
"-Giggling- I am sorry for comparing you Yuuki-san, but about the boring classes, now that you actually noticed me, we could always talk and make it less boring, that is only if you want, of course…"
"Yuuki-san…you just implied that class is boring, but it wouldn't be anymore, if we could keep talking like this…" then her expression changed, she looked almost hurt when she asked me "or could it be that you find me uninteresting Yuuki-san?"
"No…that's not it" I finally managed to smile "I was just wondering…if you were up to the task..."
"-Smiling-Does that mean that you are going to stop ditching classes and keep talking with me?"
"I…I don't know…class is so boring…it depends on you…"
End of flashback…
"Hey! You were badmouthing me! You bloody spider! How could you say that I was an idiot huh? You hypocrite!"
"You sucker! We didn't knew each other on that time! Plus is the truth! You are such an idiot sometimes! Are you going to let me finish this or what?"
"Oh yeah…sorry about interrupting, but man you two surely had something awesome, I didn't knew that you could behave like that, without being a total pervert, you know…"
"Shut it! I haven't finished telling you, later you will find out the reason behind that "pervert behavior" so let me continue…"
"So it depends on if I am actually up to the task? Oh I can assure you that I am…after all, I too ditched today's class, just to get to know my rebellious classmate…"
"-Blushing- rebellious? I am everything but that…b-but since you took all the trouble just to know me…I…I guess that I just can't refuse…"
"-Laughing- so you are only going to stop ditching classes? What about the two of us?"
"-Blushing- T-the two of us?"
"Yes…I mean the two of us talking…"
"Oh! Right! Well…um…Ok…"
"Is that a yes?"
"Well, I mean, um, y-yeah…"
"How wonderful! It's a promise then Yuuki-san…"
The look of happiness on her face…was priceless. But what really made me feel all warm inside was when she suddenly hugged me, of course I didn't had the opportunity to wrap my arms around her and hug her back because I was petrified…what an idiot I was…
End of flashback…
"Hey…why do you stop spider? It was just getting interesting and even more mushy!"
"Shut it pooch! I am just mentally preparing myself for the last part…that's the one that I don't like to remember…if you are so happy with the mushy narration, then I should end the story right here, because what is next is everything but that pooch…"
"I want to hear the entire story! I am really curious to find out how did you started to have a crush on Marguerite-san!"
"You bloody pooch! Since the moment I saw her I had a crush on her! Now shut it, because I want to end this story right now, before I start getting mushy and acting like a sissy just as you pooch! And I have a reputation to keep you know…"
"Argg! Stop calling me sissy you bloody spider!"
"Shut it pooch! After I agreed to what Tomoe-san asked me…"
She was always sitting by my side on classes; we had always an awesome time together
She was so very right, I wasn't bored anymore…I guess it was because of the crush that I had, because all day long I was like thinking about her. She always made fun of me saying that I was never paying attention to anything else but her…and she was so right, but how could I think about something else, when having my crush around me all the time? My secret inner devotion was obviously affecting me on those boring classes so my sensei ended up warning me that I should study a little more…
"Yuuki-san! I can't believe that you failed! You must do the test again!"
"Sheesh…Ok…no need to get so angry sensei, I'll promise that I am not going to fail next time!"
"You better keep that promise Yuuki-san…"
"Yeah…yeah whatever…"
"Nao-san…I think that you should study for it, I don't want you to fail again, I am going to start thinking that is because I'm distracting you…"
"What? No way! You are not distracting me Tomoe-san…plus studying is boring, so I don't want to do it anyways…"
"Ok…I'll study for it…Tomoe-san…"
Yeah…I didn't feel like studying but my crush was asking me to do it so I couldn't refuse… after the class, we went back to the same bench to talk a little before escorting her back to her room. However, that day I was feeling a little mushy, so I don't know what made me ask her such a thing but I did it anyways…
"Tomoe-san…I was wondering, if you…I mean, do you have a favorite thing?"
"-Giggling- why are you asking this all of the sudden Nao-san?"
"Well…I just feel like I want to know more about you…"
"Ok…my favorite thing besides a dream that I had with you last night? Well…actually there is something, but I think it's quite meaningless to mention it right now…"
"-Blushing- uh…thanks for sharing your nocturnal explicit dreams…but seriously, just tell me what is it..."
"-Laughing- explicit? I actually never mentioned what kind of dream I had with you last night…or could it be that you really wanted me to dream like that about you?"
"-Blushing- H-hey! Drop it! Just answer the question Tomoe-san!"
"You are always so impatient Nao-san! But if you insist I will tell you…but are you sure about not wanting to know what I was dreaming last night?"
"It's a flower…"
"A flower? As far as I know none of those grow around here, are you sure about that?"
"See? I told you it was meaningless…I should not have said anything…"
"H-hey…I'm sorry…so, um, how does that flower look like?"
"I saw them on the Windbloom capital; there they have gardens filled of beautiful flowers called roses, I would really like to see one again, such a pity that in this empire nothing like that can grow…"
"You went to the Windbloom capital? I couldn't possibly stand being surrounded by that bunch of stuck up aristocrats; they don't have the best of the impressions about we Nordics…"
"My family is actually from the Windbloom capital…"
"W-what...-blushing- I…I'm s-sorry I…didn't really mean it…about the stuck up aristocrats stuff…"
"-Laughing- Oh, please Nao-san! Do not worry about that, you are right, my family is exactly what you described…"
"Uh…anyways…um…it's getting late; allow me to escort you back to your room…"
"Of course Nao-san…"
Great…I just criticized my crush's family and looked like the biggest idiot ever again. So I decided to escort her back to her room, to avoid more embarrassing moments…but I didn't have the slightest idea of what was about to happen to me…we were in front of her bedroom door, and I was about to say good bye until she stopped me…
"Why the rush, Nao-san?"
"-Blushing- W-what?"
"I never got to ask you…about your favorite thing Nao-san…"
"Oh…ehh…well i-it doesn't matter T-tomoe-san…"
"It does matter to me…although I do not need to ask you anymore, because I already know what it is…"
"-Blushing-Y-you d-do?"
"W-what is it t-then?"
"-Blushing- Me…"
She was slowly approaching to my face; her face slightly blushed, her eyelids closing, our noses almost touching…and then it happened, I felt a light softness brushing against my lips and then there's added pressure, my eyes suddenly opened in shock. My crush ends our first kiss, then she smiles and closes the door behind her.
I was speechless and without still assimilating what just happened, and I was grinning like an idiot while touching my lips. I just had my very first kiss…an innocent little peck…but on that precise moment, that was just the most awesome thing ever…
I returned to my bedroom, I was trying to get some sleep. However, on that moment all that I could think about was about that kiss. On my naïve mushy mind, a thought suddenly popped into my head…yeah my crush knew that she was my favorite thing, and she gave me a kiss. But I? I didn't gave her anything…so I took the decision of asking one of the weaponry merchants to take me to Windbloom. That bloody rose was something that she wanted to see again, and I was so willing to get it no matter what…Luckily, for me the merchants were leaving on midnight.
"Hey could you take me to windbloom?"
"Huh? What a youngster like you has to do there?"
"I need to get something…please is really important"
"All right! You look like you really need to go there; well you are lucky kid, we are leaving on midnight! We got a shipment to deliver, but I am warning you, we are going to be there just for one day! So whatever you are going to do, you gotta do it quickly…"
"All right…a day is more than enough …"
I traveled to windbloom with the merchants and got the flower for Tomoe-san, however they warned me that the flower would not survive in such a cold weather, but I took it anyways, if she could be able to see it for a day it was more than enough. That bloody merchant asked me why I would do such a foolish thing as to get a flower that would obviously wither in a couple of days, I answered him that if my crush was happy by just looking at it, then it was worth all the trouble that I took to get the flower.
As I got back to the Nordic empire, the nervousness took over me. I was planning of finally confessing what I really felt. I really wanted to see her reaction so I directed myself towards the gardens. While going to the gardens I was holding the flower with care, it is true that they are pretty flowers but they are also filled with thorns and I didn't want to look like an idiot in front of her for not handling the flower correctly.
I was approaching to the same bench that we usually share until I heard some voices; I hid myself behind a tree to listen. It was Tomoe-san and some of her bloody friends…I really wish that I haven't heard of what they were talking…
"Tomoe-san! Are the rumors true? Do you really like Yuuki-san?"
"That can't be true right Tomoe-san? she comes from one of the most prestigious families! There is not even a chance that she would like someone as Yuuki-san!"
"Besides what the Marguerite family would say about you dating someone that they don't approve? I know that those are rumors Tomoe!"
"So Tomoe-san? Are those rumors true? Answer us! We do want the best for you, so if they are indeed true then we must inform your father about this…"
"Of course that they are not true…I…I was having some fun…I was just playing, do you really believe that I would like someone as Yuuki-san? So they are just that…only rumors…I was just playing…so there is really no need to inform my father about this…"
"I knew it! But for your own good you better stop hanging around with Yuuki-san…we do not want people spreading rumors…ha what a foolish girl that Yuuki-san is! She didn't even realize that you were just playing with her!"
"Ha…yes you are…r-right…foolish…"
I couldn't believe what I just heard…Tomoe-san…she was playing with me…and I was foolish enough to believe it. I clutched the flower on my hands unable to accept that the one that I was in love with…was just playing….playing with my bloody feelings. But love make us blind…and even if we have the truth before our own eyes, we refuse to accept it. So yes, I was heartbroken but I decided that I wouldn't have enough until I humiliated myself in front of her, I wanted to tell her just how miserable she made me feel. When she was, finally alone I approached her with the flower still clutched on my hand.
"Nao-san? What's wrong? And you are…holding a…a rose? But your hand is bleeding let me hel-"
"Please…don't touch me…wasn't enough for you to play with my feelings like that?"
"Nao-san…did you just heard what I was talking with them? Please I can explain…"
"There is nothing to explain…I made a fool of myself by believing you Tomoe-san…I was so naïve…I must have imagined that someone as you would never approach someone as me without some reason behind…oh right! The stupid reason was that you wanted to have some fun! You wanted to play! Hahahaha you were just playing! Do you enjoy seeing others suffering? ANSWER ME!"
"Nao-san please stop it! You must listen to what I have to say!"
"There is nothing that you could say that would change what I just heard. The damage it's already done. Why don't you just keep your words to yourself? But don't worry I have learn in the most painful way how much it hurts to love someone that doesn't love you back. Play…hehe…playing…hahaha just playing! Go and find someone else to play with…because I am over with this…"
I was still clutching the bloody rose on my right hand…I couldn't believe my bad luck on that moment, I was devastated. I didn't dare to look at her again, I just started walking leaving her behind…I took a seat in the same bench where we meet for the first time…cursing myself for feeling so bloody miserable…but I didn't knew that there was some silent witness of my tragedy…the same that saved my sorry ass existence on that moment.
"Hey…you shouldn't keep holding that stuff like that; you might get a scar if you keep crushing it in your hand…"
"As if I care about that…why don't you just shut up?"
"Come on…drop it already, what is the point of hurting yourself like that?"
"Look…why don't you just leave me alone?"
"I saw what happened…I can't leave you alone after being witness of that…"
"What does a little brat like you would know? You would never understand, so save your bloody words because I am not in the mood for hearing some self-pity crap…"
"A brat? –Laughing-Looks can be deceiving sometimes…"
"Deceiving…guess you are right…she deceived me after all…"
"There is no point in keep thinking about that…Hey, do you really love her?"
"What kind of question is that? Didn't you just see what happened?"
"That's exactly why I am asking you this…do you really love her?"
"What is the point of answering that…if I say yes…she wouldn't come back to me you know? Nothing is going to change if I answer that, because a bloody yes can't erase what just happened…"
"heh…that was everything that I wanted to hear…so you really do love her, it was to be expected…after what you did…but is amazing even if she has done this to you…do you still love her?"
"Yeah…it doesn't matter, but I have to admit that it hurts like hell…but still I love her…I am so miserable…"
"You should forget about that, because I know how you could get her back…but is not going to be easy…anyways I want to know if you are really determined on this…"
"Hah…I must be so miserable that I am listening to the advice of a brat…but oh well, go ahead…It doesn't really matter to me what it takes…I am willing to do anything…"
"Hey! I may look young, but that doesn't mean that my mind is! Anyways I want you to listen very carefully, because what I got in mind could sound a little twisted…but you told me that you are willing to do anything…since she played with you, why don't you do the same?"
"The same?"
"Yes…I know many things that I could teach you; in order to get her back…"
"Tell me more about that…"
"The only way to get her back and make her pay for what she did, is by becoming the most desirable girl in this academy! If you play with other girls feelings…and transform yourself in a charming player, there is no girl that wouldn't fall for you, this will be with the only intention of making her suffer! Until she realizes her mistake and apologizes! You'll see…she would soon regret what she has just lost, I can assure you that she would regret it so bad…"
"I'm on it…I do love her, but I can't just forgive her like that…you are right, I will make her regret it…because even if I do love her so much, I can't avoid also feeling hatred towards what she did…even if this is going to hurt both of us, I'll do it! Because I do hope to her back again…"
"We got a deal! I will teach you everything that I know, I'll promise to help you out! But you have to listen to everything that I say from now on…because soon you'll be a player!"
"Your name is Nao right?"
"Yeah…Yuuki Nao…"
"All right from now on you'll be Nao-chan!"
"Yes! No more Yuuki-san…just Nao-chan heheh! Ladies love cute names like that you know… there is no need to be so formal with the cutie pies. So are you ready to start learning about cool beauties Nao-chan huh?"
"C-cool beauties?"
"Uh-huh! Oh and I forgot to mention this…but we players can't be shy you know, because ladies are our priority now, and they don't certainly like shy morons…so we just have to work on that…it won't be an easy ride, but don't worry about it, because you have me now!"
"W-why are you doing all of this for me?"
"Why you ask? Heh isn't it quite obvious? You are a girl and that is my biggest weakness! I can't stand seeing a girl suffering…plus you do got potential! I get this feeling that you would become soon a total cool beauty!"
"-laughing- you just saved my sorry ass existence, sorry about the brat thing that I said before, I really have to swallow my own words now, because you are everything but that…I really owe you a big one um…?"
"You can call me Sensei…"
"All right Sensei! I am more than ready! So now teach me everything you know about cool beauties!"
"Heheh! That's the attitude Nao-chan! Now let's start with this already!"
End of flashback…
"Oh bloody god! Spider you are so awesome! Please forget everything that I told you before! Man! You are like the most romantic person that I know! Sheesh! Who would have guessed that you became such a perverted moron, just to get the love of your life back huh?"
"Shut up! Now you know what happened you sucker! So no more talking about this ever! You promised pooch!"
"But…on the other hand…it sucks you know…to end just like that…"
"What? It didn't even start when it was already over, besides I am not that naïve idiot of before, so there is really no need to worry about that anymore pooch…"
"anyways spider…I know that you say that I am socially retarded, but I really think that Marguerite-san, didn't really meant to hurt you like that, after all she was the one that came to you first right? I think that you should have heard what she had to say…"
"Didn't mean to hurt me huh? Don't you get it sucker? She only approached me because she wanted someone to toy with! To mess around with my bloody head! And she got away with it! Besides there was nothing that she could say on that moment, that could have fix that…sucks to be in love with someone that really doesn't care about your sorry ass existence at all…"
"Yeah…it sucks to love someone and not be loved back…I know what you mean spider…"
"Aw! Shut up! Shizuru-hime likes you, and making her love you back, it's up to you pooch, that's what I meant with the opportunity that you have…I don't have one you know, because my crush made herself very clear about not caring about me at all…"
"You know spider…I think that you are so cool! Thanks to your words and that courage of yours of not giving up no matter what, has inspired me! Now I feel ready to do anything! Come on spider! Let's go and check out some girls! Compared to your efforts of winning someone's heart, mine has seemed like a bloody joke! So from now on, I am not going to complain! If I really want to win Shizuru's heart, then I should do whatever it takes just like you!"
"Thanks for saying that pooch! Heh I feel somewhat flattered you know…but don't you dare to complain later you sucker…let's go and check out some hotties! Oh yeah underwear overload included!"
"-blushing-W-what? u-underwear? Hell no!"
"What? You bloody-"
"No underwear I said!"
"What happened with that "whatever it takes" attitude huh? Pooch you bloody idiot!"
"-blushing- Well…I said whatever it takes…but nothing about underwear so…I am not going to see any underwear…u-unless um…"
"Huh? Did I heard right? You said "unless" pooch?"
"Come on pooch! Tell me! unless what?"
"-Whispering- Shizu…Shizu-ru…"
"Huh? ahhaha I got it! You are not going to see anything unless IS FROM SHIZURU-HIME!"
"S-shut up you moron! You weren't supposed to say it out loud! What if Shizuru heard you huh? She would label me as a huge pervert forever you sucker!"
"Aw pooch…I know that Shizuru-hime's underwear stuff was a big deal for you, because you had never seen something like that before, so your naïve sucker mind has that image as the best thing ever! However, let me tell you something pooch, once you manage to see what I am about to show you…it will blow up your mind!"
"-blushing- y-you idiot! Well…what's that stuff that is sooo going to blow my mind huh?" ha! I doubt so…nothing matches that underwear thing…I should stop thinking about that… oh bloody god I am such a huge pervert!
"Well it's going to be something really delicious!" hell yeah! This is a winning-winning situation! I am going to delight my view and pooch will learn something useful!
"Delicious? Hah! You are so right! I am so hungry now, that I could eat whatever you put in front of me! A mayo sandwich sounds good you know...since I couldn't have my breakfast this morning…" oh well…a mayo sandwich is sure a mind blowing thing!
"You sucker! I was talking about Girls!"
"G-girls? You call that deli- YOU PERVERTED MORON!"
"Ha! You say that because you haven't ea-"
"Shush! No more talking about that! Oh bloody god, I want Shizuru to love me! I don't want t-to e-eat her or s-something…"
"You don't? Ha! I am going to tell Shizuru-hime what you just said pooch! She is so not going to like that!"
"Shut up! I have to win her heart first, before thinking about uh…such…um t-things! S-so, drop it now spider!"
"Ok! I get it you bloody touchy! Come on we have to check out some girls! You better not screw it this time!"
"I'll do my best this time spider! I promise! After all this is for Shizuru!"
"One more thing before we go…As your sensei in the charming arts with the ladies, I am going to tell you the rules that my charming womanizer sensei taught me a long time ago!"
"Sensei my bloody ass! I only have one and that's Midori-sensei! So I am so not going to call you like that spider! Over my dead body!"
"Aw…how cute pooch! I am starting to think that you have a thing for Baka-sensei you know…"
"Shut it you idiot! Don't even think about that! Now tell me the bloody rules!"
"Sheesh…Ahem! A player has to be the ultimate eye-candy for ladies, we players always keep our cool, we do not blush and more importantly, we never EVER get jealous…you got that pooch?"
"Huh? What's an eye-candy?"
"You sucker! That means that you have to look good all the time pooch! That includes having a super smoking hot sexy smile you got that? Now I know why you aren't popular with the ladies, that bloody permanent scowl of yours is a repellent for girls…you have to be a magnet you sucker! Not scare them away!"
"As if I care about that! I don't want to be a bloody magnet! I only want Shizuru you idiot!"
"Oh! But to get her you must be a magnet you sucker! Just imagine pooch…all the ladies chasing you, and Shizuru-hime watching in a corner, jealousy taking over her and she would be like… –girly voice- "How dare those girls to chase my NATSUKI-SAMA! I am sooo not allowing that! She is only MINE! I am going to get in her pants right away to fix that!" heh…sounds nice right pooch?"
"-blushing- S-she is r-really going to say t-that?" oh god! Shizuru would get the hots for me if I become a lady magnet! I wish someone had told me before about that! heh I think that this time I am going to succeed on winning her heart! Wait for me a little more Shizuru!
"Eh…Of course that she would! All girls do! So just trust me!" maybe not…hahah if all the ladies would think in that way, I would have gotten into my sexy crush pant's a looong time ago…but oh well a little white lie is not so bad, thanks to kami that pooch is really stupid in this stuff…
"Okay! I think I got it! I have to be an eye-candy!"
"That's right pooch! Now show me your super smoking hot sexy smile! Come on do it!"
"Um…I…can't…tell me something funny spider! I can't smile without a reason you know…"
"I CAN'T BLOODY BELIEVE THIS! Just forget about the smile thing…you suck! Now let's go… and try to do your best you got that pooch?"
"Yeah…but why do we have to check out girls first? Why don't we go to the kitchen first huh?"
"Yeah! I am so hungry right now…"
"Pooch you sucker! I don't freaking care that you are hungry! We are going to see a more delicious thing! ladies! A lot of them! Clawed in tiny towels! We are checking girls in the halls first, to mentally prepare yourself for that you sucker!"
"Oh! I got it! Well let's go then!" tiny towels huh? I didn't know that they changed uniforms like that…oh well must be a shadow uniform thing or something…nothing to worry about! However, what a weird taste on clothing…they are sooo going to freeze with that!
"Huh? Ok…let's go pooch…" weird…why she didn't complain about we checking out girls in the showers huh? She should have smacked me or called me a perverted moron or something…could it be that she didn't really get it? On the other hand, I am such a great sensei, so she is probably losing already her shyness…that can't be, that naïve mind of the pooch is something beyond understanding…so yeah, I think that she didn't really get it…oh well I better not tell her…
Main Academy halls…
"Okay…let's scan the area first! Quickly pooch let's hide behind this column!"
"This hiding stuff makes me nervous spider! I…I think I want to go to the bathroom…"
"Bathroom my ass! You can go later you sucker! Now let's wait for all the ladies to appear!"
"Hey! Spider isn't that Marguerite-san?"
"-Whispering- shush! Oh yes she is! Look over there pooch…damn! Doesn't that skirt makes her heavenly butt look even hotter huh? Bloody god if she keeps walking like that, I'm going to have a mayor nosebleed! You have to admit pooch that she is just smoking hot!"
"Nah! I don't think she is that hot…" Shizuru…looks more sexy than Marguerite-san…and her awesome cleavage is even better…and her long legs are just mind blowin- BLOODY HELL…I am definitely becoming a huge pervert…this is the spider's fault!
"Shush! Stop yelling you loser! Do you want her to hear us?"
"That is your fault you sucker! Are you out of your mind or something? She is smoking hot! How can you say that she is not?…stupid blind pooch!"
"Ok…she doesn't look bad…but you have to understand spider that I…I only have eyes for Shizuru…"
"-Sick- cheesy as hell…whatever you say pooch! But I really think that Tomoe-san with those looks is just criminal!"
"A criminal? I didn't know about that…what did she do huh?"
"You idiot! I was talking about her being so hot that is almost a crime! Anyways, now that we are here, I am going to give you an assignment pooch…"
"An assignment?"
"Yeah, let's put that courage of yours in practice!"
"My courage? Who is going to have his ass seriously kicked huh? Come on spider bring him on already!"
"You sucker! I wasn't talking about a fight! I am talking about you steeling yourself and have a conversation with any lady for a change, if you can open up with other ladies, it will be easier to talk with Shizuru-hime without looking like a totally blushing moron, you got that?"
"A-all right! Just talking…with any lady right?"
"Uh-huh…now stop wasting time and do it! I'll be watching you from here pooch!"
"O-ok…" just talking…shit it's already difficult to talk with Shizuru…now I have to talk to some random girl? This is so not going to be nice…
On the halls…
Ok…I have to relax…I'm already sweating! Oh, bloody god…with whom I am going to talk to? Huh? Moreover, that idiotic spider is already giving me the thumbs up! This is so difficult, what if Shizuru sees me talking with another girl huh? That would be a total disaster! I better do this fast! That's it! Marguerite-san! What the spider told me about her before…she seems like a nice and polite girl…I am going to talk to her…
"Um…." Bloody god why I am blushing…Marguerite-san is so going to ignore me…I just hope that she doesn't slap me or something…for talking with her without a decent reason…
Just what do we have here…isn't today my lucky day? Indeed it is, my little decoy already falling in my trap by herself! How wonderful! She is blushing? How cute I must say…if I was into cuteness of course…I rather prefer my Nao's raw sexiness, but now is not the moment to think about such things, because I am about to start with my jealousy plan…first I have to have Kruger-sama in my hands, and later I will take care of her annoying fiancée. However, if she is here by her own, that indeed means that my Nao is somewhere watching…perfect opportunity!
"Kruger-sama? Is something wrong our majesty?"
"-Blushing-M-marguerite-s-san... I…um…" oh bloody god…
"I feel so honored that our majesty reminds my name, how can I help you Kruger-sama?"
"Um…I…" shit…I don't know what to say…oh bloody god I'm screwed…
"Majesty, are you all right? You seem a little red…could it be that you have a fever?"
"Uh…I…don't…" oh bloody god I am already blushing…d-damn…
"You don't know? Oh poor Kruger-sama, here let me see if you have fever…"
"W-what…uh…" man! Why is she getting so close to my face! Oh shit! Shit! Shit! I just hope that Shizuru never finds out about this! She would think that I am cheating on her or something!
"Oh…your temperature, I think that our majesty is just fine. –Smiling- there is nothing to worry about…" judging by the look of surprise on her face…it seems that she has not been this close with anyone before, how cutely innocent you have turned out to be Kruger-sama. Nao…I wonder how are you feeling right now? Is your head about to explode, is jealousy taken over you already? Your best friend and I so close, that we could almost kiss, must be a rather painful scene to watch. Almost as painful as watching you all this time with your fan girls…
"-furiously blushing- Um…t-thanks…" oh bloody god! What the hell I was doing…so close to Marguerite-san's face huh? I am such a perverted moron! Marguerite-san didn't do it with a bad intention…I just hope that Nao wouldn't misunderstand this…she is so going to kill me for this…but this was her idea in the first place! So I shouldn't worry about that, I think…
"Kruger-sama…you should take care of yourself, I am always worried sick when I see you training so hard…I am afraid that our majesty would get injured…please don't train too hard…"
"You…you do actually watch my trainings Marguerite-san?" s-she does? Oh wow…not even my sensei cares about that anymore…if only Shizuru could be so interested about me as Marguerite-san seems to be…what the-? Why I am thinking such t-things? Damn it! something is seriously wrong with me today…
"Of course that I do Kruger-sama…I am always worried about our majesty…"
"-Blushing- heh…that's awesome, so you don't think that I am brutal or something?"
"I would never think in that way about our majesty, because it is supposed to be in that way, we need our leader to be so powerful and strong…just as you Kruger-sama…" Kruger-sama you are so easily lured into my trap…
"-Smiling- that's great! I'll promise you Marguerite-san that from now on I'll take better care of myself during trainings! So um…I'll have to go now…I have, um, stuff to do so…um…bye Marguerite-san…" huh…that wasn't so bad…talking to other girl is not a big deal! Heh Shizuru, I am a step closer of winning your heart!
"-Blushing- y-yeah?"
"I will like it very much…if we could talk again some other time…"
"-blushing- um…s-sure m-me too…"
Behind a column…
WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT? Of all the girls down there, she just had to choose my CRUSH? This is so not right! I am starting to get reaaally pissed off…wait a second…this can't be happening to me…I am getting jealous? ME? YUUKI NAO JEALOUS? That can't be…no way…but pooch is retarded, my crush was the one that…almost…almost…kiss- ARGG! Screw it! That wasn't right! She must be behind something! Otherwise, she wouldn't have approached Natsuki in that way… this is bad…as much as I have a crush on her, I and not allowing her to play with my best friend! I can't let pooch know what I think…or it would ruin our last tactic…I think that my best option right now is to ask for help to my supreme womanizer sensei…sheesh I do hope that you can help me out again, Mikoto sensei…
A/N: -sigh- now that we know that Tomoe is more than a simple crush, that jealousy thing on the next chapter would get even more dangerous, oh yeah Nao's sensei…heh if Nao seems perverted, well her sensei has to be even more, no? Anyways sorry for the super long chapter…thanks for reading it, and review if you feel like doing it…