Growing Wings
Twilight Fanfiction
Michiyo Ichimaru
Beta: I Love Edward Cullen 162
Once More, Allegro
Everyone had been more tense since that fight. They were all waiting to hear something from the Volturi, no doubt. We all knew the Volturi would be furious when they found out we took in Jacob. It would have been easier on us, if only we had some idea of what to expect or when it was coming. However… I guess I'm making it all sound bad, but that's not true at all!
Jacob became what we'd like to call… a supporter. He won't be fighting with us, but rather, cheering from the sidelines, in a manner of speaking. It would have been nice to have the extra man-power, but they were still his family at one point. None of us had the heart to ask any more of him. And that's okay. Just having Jake on our side is enough. Who ever would have guessed it could happen? Not I.
No matter how much I wanted it, all these things seemed impossible until now. They were like puzzle-pieces that looked like they should fit but just wouldn't go together. We were all sitting around the fire that night, smiling and laughing despite the fear of what was to come. Alice made Jacob a crown of flowers. But when he tried to throw it off, he found out that she entwined it with his hair. I laughed as I listen to him howl in frustration as he tried to get it off. No one could help him; they were too busy laughing.
Edward's hand left mine and I became suddenly alert. He was standing up, in front of all the others. I used to think that Edward was so perfect; that he never changed. He never needed to, before, in my eyes. But since I became a vampire, I've seen him in a new light. This Edward, standing before me now, was different from the one who changed me; different from the one who married me; different from the one yesterday, that found. Today, he was lighter, more dignified. I think he's a little bit stronger, a little less self-conscious of me, and a better leader than he was before.
I think he's starting to see the world in a wider view. Sometime, I want to expand my world like that; grow a little bit just from day to day. I wonder if Edward would notice… somehow I know he would.
"It's been a while since we could celebrate like this; since we've had a reason to celebrate like this. Things we were worried about are now no longer problems. Each time we fight, we gain something invaluable; something precious. And now we face something totally different; far more frightening. Our views have always been different from the Volturi's, so I think that it's time we stop accepting their interference and make them accept our path; our way of life."
I listening to Edward's charming voice with my eyes closed. Remove one sense, and the others become stronger to pick up the slack. His voice suddenly overcame me. It was warm; surrounding me and engulfing me. This was Edward at the basic level. Edward was my love. "Play for us!" suddenly rang out in the darkness, from Alice.
The piano had been moved out onto the grass. A small feat for Jasper. With a sigh of defeat, Edward smiled and took his place behind the piano. He stretched his fingers and tested the keys. It sounded so much different outside. It had more space for it's sound to travel, so it was softer, but we all could hear it just fine, having excellent hearing. At first he just played around with some notes, playfully unsure of what to play. Then, as if I could actually see his decision, he began to play a piece I had never heard before.
This sound was… intense. Every note poured out with precision, piercing the air. There were so many notes, yet it didn't feel overbearing. It felt like chaos, in a beautiful way. Or maybe the idea of someone having made a huge revelation. Whatever it was, it engulfed me, and I leaned back and listened to the quick, graceful notes Edward played.
They say in music that two performances are never the same; that each holds something different, something unique to the performer in it: their interpretations and feelings. I wondered what about this performance was strictly Edward…
Maybe it was the message he was trying to get across…?
"Move forward without fear of the future rapidly coming at you. You can still move and think with precision; happiness, I have realized… will be ours."
A/N: Don't hurt me! Yes, that's the end. I always said I was going to separate this one and the story that will talk about the Volturi… anyway! I hope you seriously enjoyed this story and I hope you'll join me when I start the next. Please review what you think on my ending or anything leading up till now. You've all been wonderful, so I hope I'll see you again when I start the next. If you review, maybe I'll even give you a sneak peek of what you'll see in the next one. Just give me some time to finish revising, okay? Well, until next time…
Michiyo Ichimaru