Well hey there again. Sorry for the very long pause from updating, it was due to a few reasons: 1. I had swimming which I am going to Sectionals on the 15 of Feb. so please wish us luck! ) 2. I have lost my train of thought, but now it is back! Well let's not keep you too much longer, so let the Magic of the Marauders envelop us again

Chapter 6: Christmas Break.

Remus was gone again to visit his mother with only two weeks left till Christmas. It seemed like the life was gone from the Marauders whenever he left. They went about their classes and paid attention just like normal children. The pranking spirit seemed to leave along with their friend. The teachers always seemed suspicious around this time because they thought the three boys were going to pull a surprise prank. Lily and her friends actually seemed worried since the boys were not up to competing for scores or losing points for their House. Lily regretted that she had to admit that she missed the boys being themselves.

James walked into the Charms classroom and took his seat next to Sirius and Peter and sat looking glazed eyed at the board. Sirius yapped him on the shoulder and asked for a extra quill. James pulled one out and handed it to Sirius and then both boys returned to their work. Professor Flitwick kept glancing at the three boys as if expecting them to jump up and sing or something.

Snape got annoyed with Flitwick's frequent glances at the Marauders and decided to say something. "Man, the Lupin boy should stop leaving so much. It makes his friends act like perfect students. Maybe we'll get lucky and Voldemort will kill his mother." Snape said to Avery, loud enough for the three Marauders to hear as well as Lily who was shocked at her friend's words.

James, Sirius and Peter all jerked as if they had been hit with a deadly spell. They all were on their feet in minutes and wands were suddenly pointed all over. Cries of "Stupefy" and "Impedimenta" were suddenly filling the classroom and Professor Flitwick had to grab the students not involved and push them under his desk while he tried to sort out the argument. Flitwick grabbed Frank Longbottom, a new student who was the Marauder's new dorm mate, who was in the midst of stunning Mulciber. The three Marauders and Snape were dueling off to the side and none of them looked too healthy.

James sent another jinx towards Snape. "Don't EVER insult my friends, Snivellus!" Snape who sneered at James countered the jinx. "Oh I'm sorry Potter, I didn't realize Lupin's mother was a friend."

Sirius jumped out of the way of a stunning spell and shouted,"At least we have friends, Snivellus!"

Peter dodged a rather nasty looking jinx that was headed for his head. "When you actually HAVE some friends, Snivellus, we might listen to that, though I doubt it."

Lily stood up and glared at the three boys. "He does have some friends you prats. Now leave him alone!"

James was astounded. "But Lily, you heard what he said about Remus."

"I said leave him alone, Potter!" Lily pulled out her own wand.

Professor Flitwick jumped up and squeaked,"There will be NO more fighting! Next person to send a curse will have a week's worth of detention!"

James was grinning. It was finally Christmas break and he would be able to head home. Although, that meant leaving his friends which he didn't like the concept of. However, all four boys had promised to write letters to each other. The Hogwarts Express pulled out of the station and started on its journey to King's Cross.

Meanwhile, in another compartment Lily was talking with Christina, October, and Emma. The four girls were laughing and having a good time since they were making plans to try and get together over break.

"I can't wait to get home and tell my sister all about Hogwarts! She can't wait till she is old enough to come here." Emma said.

"At least you and your sister are still on good speaking terms." Lily said sadly." My sister hates me now since I'm a witch."

"Awww, that's sad Lily, but now you have us as great friends! I don't have a brother or sister so I don't know the pleasure of a sibling, but I have friends." October said grinning.

"Man, you know I hate to say it, but I might actually miss the Marauders." The other girls looked at Christina in shock. Christina grinned. "I could use a little action during the break besides just girl activities."

The four girls laughed and as the train pulled to a stop in King's Cross they jumped up and grabbed their trunks. The girls departed the train and waved goodbye as they headed off to meet their parents.

James and Sirius waved goodbye to Remus and Peter as they headed to find their parents. James immediately found his and dragged Sirius over to meet them.

"Mom! Dad! It's so good to see you!" James said as the two boys walked up to James' parents. "This is one of my best friends, Sirius Black."

"So you are the great Sirius Black we have been hearing about in all of James' letters. It's great to finally meet you!" Mrs. Potter said as she shook Sirius' hand.

"I'm glad that James made a friend in you Sirius." Mr. Potter said. "We know your parents pretty well as well as the Lupins. However, the Pettigrews are a family we have never heard of."

"Hey, Dad? Would it be possible for Sirius to come over during the week? It would make the week a lot better!" James said enthusiastically.

Mr. and Mrs. Potter both laughed. "Of course, that would be fine. As long as Sirius' parents don't mind, it's fine with us." Both boys jumped up with glee and sprinted to find Sirius' parents who agreed as well.

Peter sighed in disappointment. His father was still out and about in the world. Peter wished his father would just come home! He loved his mother, but she could never replace his father. He hoped he could write to his friends a lot over break since not too much would be happening at his house. Peter missed his pet rat who had died a year ago. Nina had been his best friend at home up until she had come down with cancer and then he had lost her. Peter had been so heartbroken over her that he considered not going to Hogwarts, but he was glad he had changed his mind.

Peter got out some ink and a quill and started a letter to Remus.

Dear Remus,

How does it feel to be back at home? I really wish we could be back at Hogwarts since my dad still hasn't come back from his travels. I can't wait to see you, Sirius, and James! You guys accepted me during a very hard time in my life and I am extremely grateful for that! I hope you are having a great break! If you hear from James or Sirius before I do, let me know how they are doing.

Your friend,


Peter tied up the letter and gave it to his owl who flew away in search of Remus' house. Peter smiled as he watched the owl become smaller. Maybe this break wouldn't be all that bad after all.

Remus was in a argument with his mother on the topic of her showing up at the train station. "Mom, you aren't supposed to come and pick me up! What if one of my friends had seen you there?"

Mrs. Lupin looked at him in confusion. "Why is that a bad thing Remus? I want to meet your friends."

"I know you do Mom and I wish they could meet you, but you are supposed to be very sick."

Mr. Lupin looked at his son. "Why is your mother supposed to be sick? She is a great Healer so she wouldn't be a likely candidate for an illness."

"I have to come up with some excuse to tell my friends about where I go every full moon. I can't tell them I'm a werewolf! They might disown me then and these are the greatest friends anyone could ask for." Remus said.

"Honey, I can't just agree to not see my own son. Besides I bet the boys will realize that your father and I are healers so then they will know you lied to them. Isn't it better to tell them the truth rather than lying?" Mrs. Lupin asked her son.

"Well normally it is Mom! I can't say I'm a werewolf though. Many parents might become afraid that I will infect their children and turn them into werewolves. I just want to try and keep this quiet for now." Remus said with a pleading look in his eye.

Both his parents sighed and then left his room in order to discuss the idea of Mrs. Lupin being sick. As soon as they left Remus realized he had a letter. He picked it up and saw that it was from Peter. He quickly tore it open and read it and then grinned. He quickly rewrote a letter to Peter saying that all was going well at his house and that he would write to James and see if they could plan something for letter in the week.

Dear James,

I can only hope that you and Sirius are having the best time today! I heard that Sirius was over at your house today from him. I wanted to send a letter in order to ask if we could set something up for later in the week? Peter sent me a letter and he sounds as if he could use some excitement too! He also asked if you guys were doing well so you should send him a letter! Well hope all is well.

Your friend,


Remus sent the owl to James' house and then picked up a book to read while he waited for a reply.

James and Sirius were having a blast. Sirius had arrived about 2 hours ago so James had proceeded to show him around the entire house with Sirius goggling at almost everything.

"Wow, is this real?" Sirius asked as he broke a glass rose. "Whoops! I guess it is..." James laughed at his friend, but stopped giving him things to hold.

Sirius was simply astounded at the house of the Potter's. He had always lived in a shabby and blackened house which he hoped he would never have to show his friends, but he could live in a house like James'. Sirius looked around at James' bedroom and smiled. His friend had even set up a spare bed for him. He looked up at the window and saw an owl flying towards the house.

"James, look out the window. Isn't that Remus' owl?" Sirius asked.

James crossed to the window and opened it and the owl flew in and dropped the letter. James gave it a few seeds and the owl hooted and then sat on the sill to wait for a reply. James slit the letter open and he started reading while Sirius looked over his shoulder.

"What do you think Sirius? You think we should do something later this week?" James asked.

Sirius laughed. "You know we have to, James! We can't leave Remus and Peter out of a good break. We always stay together, no matter the problem!"

James took out a quill and some ink and started to write a letter back to Remus.

Dear Remus,

Sirius and I are having a great time! Thanks for thinking of us! We will definitely have to do something later this week so please let Peter know since I don't have too much time for another letter. I hope you are Peter are having a great break and that we can see you guys very soon!!!

Your friends,

James & Sirius.

James folded up the letter while Sirius stamped it. Sirius handed it to Remus' owl who took it and immediately flew off in search of Remus' house. The two boys turned towards the stairs and started down them when James caught raised voices.

"Excuse me? You want me to do WHAT?!?" Mr. Potter asked.

A mysterious voice spoke up, "Now if you two would just listen... We are just asking for a pureblood wizarding world, we just wish for the Mudbloods and Half-bloods to be eliminated. Pure-bloods are the stronger wizards so if you would just..."

"Never use the word Mudblood to describe muggle-borns, I happen to know some very smart muggle-borns." Mrs. Potter said with a dangerous edge in her voice.

"Now, Mrs. Potter please be reasonable..."

"REASONABLE?! You call killing half the wizarding world reasonable?!? I want you to GET OUT of my house NOW!" Mr. Potter yelled.

James and Sirius sprinted back up the stairs and peered around the corner in time to see two men in black coats close the door.

"I've seen people like that before. In fact, there have been some at my house and my parents were very interested in what they had to say." Sirius said with a tone of disgust as the boys walked back down the stairs.

"I'm very sorry that you boys had to hear that." Mr. Potter said as he met up with the boys at the bottom of the stairs. Apparently, Mr. Potter had known that the boys had overheard the shouting conversation.

"Don't worry about it, Dad. I expect that we might be hearing more of that in the future so might as well get used to it." James said and then walked into the kitchen with James. The two boys helped themselves to a few snacks and then headed back to James' room. They were going to have some interesting news to tell the boys when they got together later in the week.

Lily leaned back in her comfortable chair by the fireplace and reread the letter from October.

Dear Lily,

How's your break going? I can hope it's going great! What is life like living with a muggle family? I have always hoped that I could find that out so maybe I can visit you sometime. Well, life is going very well over here at my house! The parents are very anxious to meet you as well so please try to visit sometime soon! Hope you have a Happy Christmas!

Your friend,

Lily smiled after reading the letter again and decided that she would write back to her friend. She picked up a quill and grabbed a bottle of ink.

Dear October,

Well, my break isn't as fun as it would be if I could spend it with you, Christina, or Emma. My sister hates me now because of what Sev and I did with snooping through her stuff to find that letter she wrote to Dumbledore. Mom and Dad wanted me to show them everything that I learned at school, but of course we aren't allowed to so they are a little disappointed even though they don't show it. Anyways, I'm glad you are having a blast, and I agree that you should come and meet my family sometime. Hope your break is the best!

With love,

Lily sealed the letter and sent her owl, Flower, off to deliver the letter. Then Lily got out of the armchair and headed up to bed to sleep.

Well all the Hogwarts children were sleeping a war was brewing out in the world being started by Voldemort, a wizard who struck fear into many at the sound of his name.

Well, I was finally able to update again! Btw, for all of you who are interested, my swim team is headed to Sectionals this Friday and Saturday so all of your good luck wishes would be very nice! Another thing that would be very nice would be to hit that button in the corner that says review! Reviews make my day so much happier so please hit that button!