Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. But I DO own Fujiwara Amane. xD

First English Fic. Reviews please. No flames, if possible. Thank you.

"Love Letter"

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Sasuke came back to Konoha 1 year ago after killing Orochimaru and Itachi. He stayed at Sound village for 4 years. Now that he had avenged the death of his parents and the whole Uchiha clan, there's no more reason for him to be cold toward other people anymore, so he decided to open up to his friends. So when he came back to Konoha he decided to say sorry to Naruto, his first bestfriend and especially the girl who confessed her true feelings for him 4 years ago. She wasn't the same weak, annoying fangirl. She became one of the strongest kunoichi in Konoha with the help of the Hokage, Tsunade. She became the best medic-nin. Her name? The one and only Haruno Sakura.

Sakura became one of Sasuke's best friends. She still loves Sasuke but doesn't show it. Sasuke and Sakura will always tease each other for fun. Sasuke admits that he admires the pink-haired kunoichi. He also thinks that maybe he is falling for Sakura but he will quickly shove that thought off his head and thinks that he only sees her as a friend.

Naruto had given up on Sakura when he finally found out about Hinata's feelings for him. Naruto admitted that he admired Hinata's determination and strength even during thier Genin days.

Ino also has given up on Sasuke when he went to the Sound village and she began to fall inlove with her smart-but-lazy teammate, Nara Shikamaru. Shikamaru had always been jealous of Sasuke because he has the attention of Ino. But as soon as Sasuke left Konoha, he said to Ino that it's too troublesome to confess his feelings but Ino understood what he meant and she told him that she loves him too.

Hyuuga Neji always had a soft heart when it comes to his bun-haired teammate, Tenten. One day, after their training, Tenten asked Neji if there are destinies in love. Neji said that love is not controlled by destiny, it is controlled by the heart. At first, Tenten was shock. Why? Because Neji had always believed in destiny and fate. Neji said that destiny can never change his love for Tenten. And Tenten also said the same thing.

Short Chapter.

Next Chapter: Enter Fujiwara Amane!

Thank you for reading this chapter.

-Hyuuga Miharu-