A Need for Tenchi. A Tenchi Muyo fanfic. A fic that asks the question,
'What if Ryoko wasn't kidding about the egg?' This is, more or less, an AU
of OAV continuity, although I'm not sure if the infamous egg prank was Vid,
TV or both. Assume it happened in the OAV.

A little change in fate...

Tenchi sighed as he made his way upstairs. He was quite honestly dazed. That
fight with the Demon Ryoko... he shuddered. Frightening and wierd, to say the
least. She had tried to kiss him in the cave (with a face like that!) and then
at school, tried to kill him.

Was that why? Because he had run off when she showed some affection? Okay,
granted they had just met and she had the face not even a mother could love, but
did that justify shrieking like a little girl and bolting?

You bet your sweet bippy!

And then she shows up threatening his life, and he had to defend himself, but...

She looked so whistful... So sad...

"Defeated again. Story of my life."

That actually made him feel real bad about cutting off her hand. Not that
he hadn't felt bad about it before she said it. Icing on the cake, really.

Tenchi shook his head. There was nothing for it now. The Demon was gone,
never to return, so he slipped into bed and sweet oblivion.

When next he sleepily opened his eyes, he felt a presence, warm and almost
familiar. Then his brain went haywire when it registered a warm tongue lapping
at his chest. In his haze, he saw a shock of cyan hair, as the tongue went
for his throat. The throat so close to his own moaned in pleasure. In a
moment of panic, he realized who was doing this to him.

His brain screamed to him to get out of there run protect himself stop the
demon call Gramp- His line of thought was brought to a screeching halt when
a hand came to rest on a certain part of his anatomy. It brought about a moment
of lucidity born of twisted logic. He must be dreaming. Yes, because if he
actually had a beautiful woman in his bed, nevermind that she was a Demon, his
father would be in his room taping it.

Nobuyuki had a sixth sense about these kinds of things. If he wasn't here,
it wasn't happening. Tenchi had conveniently forgotten that his father was
pulling an all-nighter at the office.

So Tenchi did what anyone would do when faced with a wet dream. He went along
with it. It was a testament to his sense of denial that even as the Demon screamed
out his name, and he screamed hers back, he still thought it was a dream. No doubt
his prior experience with girls told him that there was no way in Hell he was
getting lucky with such a woman.

Lucky though he was, in typical male fashion, he rolled over and fell back to
sleep. Ryoko, with a smile on her face, played with his ponytail and sighed. "He's
so cute when he's asleep." She giggled, then frowned at herself. Since when did
she giggle?


Several miles away, at that moment, Nobuyuki Masaki was crying tears of joy, though he
didn't know why. He would find out tomorrow, though.