Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing
_Hehe I don't know if this part is that funny but trust me the next chapter is better so stay tuned.
Mission R&R
Chapter 2 " Hello Paradise?"
"Let them go Duo." Hilde said firmly over his shoulder and pushed around him and over to where the two 'vacationers' were still tied.
Duo reached out and grabbed Hilde's arm and pulled her back toward him. "I don't know if that's such a good idea." He paused as he glanced at Heero. "I think he's going to explode."
Hilde waved her hand. "Don't be such a baby. We can't leave them tied up the whole time. There supposed to be having fun." Hilde moved toward Relena somehow missing the vicious look that Relena was shooting at her. "Don't worry so much."
Duo gulped. He felt he had more at stake than Hilde did. Relena wasn't known for killing hordes of people single handedly, but Heero was. Duo gave a wane smile and scrambled behind Heero and released the cuffs. He heard a grunt escape Heero's throat as his hands were free and slowly Duo began to unlatch the chains holding Heero to the chair. As soon as the last padlock was released Duo bolted from the room hoping to escape the wrath of the angry pilot. He wasn't fast enough though and he felt Heero pull him back by the pants leg as Duo jumped the nearby couch and tried to gallop down the stairs. Duo felt his face strike the carpet and all the air escape his lungs.
"I'm going to kill you for this Maxwell!" Heero yelled as he released himself of the last of the chains and used both hands to pull the pilot closer to him.
Duo scrambled to his back trying to keep his bearings as Heero pulled him closer, but before he could prepare to defend himself Heero jumped for him and punched him in the face. "Oww…" Duo yelled and jumped back at Heero hitting him in the jaw. The two rolled on the ground for a minute before both of them heard the dull click of a gun.
Heero was able to look from his rage long enough to see the barrel of a gun pointed between his eyes.
"Let him go Yuy." Hilde sighed exasperated. "You aren't allowed to fight. That's something I forgot to mention."
Heero released his death grip on Duo and pulled himself to his feet and rubbed his reddening jaw with contempt. "I don't know how you think you can keep me here." He snapped.
Hilde sighed and put the gun back in the holster around her waist. "It want be as hard as you think. Besides me and Relena are fine."
"Don't be so sure about that." Relena called from across the room her arms crossed over her chest. "I'm getting out of here if I have to swim back to shore."
"That's an awfully long swim. Not to mention the sharks" Hilde snorted and bent down to pull Duo to his feet.
"I think we should let Heero risk it." Duo retorted receiving an icy glare from Heero.
Heero growled. "Will you just show me my room."
Hilde glanced at Relena and chanced a smile. "I'll show you yours Relena." She said smiling and walked across the room to take Relena's arm, which she promptly pulled from the other woman's grasp.
Duo watched them leave and glanced sideways as Heero who was still mumbling threats involving Zechs and guns and even Lady Une. "Follow me." Duo said stiffly and started down the hallway hoping the man wouldn't do anything while his back was turned.
"How long have they been in their room?" Hilde asked as she pulled an icepack out of the fridge and put it against Duo's swollen eyes.
"Ouch!" He complained. "Who cares. I didn't think he would hit me. Geez I would be happy if someone kidnapped me and left me on a deserted island for three weeks."
"Well you shouldn't have taunted him." Hilde mused as she leaned on the counter her elbows resting on the granite counter.
"I was just joking." Duo defended himself and took the icepack off his eye. "Is it swelling?"
Hilde smiled. "I would say you'll have that for a few good weeks before it clears up. Lucky for you you don't have to go out any where."
Duo groaned. "I should have known I'd get a black eye out of this. Zechs is going to have to pay my hospital bills if Heero breaks any bones."
"I'm sure he'll only sprain." Hilde joked.
"Oh that's real funny." Duo groused and narrowed his good eye in her direction.
Hilde grinned and laughed. "You can't exactly look scary with that ice pack in your swollen eye. You just look pitiful."
Relena opened the closet of her room to see it full of her clothes, well clothes that she hadn't worn in a long time anyway. There wasn't one business suit, not one heel in the entire wardrobe. All that hung on the hangers were T-shirt and tank tops. Relena sighed and bent down picking up a pair of brown leather sandals. She didn't even know she still had those. Throwing back into the confines of her closet, Relena moved to the set of drawers beside the closet and pulled them open. Just as she'd thought blue jeans and shorts. Nothing at all resembling the formal etire she had grown accustomed to wearing. Slamming the drawer shut Relena glanced around the rest of the room.
The walls were covered in bright blue wallpaper with seashells and fish raised off the paper. The carpet was white and the bed was a queen sized canopy bed, like the one she'd had when she was younger. There was a bathroom through the door across from the bed. Deciding she might as well take stock of her new 'prison' Relena went to look in the bathroom. There was a shower in behind it a large bathtub surrounded by bottles of bubbles and oils.
It would have looked inviting if she didn't have so much work to do. These few weeks away from the office were going to push her way behind. She was going to have to make up for her absence at the ESUN conference by doubling her travel schedule and writing more speeches. She would have to find a new way to get her ideas widely spread. There wouldn't be much time to make up for this important loss. Not only would she be behind with her work, but also the delegates would think less of her for her vacation. Groaning she hoped that there was at least some pencils and paper around so she could work on the speech she would have to make in apology for her absence.
Relena left the bathroom and slammed the door behind her as anger spread through her once again in a white fury. What had her brother and Lady Une been thinking when they planned this? They both knew that it was vital that she worked as hard as she did. If she didn't there was no telling what would happen. There wasn't anyone else out retelling her ideas except Quatre, and he was busy with his father's business.
Relena pulled open the door to her room and looked into the hall almost expecting to see Hilde or Duo guarding her door. Hilde would pay for drugging her coffee. She had thought Hilde her friend but what friend would kidnap her. Convinced that the way was clear Relena slipped through the hallway in search of paper and a pencil. It took a couple of wrong turns before she came upon a room full of books. She ignored them and scanned over the desk toward the center of the room in search of some paper and was rewarded when she found a spiral notebook tucked in one of the drawers. Smiling triumphantly she began rummaging for a pen, but only found an unsharpened pencil. There wasn't pencil sharpener in the Library which she thought odd so she took her treasures out of the room and sneaked to the next hoping she would find what she was looking for before Hilde and Duo found her.
Relena's searching lead her to the TV room and she looked in the darkened room. She remembered Hilde telling her that it wouldn't pick up anything but it couldn't hurt to try. As she felt along the walls for a light Relena saw something move in the shadows. "Who's there?" She asked and before she could say anything else a hand wrapped around her mouth and pulled her through the door shutting it behind her.
Duo looked up from his hand of cards and grinned. There was no way Hilde was beating him this time. He had a full house, the best hand he'd had since they'd started playing. "All right Hilde I'm ready."
Hilde shrugged. "All right what do you have?" She asked raising a brow as if she was a little worried.
Duo smiled and lay his cards out. "Full house King high." He grinned and crossed his arms over his chest. "Beat that."
Hilde giggled. "Well, well that is a good hand, but I'm afraid I win again." Hilde laid down her cards and watched as Duo's mouth fell open. "Straight Ace high."
"But…but…" Duo mumbled.
"Don't be so shocked." Hilde said and wrapped her arms around the pile of cheetos in the center of the table and pulled them toward her. "I played a lot of poker when I fought with Oz. You loose so you have to go check on Relena and Heero."
Duo groaned. "Is it not enough that I got beat up last time I saw them. I don't want anymore bruises."
"Sorry you lost. That was the bet." Hilde smiled and waved him away from the table. "Go make sure Relena hasn't tired crawling out the window and Heero hasn't tried to rig up a computer using paper clips and refrigerator magnets. I'll go ahead and make dinner and prepare their first night of fun." Hilde grinned. "This is going to be great."
Duo pouted and turned around grumbling about the medical bills the Preventer's base was going to be receiving.
"Don't say a word." Heero hissed into Relena's ear and released his hold on her as he felt her calm. "I didn't want you turning on the lights and letting them know that I was in here."
"What are you doing?" Relena asked her fingers wrapped tightly around her pencil.
"I'm going to rig up a satellite so I can see what's going on in the news and possible find out where we are. If we can catch local stations I might be able to determine where we are and maybe how to get back." Heero moved away from her in the darkness and back toward the TV.
"Can you catch the ESUN conference." Relena asked her voice jumping with excitement. "I have to know what's going on. It's got to be crazy without me there. So many people are depending on me."
Heero nodded in the darkness. "If you keep quite I'll get it." He lifted a tool from his pocket and started back to work on the TV. "It'll take me about two days to fix it up if where not caught. Until then we'll have to stick it out.
Relena sighed. "I would think I would be thrilled about getting away, but all I can think about is all the work I'm supposed to be doing. In fact I can think of a thousand things right off the top of my head that needs to be done."
Heero grunted. "I have too much at stake to take a vacation. Vacations are just a waste of time."
Relena nodded and glanced at Heero curiously. "How can you see without the lights on?"
"Yes how can you see and what are you doing."
Heero heard Duo's from behind him and dropped his tool behind the television and scooted from behind the TV just as Duo flipped on the lights bathing both culprits with the false glow.
"Good to see the both of you are getting along." He said raising his brows. "But what were you doing."
Relena swallowed. "I was looking for a…" She glanced down at the notebook and pencil in her hand and swallowed. "I was looking for a pencil sharpener."
"In the dark?" Duo asked skeptically. "I don't think so."
"We couldn't find the light switch." Heero said suddenly.
Duo shook his head. "You two are pathetic. You can even think of a descent cover. I don't know what you two where doing, but know this room is off limits, this is unless you're supervised."
Heero sent Duo a glare. "You can't keep me out of here."
"Oh can't I." Duo chided and ushered both adults out of the room and placed a heavy-duty padlock on the hook that had been obviously attached for this very purpose. "Now Hilde's making dinner so I suggest you two go and change because you aren't allowed at the table without a T-shirt and blue jeans."
"I'm not hungry." Relena mumbled as she clutched her notebook hoping she would have time to look for a pencil sharpener later.
Duo glanced at her and rested his eyes on the notebook quickly he reached out and took it from her arms. "I know what you're thinking and I'm not going to let you work."
"I was just going to write." Relena protested and tried to grab the book from Duo's hands.
"Nope. I'm not giving it back. Not until I know for sure that your only going to draw pictures in it and not think of speeches to save the people from themselves." Duo watched as Relena's brow wrinkled and her lips all but disappeared as her anger flared.
"Maxwell when I get my gun I'm going to shoot you and Zechs for this and not to mention Trowa for spiking my coffee." Heero growled and resisted the urge to strangle the man before him.
Duo smiled. "I'm doing all this for your own good. Now I suggest you change and meet me and Hilde for dinner afterward we have something special planned." With that Duo turned around and left his hands shoved in his pockets and whistling a tune as he went back toward the kitchen swinging the pencil between his fingers.
"I hate him." Relena said on exhale.
Heero turned sharply to look at her shock evident on his face but it soon faded as he noticed the familiar smoldering in his eyes. "So do I."
"What do you think they have planned for tonight." Relena asked absently as she headed back upstairs.
"Who knows with those two. They're probably going to make us play some boring board game or perhaps take us out to the pool and explain the rules of 'Marco polo.'" Heero said sarcastically and frowned. "As soon as I finish that satellite I'm out of here."
"He locked the door." Relena said at a whisper as if she feared being heard. "How are you going to…"
"You think a padlock is going to stop me." Heero snorted. "They'll have to do better than that."
Relena sighed. "Just promise me you'll take me with you when you figure out how to get off of this island. In the mean while I'll do anything I can to help."
Heero looked at her. "Mission accepted." He mumbled and took hold of Relena's extended hand. "Now all we have to do is stay out of sight for a while and they'll never suspect a thing."
"What's taking them so long?" Hilde asked as she laid the plates of food on the table. "They should have been down her fifteen minutes ago."
Duo shrugged as he eyed his plate. "Relena said she wasn't hungry and Heero…I don't know he's probably trying to find a way past my padlock. Whatever he was trying to do I caught him in the act. I was just surprised Relena was helping him. Things are as bad as Zechs thought if those two are conspiring together. For a while I thought Heero and Relena had a think going on, but they got so busy I don't think I've seen them in the same room unless there is a meeting going on."
Hilde shook her head. "I remember Relena saying at one time that she had thought about have a family some time and leaving her position, but she also said that it was impossible with the responsibility she had to uphold. I can't imagine how trapped by this she feels. I have a feeling her work is just an escape."
"Escape? How is that an escape?" Duo asked his eyes leaving the food.
"Well if she doesn't have time to think about anything but work she doesn't have to deal with all the things that have happened to her over the last few years. Honestly I don't think she's dealt with it and eventually it's going to come crashing down on her."
"Well I never thought of that, but you could be right." Duo confided and paused as if thinking of something. "So what are we doing tonight. I can't wait to get this fun stuff started."
Hilde frowned. "We have to go slow. Remember the two of them haven't done anything side from paper work in a long time. We're just going to watch a movie and eat some popcorn. Maybe tomorrow we'll venture out a bit. I don't want to stretch them to the limit too soon."
"Whoa not so wild Hilde!" Duo called sarcastically. "I don't know if they can handle too much fun." Duo snorted. "Why can't we do something else, like I don't know anything else."
"I'm going to get Relena, okay."
Duo nodded. "Yeah just come back soon or there won't be any of this spaghetti left."
"Don't you dare." Hilde warned and disappeared down the hallway.
"I'm not hungry." Relena called through her locked door. "I really don't feel like eating anything."
Hilde sighed. "Come on Relena. You can't still be pissed. You've gotta be hungry."
"I can very well still be pissed and no I'm not hungry."
Hilde turned away from Relena's room and sighed Heero hadn't been much better so much for mission R&R. How was she supposed to get them to have fun if they wouldn't even come out of their rooms?
~~~~~~~~~ 3 am ~~~~~~~~~~~~`
Relena could hear Duo snoring from next door and opened her door letting herself into the hallway. Her stomach was growling in adamant protest and had been ever since she'd denied it dinner. She just hopped there was something in the fridge that she could eat with making a big mess. She didn't want them finding out she'd cheat on her starvation tactic.
Turning the corner Relena flipped on the kitchen lights and scanned the small pleasant room. It was cute she had to admit and pretty like something she'd…her thoughts trailed off as she caught sight of her note book and pencil lying unattended on the table. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth and she grabbed a knife from one of the drawers and set to work on sharpening her pencil. When that was done she sat down as the table pulling open the cover like it held a treasure underneath and began to write. She hadn't been able to sleep anyway and now she would get some work done. She ignored the growling of her stomach as she began to make up an explanation for her absence and write a sincere apology.
~~~~~~~~~ Thirty minutes later ~~~~~~~~~`
Heero was on his way to the TV room when he saw lights on in the kitchen. With Duo's snoring still waking the dead he knew that the both of them were still asleep so it could only be Relena. What was she doing up at this hour? Heero peeked around the corner and saw her leaning drowsily over a notebook her pencil moving furiously across the paper. Her skin was pale and her eyes bloodshot. A strange sense feeling washed over him as he watched her. She looked so…so worn out. Why hadn't he noticed before? The way her eyes were so dark and her face to so pale. Had he been that busy?
Frowning Heero turned from the doorway and continued toward his destination. Perhaps Relena did need a vacation. After all she worked so hard. Part of him wanted to go back and make her go to bed, but another part of himself understood why she was up. It was the same reason he was up and he couldn't curb the need to work on that satellite. If he finished it soon he would be back in the office doing what he did best.
So what do you think?