If you walk into Golden Dragon High and you are a new student you better watch yourself. Don't make yourself to noticeable, just keep on walking. Don't make eye contact with any guy…and if you see a girl looking at you make sure that she's not around her brother or her boyfriend before you nod and say hey with your sweetest smile.

This is what aang was thinking as he stood in front of the enormous high school. It was a new town. With new people. And he would have to make new friends. Again. Aang's life had not been easy, he had suffered two deaths at the same time, and he had to move at least three times in the last year. But, I guess I should start at the beginning.

"Aang! Aang wake up! You don't want to be late for your first day of a new school!" Gyatso gently shook Aang's arm, but you could really tell he was getting impatient.

"Huh, what do you mean? I set my alarm clock for 6:20 there's no way I could be late!" Aang sat up quickly and looked at the alarm clock sitting on the dresser next to him.


"Holy shit it's late!" Aang quickly ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. "How did I not wake up I always wake up after at least the seventh beep!"

"So…that's what that beeping was for it was annoying me after the third beep so I turned it off. And watch you tongue young man!" Gyatso smiled and thought to himself……teenagers, always in a rush.

"Sorry…" Aang mumbled. He quickly threw off his boxers and jumped into the shower not even checking the waters temperature.


"Sokka, Sokka get up we slept in!" Katara shook him with so much fury that he almost fell of the bed.

"Huh what are you talking about Katara, Dad promised to wake us up this morning….." he sat up with a jolt and looked at her with confusion in his face.

Katara sighed and rolled her eyes "You know how it is…He might have had to be called in to work again."

Sokka sighed and rolled out of bed. This was normal for him, their dad being gone in the morning because of his horrible job of managing the biggest water company in the state. Unfortunately, his and Katara's mom had died when he was just 9 years old so they barely had any parents around.

"I'm taking a quick shower I don't care if I make us late!" he called out behind him.

"Whatever just hurry up!" Katara smiled slightly before walking to her own bathroom across the enormous hall. She pulled on a pair of black jeans, a baby blue tank top, and a volcom tank to put over the other one. She brushed on some eyeliner and mascara and quickly swiped on some shimmer blue eye shadow. She straightened her curly chocolate brown hair and put on some cool pinstriped converse she had got like a year ago. Damn I look hot she thought as she smiled and twirled around looking at herself in the mirror.

Katara lets go if we hurry up we might only be a couple minutes late!

"Coming!!!" She yelled as she ran down the staircase, and grabbed her backpack that was sitting next to the door and outside to their dark blue Mercedes Benz. For a couple of teens living with their grandmother and their father they were pretty rich.

Aang quickly ran up the steps took a deep breath and ran in to the school. Luckily he was pretty quick and made it in time to

Bump into the most gorgeous girl in the universe

At least that's what Aang thought when he looked at her. She had the most perfect figure, the longest chocolate brown hair that made you just want to reach out and touch it, and the best of all…the bluest eyes he had ever seen.

"OMG I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you I was just in a hurry!" she looked at him with the most worried look in her eye and when he didn't answer she got even more worried. "Are you ok? I haven't seen you around before, are you new?"

With that Aang snapped out of his gaze. "Oh no it's ok I should have been watching where I was going." He smiled and slowly got up and brushed himself off. He turned around to see her staring at him and he helped her up and picked up most of the things she dropped. "And to answer your questions yes, I am a new student. I just moved here from California."

Katara looked up at him noticing that he was at least 3 inches taller then her. He's not just hot…he's drop dead gorgeous Katara thought as she looked up at his eyes. His stunning stormy gray eyes. "California huh, I've always wanted to go there just, never had the time…" Your so stupid you could have said something better then that! Katara silently scolded herself in her head.

"Haha you should go sometime its major fun!" Aang smiled his sweetest smile before remembering why he had been running in the first place.

"Do you know the way to the front office? I'm sort of lost." He asked almost too suddenly.

"Yea of course I was just heading there myself!" Katara motioned for him to follow her as she started making her way to the office at a brisk pace. She knew how mad principle Roku would be if he found her and …that guy…sitting around talking in the hallway. It took her a second to realize that she didn't even know his name and she had already had a brief conversation with him.

"By the way, I'm Katara." She gave him her sexiest smile and looked him so innocently.

That smile, that has to be the cutest smile I have ever seen.

"I I'm Aang" he said trying to give a smile that was a cute back.

Before he knew it Katara announced, "Well, this is it, Principles Roku's office."

She opened the door and walked in. Aang followed closely behind.

"Hey Miss Bei Fong"