A car steered and crashed. "Look out!" Someone yelled. It was too late. A girl was lying on the street. People crowded around her. People kept whispering.

Wanna know what happened? ok...


Kagome Higurashi was walking on the sidewalk humming her favorite song, "Every Heart" by BoA. A ball bounced past her. Kagome stopped and let the boy get his ball. "Hey , don't play anywhere near the street ok?" Kagome said to him. He nodded and ran off.

Kagome continued walking until she heard loud music. A red car just drove past her, and definatley going too fast. "Hey ! Slow down will ya!" Kagome gasped. The boy was down the street. The ball bounced and mad itsway to the middle of the road. The boy followed.

"Oh no!" Kagome sprinted from where she was, she ran into the streets. The guy in the car was talking on his cell phone and had the music really loud. Kagome pushed the boy. The man in the car saw Kagome and instanlt braked.

The car went wild and banged Kagome in the head by the side mirror.


A siren went off and an ambulance was heading their way. "Oh my god, that's Kagome Higurashi!" Someone yelled. At the end of the street, Hojo heard Kagome's name call out. Hojo saw a lot of people on one place so he check it out.

"Excuse me...pardon..." When Hojo made it past the crowd he gasped. "Kagome!" Hojo ducked down and looked at Kagome's bruised face and a huge bump on her head.

The ambulance came and picked her up. Hojo watched them take her away. Soon, the crowd dispersed and all who was left was Hojo.


Inuyasha was tapping his foot inpatiently."Uggh!! It's been a week already and she still hasn't come back!!!" Inuyasha roared.

"Jeez, Inuyasha, if your so worried go get her." Sango said picking off the herbs on the ground.

"Why don't you!"

"Because you and Kagome are the only ones that can get through the well . and even if I could I have to get these herbs to Kaede." Sango got up with the herbs in a basket.

"Well, good luck!" Sango headed off leaving an unsatisfies Inuyasha. "Grr...oh, who cares. I'll just go check on her."


"Well, it looks like she lost her memory..." The doctor said. "What!" Kagome's mom said. "Oh my...that means..." Sota, who was behind Mom, was thinking the same thing. "She won't remember Inuyasha..." Sota finished in his head.

"Well, at least I have a reason she won't be going to school now." Grandpa said. "Grandpa! She-" Sota didn't bother finishing. Kagome's eyes opened. Her brown eyes appeared and stared at everyone surrounding her.

"Who-Who are you? Who am I?" She mumbled. The family looked at her. The doctor left the room real quick to tell the nurse to sign her out now. "I am your mother, and you are Kagome Higurashi." She said almost crying.

"Mother? Okaa-san?" Kagome's mom sniffled.


"An I am Kagome?" Kagome's mom nodded.

"Hey Kagome, i'm your little brother, Sota! Remember?" Kagome stared at him.

"I don't remember, but nice to meet you Sota. Can't believe I have a little brother!" Kagome hugged him.

"Well, Kagome...i'm sure at least you can remember me!" Grandpa said.

"Uh...nuh uh." Grandpa sweatdropped. "Oh. Ok...you'll remember sooner or later..."


"Wow, sugoi! Nice place you got here!" Kagome said entering the house. When they turned on the lights in the kitchen, Kagome screamed.

"Oh my Gosh! It's-its a dog-eared person! Who is he!?" Kagome screamed hiding behind her mom. Inuyasha's ears twitched at hearing how she discribed him.

"What did you call me!" He yelled at her. Kagome sunk lower behind her mom.

"Inuyasha, calm down...something bad happened to Kagome..." Inyuasha backed down and his face become softer. "Wha-what do you mean? What happened?"

"She got hit by a car and lost her memory...of everything. Even you Inuyasha..." Sota explained. Inuyasha's ears twitched once more and his heart also twitched.

Inyuasha looked at the frightened Kagome hiding in a corner. He walked towards her. She looked up. "Who are you?" her face was innocent, and her voice made it sound like she meant it. Inuyasha knelt down at her.

"Its Inuyasha, remember?"

"No." Inuyasha's heart twitched again.

He sighed. "Well, you'll get it when we spend time together again..." As, Inuyasha turned he was stopped by Kagome's voice saying, "Wait!"

He turned around. Kagome was up in his face stroking his dog ears. "Are these real?" Inuyasha kept the anger down, as everyone laughed.


Lol! yea...wait for the next chapter! plz review!

Ashiteru everyone!