
By: Trivette Lover Heather

AN: Idea taken from Requiem scene but not a continuation of it. Enjoy.


He was a marine after all, never took too well to the water.

"Kelly…?" He took another gulp as he fought to keep himself above water.

"Daddy…" She reached a hand out and Gibbs took a hold of it. "Fight daddy, you're a fighter remember?"

"I'm tired of fighting honey…daddy is tired of fighting…"

The waves were violent and he could see the name "Kelly," painted in black bobbing up and down each time he reached the surface, only to be knocked back under by another wave.

"You're never done fighting Jethro…"

"Shannon? Oh, Shannon, I miss you so much…"

"I miss you too darling, but you never were a quitter, don't you start now."

His legs were aching as he struggled to stay afloat; it was only a matter of time before he went belly up.

"Daddy…you won't give up…you can't…you're a soldier daddy, soldiers don't give up…"

"But I want to be with you…"

The water continued to engulf his every breath.

"I want to be with you…" They both reached their hands out and Gibbs took them as the final wave of water robbed him of his last breath.


AN: Could be a one-shot…could continue…?