Once Upon A Graduation

A Troypay Story...

A/N: Like, OMG!!!!!!! I so totally cannot believe I actually updated!!!!!!!!!! Haha, sorry. I'll try to update more frequently from now on...

Disclaimer: I own High School Musical. Yeah. And I own the Apple Company. Oh, and also, I own American Airlines. Wanna know how I did it? I learned one simple word. You might have heard of it. It's called SARCASM!!!!!!!

Review Replies:

pizzagal3- Thanks. I'm glad you like it.

FelineMimiDavis74- Haha, yeah, she is.

nrisley19892007- Well, I'm sorry you had to wait so long.

F29DWNxluverx4- I like those too! It just came to me while I was writing to write something, where, like, it's just their thoughts and feelings, and no dialogue or anything.

LucyLicious xx- I tried. I couldn't. Stupid writer's block...

sPazZii chIc- Sorrrrrrrrryyyyyy!

((Sharpay's POV))

Ryan knows. He even had the nerve to tell me that he knows, and then refuse to tell me what it was. "Please, please, please, Ry," I begged.

"Listen, Shar. There's a reason Troy doesn't want you to know. It's..." Ryan hesitated, "A family-related thing. But trust me, you'll know soon enough."

"Well, if I'm gonna know eventually, why can't you tell me now?" I whined.

Ryan just shook his head and walked away. "Come get me when you understand that whatever Troy's secret is, it's his, and only his to tell!" he called over his shoulder.

I stood there, wondering what my next move should be. I tried Gabby already, she's his best friend that's a girl, and Ryan and Chad are his best friends. Oh, wow. I am so stupid. I ran down the hallway looking for Chad, and finally found him leaning against the lockers, flirting with a crowd of girls around him. He and Taylor have an on-again/off-again relationship, and I guessed that they were now 'off'. "Chad!" I called to him, and he smiled and waved to me.

I walked over to him, and glared at all the other girls. They frowned at me, but walked away to give Chad and me some privacy. "I want to know what Troy's hiding, and I want to know now!" I demanded.

"He sleeps with a stuffed koala named Sharpie," Chad offered, "Some girl he knew in preschool gave it to him when she moved to Hawaii. Hey! You lived in Hawaii! Maybe you knew her!"

I slapped my forehead. "Chad! I need to know why he's avoiding me."

"He's avoiding you?" he gasped, "Maybe he'll break up with you..."

"Nice try, Chad, but Ry already told me it was a family problem," I told him.

"Family problem? Troy never told me about a family problem..."

He trailed off, staring at a row of lockers. I snapped my fingers in front of his face, and my bracelets jingled. "Chad!"

"Sorry, Shar..." he apologized, "I, uh, have to go."

And I just stood there, staring at the spot where Chad once was.

((Chad's POV))


I stopped Troy in the cafeteria, pushing him with my lunch tray. "Oh, hey, man! What's up?" he smiled at me.

"How's your family, Troy? Any problems lately?"

"Nah. They're all fine. Nothing's happened since Casey had to take her tonsils out."

I relaxed a bit. I knew that Casey's tonsils would be taken out before it happened, so no secrets there. "But, then, why does Ryan seem to think you have family problems?"

"What? I'll talk to him... I never said anything about family problems."

"So why are you avoiding Sharpay?"

Troy sighed. "I can't tell you that," he mumbled.

"Well, why not, Troy?" I asked, trying not to raise my voice, "You told Ryan."

"Ryan's involved in it. He has to know."

"So why aren't I involved? I thought I was your best friend."

"This has nothing to do with who I like more! Ryan only knows because he's Sharpay's brother. I don't want him to kill me if she gets upset."

That sounded reasonable enough. "But you will tell me eventually, right?"

"Of course," Troy answered, and we joined everyone else for lunch.

A Kiss to Build a Dream On
is a Hairspray fanfic by FelineMimiDavis74. Its main pairing is (who else?) Link and Tracy. This romantic story shows us that not only the 'good guys' can win, but everybody's ending can be happy. If you haven't read this story yet, I suggest you go read it now.
((The Back of Chad's D- History Report))

I cannot believe this. Troy has never kept anything from me. Except for the singing thing, but that's it. And even with that, he told me when I asked about it... Maybe I'm just overreacting. After all, he said he'd tell me. And a true friend doesn't lie.

((Troy's Notebook))

Dear Notebook,

This secret is getting harder and harder to keep every day. If only Sharpay wasn't trying to figure it out. I really think that she would like this surprise. And Chad's gone all self concious-ish on me... I hope things will only get better. I don't know if I'll be able to take more pressure. Oh, s--t. I totally forgot about my speech! Ugh... this sucks.


A/N: Five reviews, and I promise I will update faster this time! Don't forget: One of the first five reviewers (that isn't anonymous) will get one of their stories advertised!