Haha… new story. This idea just popped into my head, and I just had to get it out. Well, hope you all like it!
Summary: Momo had known she was arranged in a marriage since birth all her life, but what becomes of this when she just so happens to fall in love with another? HitsuHina
Disclaimer – me no own Bleach. :)
Ch. 1 - Kure-pu and Karaoke
"No," a young lady with shoulder-length brownish black hair said.
"Oh, come on! It'll be fun! My father said that he'll pay for everything. It's just one trip for three weeks!" another young lady responded. She had long orange hair and two barrettes on each side that pulled her bangs out of her face. "And maybe, we'll meet some cute guys too! Please, Momo! I'm begging you!!"
Momo glared at the girl in front of her. "You know that I'm already engaged, Orihime. What good would it do if I fell in love with some other guy?"
"Oh, you're not getting married until another year. Besides, it's not like know your fiancée. You can wait and handle. Now this," she said, holding up a brochure in front of Momo's face, "CANNOT wait! A cruise trip, Momo! To a beach house! At the Ryukyu Islands! In Miyako-jima! I heard it's gorgeous there, Momo! Please, please, please!!!?"
Momo continued to wash the dishes in their condo-like apartment as she listened to Orihime rant on about the cruise.
"….and we could get those really cute swimsuits that Uryuu and Nemu made. They were really cute weren't they? I especially liked the blue and brown one. Adorable! Momo? What do you think? Momo? Momo? Are you listening? MOMO?"
Orihime groaned. She threw her hands up in the air, frustrated. "Do you want to go or not?"
"Didn't I already tell you?"
"PLEASE???" Orihime fell on the floor, holding on to Momo's feet. "Please, please, please, please???"
"Do you really want to go that badly?" Momo asked, turning around and wiping her hands on her apron.
Orihime got up from the floor and nodded wildly.
"Fine. I'll go," Momo sighed, exasperated. She untied her apron and hung it up on the hook.
"YAY!" Orihime exclaimed gleefully, clapping her hands. "Arigato, Momo!"
Momo loaded her luggage in the car. "Orihime," she called out, "are you ready?"
"Hold on!" she heard a voice call out from the house.
"Hime, we're going to be late if you don't move your butt along!"
Orihime came out of the house with five bags in each hand. "I'm coming! Geez, Momo."
"What the heck? Why in the world do you have ten bags with you?" Momo asked her, eyes widening at the site of the luggage in Orihime's hand. She glanced at her own stacks of luggage, where two bags sat.
"To put my clothes in, silly! Duh. Everyone knows that!" Orihime laughed, walking to the car as she dragged her luggage beside her.
"I mean, what the heck could you put in there?"
"Oh, just a few hair accessories, some clothes, bathing suits, undergarments, my toothbrush, toothpaste, five boxes actually, some pens and paper and paint brushes… an easel in one bag, you know, because I like to paint, um…. Some books, shoes, socks, jewelry, make up, and such…" Orihime listed. "I was planning to take a lot more, but it wouldn't fit…."
Momo twitched. She needed that many things? FIVE BOXES OF TOOTHPASTE? HOW MUCH DOES SHE PUT ON HER TOOTHBRUSH? "Ah, well, just get in the car, Hime…."
"Sugoi! This cruise is gorgeous!" Momo exclaimed excitedly, observing all the decorations with admiration.
Orihime smiled triumphantly, "See? Didn't I tell you this place would be gorgeous? I knew you would like it! Now, let's go swimming!"
"No, you didn't tell me the cruise would be gorgeous, you said the island would be gorgeous. And, no thanks, I'm going to unpack my clothes."
"Momo…." Orihime started to say as she fidgeted with her sun straw hat.
"Fine. I'll unpack your clothes too."
"Arigato, Arigato! Although… let me get my swimsuit so I can change into it first…" Orihime said as she dug through her bag for her bathing suit. "Aha! Got it! By the way, arigato, Momo!!!" Orihime shouted as she ran towards the swimming pool.
Momo waved her hand and then walked towards her room. She muttered, "Room 316A. 316A. 316A. Oh! Here we go!"
She opened the door to her room. She gawked as she opened the door. There was a minichandelier on the ceiling and a mini fridge in the right corner. There were two king-size beds with beautiful, silky, white sheets. There was a huge plasma-screened T.V. too. The bathroom was also extremely huge and posh.
"Well, I better start unpacking!" she exclaimed, dumping the contents of the bags onto the bed.
"Let's see…. There are two drawers. Oooh. And they're really pretty. Orihime's will be this one and… mine will be that one!"
Momo changed into a different set of clothes. Her shirt was a light blue tank top with a lacy white ribbony part in the front and two white ribbons on the side at the end. She wore a jean mini skirt with white, silky ruffles at the bottom. She also wore a pink and green tankini underneath her clothes. Momo walked out of her room, stressed out and tired. She yawned, "Wow, I'm starving. I should go get something to eat…."
She looked around the cruise ship for the cafeteria or restaurant or some place that she could eat at. "Geez, this place is so huge that I can't even find the cafeteria."
Momo took out the map of the ship that was in her pocket. "Hmmm… Where am I?" She looked up at her surroundings. She noticed a small comfy store that said, 'Treasure Island'. "Treasure Island," she mumbled, "is here so… the crepe café should be… that way. Okay! Let's go."
Momo wandered around the ship until she found a bench to rest upon. She stretched her arms above her head. "Uwaah!!! This ship is so koudai (huge)!!!! How am I ever going to find that stupid café?"
She got up once again to keep on looking for the café.
"Kure-pu and Karaoke. Kure-pu and Karaoke… Where could that be????" Momo glanced down at her map again. She kept on walking around until she felt something really hard and small underneath her foot. SLIP
"Eeeek!" Momo shrieked as she watched the ground fall closer. Dammit. Why did that stupid rock have to be there?
She closed her eyes, but she never felt the ground at her face. Instead, she felt something softer…. Dude… Did I die and go to heaven?
"Uumph!" she muttered softly as she fell against the object.
The "thing" that she landed on helped her stand up. "Hey," he said, "are you alright?"
Momo looked up to see a guy with white hair and green eyes in front of her. He had on a white wife beater (that tank top undershirt…) and a pair of shorts. She nodded silently as she blushed.
"Hey, Toshirou!" another guy called out from a distance. Momo turned her head around to see a guy with orange hair and another guy with red hair in a ponytail. "Let's go to the pool already! Gawd, you're so slow!"
"Ah, shut up, Ichigo. I'll be right there," the guy named Toshirou shouted back. He turned towards Momo. "Yeah, sorry about that. I'll see you around."
All Momo could do was let her eyes bore into his back as she watched him run off. She felt her cheeks heat up. Shit, I feel like such an idiot. Besides, what was I doing? Blushing? I already have a fiancée! Stupid rocks these days. It's their entire fault.
"Momo!" Orihime called out. Momo turned around once more to see Orihime face-to-face. "Where have you been? I tried to look for you at our room, but I forgot you had both the keys…."
"I was hungry and left to get some food."
"Ooooh. Is their food good?"
"I never found the restaurant though…. I got lost. This place is way too huge."
"I know! But, I found a nice little café near the pool. It's called 'Kure-pu and Karaoke'. I think you would like it. After all, you love crepes and singing!"
Momo stared at her. The whole entire time, it was near the pool. Near Orihime. And Momo could never find it. How stupid could she be?
"Momo?" Orihime asked as she waved her hand in front of Momo's face. "Momo? Are you okay?"
"Oh my gosh," Momo muttered under her breath. "It was right there all along. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Arghh!!!"
"Ummm, Momo, are you okay? You seem really unhappy…"
"I'm fine. Let's just go already."
Orihime and Momo walked inside the café. "How many?" asked a waitress who had on the cutest outfit ever. It was a red and black Lolita dress with a waitress's apron.
Momo answered for Orihime, who was too busy squealing over the waitress's outfit and the café. "Two, please."
"Right this way, Mademoiselles." The waitress, who Momo thought had a little French descent, walked them towards a small, posh booth on the right of the café.
Momo and Orihime sat down on their chairs. "We'll be right back with the menus, ladies." The waitress walked off towards the podium to retrieve the menus.
"Sugoi!" Orihime squealed. "Even the café is huge! And it's so pretty too! Did you see that outfit, Momo? Wasn't it the most adorable thing ever? I thought it was sooo kawaii! I want it sooo bad!"
"I could tell."
"Here you are, ladies. My name is Rukia ( . I know Rukia is not French at all, but I just like French stuff and words. It's so cool! Haha. Sorry!), and I will be serving you today. Would you like to order right now, or would you like me to come back later?" the waitress asked them. Momo looked down at her menu. There were so many choices that Momo had no clue what to get. "Umm, could you come back later please?" Momo asked her shyly and quietly.
"Of course, Mademoiselles." The waitress was about to walk away, but Momo asked her a question. "Excuse me, are you by any chance… French?"
Rukia smiled at her. "I'm not technically French, but I do have French descent. My father's mother was from France. Do I look French or something?"
Momo smiled back, "No, it's just when I was in school, I took French and mademoiselle is a French word. Not many people in Japan speak that language, so I was just curious. I'm sorry for wasting your time like this. You should go back to work."
"It's no problem. I'll be right back to get your orders." Rukia walked away to greet another group of customers.
Momo looked down at her menu. Sugoi. Everything looks sooo yummy! Momo slowly looked up from her menu to see what Orihime was going to get, but when she did, she saw somebody familiar. Momo's eyes widened and started tipping her chair to get a better look. In about two minutes, Momo's chair fell backwards, and she hit the ground with a thud.
Momo shrieked, "Ow, ow, ow…."
"What the heck are you doing….." Orihime looked from her menu to the empty spot in front of her. "Momo? MoOOmo! Why are you on the floor? What happened?"
Momo rubbed her head. She glared at Orihime. "What do you think happened?"
"Uhhh… you fell?"
"No shit."
"But, WHY?"
"I just thought I saw somebody I met."
Orihime helped Momo up to her feet. She picked up the fallen chair and placed it back to where it was sitting before. "Who?" she inquired as Momo dusted her knees off.
"But, you just said-"
"I saw nobody. It's nothing, Orihime. I'll tell you later."
"Thank you for your wonderful performance, Ms. Kijama," the M.C. said. "Would anyone like to sing a song for us? Anybody?"
Orihime raised her hand. "Orihime!" Momo shouted in a hushed tone. "You hatesinging! Why are you raising your hand?!"
The M.C. turned towards Orihime. "Yes, Ms. Would you like to sing a song?"
Orihime shook her head. "Actually, my best friend here, Momo, would love to sing it for me though. You see, she LOVES singing, but she's too shy to raise her hand, so I'm raising it for her!"
Momo stood up from her chair. "Orihime! Shut up!" She turned towards the M.C. "I am sooo not going to sing in front of all these people alone, so you can count me out."
The M.C. smiled. "I guess Ms. Momo here would like a partner. Would anyone like to volunteer to sing with Ms. Momo?"
A guy with orange hair in the back or the café rose his hand. "My friend here, Toshirou, would!"
"Oh, shut up, Ichigo."
"C'mon! You know you totally dig her!"
"I don't sing, and you can't force me to. I only came here to eat. The gay guy over there," he said, pointing to Renji, "was the one who wanted to sing. Get him to sing with her, not me."
The guy with red hair, known as Renji, pouted, "Who said I wanted to sing?"
The other two guys looked at him. "You did, baka."
The M.C. walked over to the guys' table, dragging Momo along. "Who was the first volunteer?"
Renji and Toshirou pointed to Ichigo. "He was."
Ichigo stood up shouting, "What?! I volunteered you, not me."
Toshirou smirked, "Exactly why you're the first volunteer over here. You rose your hand first, after all. You did admit it too."
"You just admitted it," Momo muttered under her breath quietly, but, unfortunately, Ichigo heard her. He threw a glare at her. "THIS DOESN'T INVOLVE YOU!"
Momo glared back at him. "Oh yeah? I'm the one who has to now SING in front of all these people, and HE," she said, pointing to the M.C. , "is trying to find me some fuckin', gay partner! I'm SO totally involved in this because if it wasn't for Orihime who volunteered me, we wouldn't be in this stinkin' mess!"
Ichigo glared back at her as he asked, "Is Orihime that orange hair, happy dappy girl?"
Momo nodded.
"I hate her."
They both turned their heads towards Orihime who was smiling and waving her hand at them. They glared at her. She saw their glares and hid behind a clean cloth napkin.
"Actually…" the M.C. started to say.
The whole table including Momo turned towards to him. "What," Ichigo barked.
"You put your hand up first," he said, nodding to Ichigo, "but you weren't the first volunteer." Ichigo let out a relieved cry. The M.C. turned towards Toshirou. "You were the first volunteer."
Toshirou glared at him. "I suggest you take that back before you can't speak anymore."
The M.C. chuckled nervously. "Eheh…. I mean, you," he said, nodding to Renji, "were the first one to volunteer."
"I nevervolunteered. They only said I should sing, but they didn't actually volunteer me to sing. Go ask Whitey over there."
The M.C. looked at Toshirou. He was kind of scared that Toshirou would beat him up to a pulp. "You. Orange hair. You will sing."
Ichigo tried to do a death glare like Toshirou did so he could scare him off too. "I suggest… that… you shouldn't mess with me... too…." He failed miserably.
The M.C. laughed at him. "I found a male singer for Ms. Momo! It is Mr. Orangey!"
Everyone clapped his or her hands.
"NOOOOOO!!!!!! I don't want to sing! Don't touch me even with one grain from your body! I WILL NOT SING! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! Stay away, dipshit! You fuckin' retard!"
Toshirou sighed as he punched Ichigo in the face. "Ugh. Will you shut the fuck up already? I'll sing if you all just shut the fuck up. Got it? And if any of you laugh, you can bet you won't be able to walk tomorrow." He got up from his seat as he glared at every single person in the room. "Anyone."
The M.C. slowly and nervously walked towards the stage. He gulped a loud, big gulp that probably everyone in the room heard. He was trembling, and he was afraid that Toshirou would do something to him.
"Relax, will you? I'm not going to harm you unless you get me pissed. Stop shaking," Toshirou said as he passed the M.C.
Momo slowly walked behind Toshirou. She didn't pay attention to anything that Toshirou said because she was fidgeting about singing. She was really good, but she was so shy, she never sang in front of anybody but Orihime before. Damn you, Orihime. I will get back at you! I can't sing in front of all these frickin' people! ARGHH!
"Hey, girl. What song do you want to sing?" Toshirou asked her. He stood next to her and handed her a microphone. It was turned off so they didn't have to worry about anyone hearing them.
"Ummm…. I don't know…."
. I don't know which song they should sing…. Give me ideas, please!!!! I have absolutely no clue… -.- I was meaning for Momo to do a solo, but…. That's not going to happen, I guess…. Well, anyways, thanks for reading! Review please!
Xoxo MimiMichie