This is just an announcement. If you don't want to read it then just ignore it and it will be taken down when I actually post a chapter.

My laptop died so I can't write for a while. I'm trying to salvage everything that I already did, but I may have to start over. Basically what happened was that the monitor has decided it doesn't want to show any images and goes completely black unless I hit it. Needless to say this makes writing very difficult. I don't think my hard drive has been effected yet, but I can't tell until I bring it into tech services. I'm bringing it in today (2-21-08) so hopefully it will be fixed soon.

I'm actually writing this on a computer in my dorm's computer lab, but I can't work on my stories because theres a rule about no porn or adult material on university computers. I don't want to lose my computer privilages so I'm not going to push it. I may be able to post some T rated stuff on my deviant art account, but I can't promise anything. I really don't know how long it could be until my laptop is working again so I can't make any kind of commitments for updates.

I'm really sorry for the inconvenienc e and I thought that I should just tell everyone why there might not be any updates for a while.