Game On! Troypay
Old Fiat
Disclaimer: I own neither HSM 1 nor 2. I also barely own this idea! Dern challenges…
Summary: My one shots collection for the Game On! challenge.
Notes: This story construction is a little confusing, so you'll want to read this note. The one shots are part of an on-going story, thus I put 'chapter 1', etc. But if I put them in actually story form, this thing would be seriously plotless. The on-going story is as follows:
Troy and Sharpay realize their feelings for each other.
They get together.
Wow. Riveting. Anyway, please read and review!
Chapter 1: Tag
Sharpay had always hated tag. Even when she was small and every other child in the kindergarten shouted with glee as the teacher announced their game of the day, she would groan. She hated all games that involved running; tag, duck, duck, goose, blind-man's bluff—you name it. She even hated baseball, one of Ryan's favorite sports.
So why was she sitting and watching all the boys play baseball, nestled in between Kelsi and Gabriella? The Wildcats had decided a rematch was desperately needed, mostly so Troy could watch Ryan play. They had invited Sharpay, and how could she refuse? Neither her, nor Ryan had had real friends since third grade.
She found her eyes traveling to Troy. He was just getting up to the plate, a few beads of sweat dripping down from his forehead.
"Let's go Ryan!" he called, his bright smile in place.
Baseball was like a bunch of miniature games of tag, or at least that's what Sharpay thought. She shouldn't enjoy herself here. She hated tag. Ryan had ruined all things involving running back in kindergarten.
She could still clearly remember the day they played tag at her birthday party. Her hair perfectly pulled up in a fluffy ponytail, her white silk party shoes shone. She was wearing a custom-made white cotton party dress with rainbow colored petty-coats.
Of course, it was Ryan's birthday party too, (that was one of the few downsides of being a twin, sharing birthdays) and his white button-up shirt and white cotton trousers gleamed in the sunlight. At that point Ryan was still into roughhousing, having not gotten his brain around the concept that he would almost always be the smallest boy in any group.
She crossed her arms as he ran off to play baseball with the other boys and stamped her foot. "Mommy!" she said, turning towards her mother. The tall blonde woman bent down to her daughter's height and kissed her forehead.
"What is it, pumpkin?"
"Ryan left!" she said, pointing her finger at the group of boys, who had begun marking out a makeshift diamond. "Make Ryan come back!"
Mrs. Evans sighed, but stood up and jogged over to her son and his friends. Quickly explaining the situation and asking them all to return to the party, she led them all back to the group of little girls and their parents.
"I want to play something!" shouted Isaac as the reached the rest. Isaac was on Ryan's baseball team and was just as blonde as the twin, but a little more tanned. "Why can't we play something?"
"How about you kids play tag?" said Mr. Evans, trying to be helpful. Sharpay glared at her father, but he either didn't see it or chose not to.
All the little boys cheered and the girls followed their lead, slightly reluctantly. Sharpay opened her mouth to object to her father's proposal, but another one of Ryan's friends interrupted her.
"Ryan's it!" he called, and the game began.
Sharpay felt horrible running from her bother like he had some disease, but he seemed almost to enjoy it. Her shoes quickly became stained by the mud and bright green grass. Soon 'it' had changed from Ryan to Alice, and then from Alice to Ezekiel. Sharpay became confused, and grabbed Ryan.
"Who is 'it'?" she asked him, trying to catch her breath.
His gray-blue eyes, such a different shade from the bright blue sky, glinted with mischief. He grinned.
"You!" he shouted and gave her a sharp shove. But he pushed her harder than her meant to.
Sharpay fell to the ground hard as Ryan ran off. Her legs and torso smashed into the dirt as her hands flew out in front of her to protect her face. But her head still hit the earth, sending a wave of shocking pain throughout her body.
Tears slid down her face and she began to jerk with sobs. Her whole body twitched as she started to scream. Her dress was ruined, her shoes were ruined, and her face was probably all dirty and bruised…
So it was quite understandable that Sharpay disliked the game so much. But as the Wildcats played a second baseball game at the country club and Troy ran to the home plate, Ryan coming up from behind to stop him—she almost wanted to be playing tag again. She imagined her and her recently gained friends running across the vibrant green golf course. She pictured herself tagging Troy with a kiss…
No, she couldn't go stealing her new friend's boyfriend. Why was she even thinking that anyway? She had only wanted to use Troy to win the Star Dazzle award, and maybe as a friend. So Sharpay turned off her imagination and watched Troy laugh as Ryan caught him, just before he reached home.
Okay, so that doesn't have much to do with tag, but baseball is sort of like tag, right? Right::crickets chirp:: Fine. There was that whole totally unnecessary flashback! See? If you don't, just tell me the review! Next chapter is Truth or Dare
-Old Fiat s. Italy