-1Disclaimer: I don't Own Vampire Knight or any characters expect the one I created for this story. R&R but be nice for its my first fan fiction!

Ch.1 Dark Dreams

Darkness and silence cover the whole forest something that would made people think twice before entering, yet a girl enter without thinking, for there was something important waiting for her inside of the forest, and she was determent to find it other wise before something bad could happen, as soon as she step in to the forest, the forest began to take the shape of a rose garden, yellow, red, white and pink roses could be seen beautifully arrange forming a path leading to what it seem to be a small chapel, the girl took a few steps forward, and to her surprise the garden become to dry at once, something was really wrong, and as she seem to realize for the first time that she didn't know where she was, or how she had gotten there, fear began to grow as she began to think aloud

"where am I how did I …" she jump at once for a voice that seem to come of nowhere scare her, she turn around realizing that the voice was coming from the chapel, a girl stood in front of the of it, she wore a black coat that made her blend perfectly into the night, maybe that's why I didn't notice her she though to her self,

"so you made after all " the girl said ignoring the girls reaction to her sudden appearance out of nowhere

"you are Yuki right?" the girl ask as she approach her,

"how…how do you know my name" Yuki asked surprise to hear her name from a completed stranger,

the girl said nothing just continue to walk to where Yuki was, she stop a few steps away from where Yuki was,

" so you haven't regain your memories, yet you still came, but then again you seem to be really attach to him"

"what do you mean, and how do you know about me?" Yuki question was follow by silence

"answer me" Yuki demanded

"what I know doesn't matter, does it?, I though that you where here looking for him, or have you also forget who were you looking for? The girl answer, and Yuki could sense a smirk under the shadow of the girl's hood that cover her face,

"I don't Know what you…" Yuki could feel her hearth pounding faster than normal how could she had forgotten all about it, he was in danger she knew it, yet she was standing here wasting her time with this girl, she know where he is Yuki though

"where is he? you know where he is" Yuki said, but without waiting for a answer she run past the girl and strait to the chapel's door.

The chapel was really dark, but Yuki could tell that someone was laying in the floor, but she couldn't tell how that person was,

"better hurry other wise he will die" the girl whisper in Yuki's ear with a small laughter, she turn just in time to see the girls face it look it very familiar but she didn't have time to think about it now, trying really hard to ignore the girl's laughter she ran to where the boy was laying, hopping with all her hearth that the boy laying in front of her wasn't who she taught it was , she stop it could be


"YUKI" someone far away was calling her, the voice came closer and closer


Yuki open her eyes she was safe in her bed, Yori was standing next to her bed looking very worry, "Are you Ok Yuki, was it the same nightmare?" Yori ask

Yuki nodded, she was very relief that it was only a dream,

"am ok, sorry to have waken you up,"

"it's ok, try to sleep" Yori said making her way back to her bed "night"

" I will, good night" Yuki answer, as she turn sideways to try to sleep she saw something that made her look twice, but it was gone, she try to ignore this but couldn't for she had seen the girl reflect it in the mirror smirking at her,


Well that's it for now, please don't forget to Review!!