AN: This takes place about seven years after "One First Kiss". Zuko and Azula are now 21 and 19. They still live at home but are both attending college. This story corresponds to the beginning of The Soap. For more information the links in the profile take you to The Soap itself. : D

Most of The Soap fics from now on will be directly taken and fleshed from RP's between The Soap cast. Enjoy!

Eyeliner Wars

It was a stalemate.

He stood, grinning and holding the eyeliner pencil above his head and out of her reach. Standing on her toes, Azula made a grab for it, putting a hand on his shoulder to keep from falling over. Zuko didn't realize just how close he was to her until her breasts rubbed against his chest. The sensation startled him enough to loosen his hold on the eyeliner and lose it to her greedy grasp.

"Got it!"

He laughed, chasing after her. She bolted for the door, but he managed to grab her arm, pulling her out of the way and blocking her path. He stood in front of the door, ready and waiting for her to just try and get past him. With a hand on her hip and a wide grin on her face, she held up the eyeliner.

"Come and get it."

She spun around, running towards the opposite end of the room. He resumed chase, nearly slipping on the rug and causing her to double over in laughter. Yet he regained his balance faster than she had expected, and soon had her pinned against the wall. She wouldn't keep her prize for long. She had nowhere to go. Leaning into her again he concentrated on snatching the slender pencil away. He had just snagged it from her when he felt the smooth slide of her thigh along the inside of his own. He looked down at her in shock.

"What are you doing?!"

She just smirked and drew her hand down to rest on his shoulder. She trailed the tips of her nails along the curve behind his ear and he couldn't hold back a shiver.


He hadn't moved from his position, too astonished by what she was doing to react. She continued to move her leg in slow teasing drags against him. In the back of his mind he was horrified at how good it felt yet he still didn't retreat. Suddenly, she yanked his head to hers and kissed him hard, slipping her tongue past lips parted with surprise to tangle with his.

Automatically, he kissed her back, giving in to the heat she was generating within him. He didn't notice her moving their bodies or her hand sliding down his arm to grasp his until she jerked out of his grip and jetted for the door.

Before leaving, she turned back, holding the open door in one hand and the eyeliner in the other, a smug expression on her face.

"I knew you wanted me. Perv."

Staring at the empty doorway, Zuko just stood there, stunned. His lips tingled and his jeans were way too tight.

"This is so not going in my blog."


AN: This marks the very first adult kiss the siblings have ever shared.