
Author: Mrs Ronald Weasley

Rating: G or K

Pairing/s: Edward/Bella

Category: Humour/General

Warnings: None

Spoilers: Technically set during Twilight, but there are no real spoilers.

Summary: Bella once again is amazed by Edward's smarts and her own stupidity.

A/N: I know that Bella and Edward didn't take a chemistry class but this came from one of my own many stupidity moments. Sorry about the length, I know it's kind of short, think of it as sort of a long drabble. Please read and review.

"He screwed me!"

Edward looked up suddenly at my outburst. "What?" he asked clearly confused.

I shoved my chemistry nomenclature test across the table at him, nearly knocking over my open water bottle. "See?" I pointed to the third question on the test, asking for chemical formula for gold II nitrate hexahydrate. "That's right and he marked it wrong!"

I watched Edward stare at the paper in amusement. Finally a laughed escaped his throat and he pulled a pen from his pocket. "Bella," he chuckled, shaking his head, "you never cease to amaze me."

I frowned, confused. What was he talking about? The formula for gold II nitrate hexahydrate was Au2NO3 6H2O!

He took the paper from my hands and wrote beside the question: Au+2 and NO3-1. I stared at him, attempting to figure out what he was doing.

Understanding suddenly dawned on face and I watched Edward crisscross the charges on the ions: Au(NO3)2 6H2O. I flushed when he looked up, "oops," I said, "I don't know why I did that. But at the time I could've sworn..."

He flipped to the last page of the test. "It doesn't really matter though, Bella," he said, "does it? You got forty-six out of fifty, that's still an A no matter how you look at it."

I flushed an even deeper shade of red and shook my head, "yeah, I guess. I can't believe I was so stupid!"

Edward took my hands in his, "it's a stupid mistake, something even I could've made. Forget about it, love." His deep, liquid topaz eyes stared into mine and I lost all thoughts.