Yeah-kyuubi (in fox form)
Disclaimer: why do I even try
Chapter 5: Meet the Zanpakutous
(Time skip 2 ½ years)
The first 2 ½ years could be described as a blur to Naruto. In the Shinigami Academy Naruto was quickly named a prodigy. He was the top in most of his classes and always got some of the best grades. In kenjutsu (sword technique) and hand-to-hand combat (someone tell me what that is please?) he was unmatched, kido (demon magic) he was barley holding on to the top, Hinata was a close second to him in that class. The only class he wasn't the best in was medical arts, the best in the class was Hinata, and still he was above average in that class. When he first started the academy, Naruto had gotten very popular in a short amount of time; he now had a fanclub that could put Sasuke's little group of stalkers to shame. Unlike Sasuke, Naruto wasn't cold or ignored all of his fangirls; he acknowledged each and every one of them as an individual. He was also kind to his classmates and encouraged them whenever they couldn't get anything and he even went as far as tutoring them after school until they could do it with no problem. This didn't help with the decrease of Naruto's fanclub, infact his act of kindness towards others actually increased the size of his fanclub to almost all of the girls in his class and those in the lower classes, as well as some of the girls in the higher classes. Most of the girls in his class actually faked doing badly so they could get some alone time with their Naruto-kun.
In the end Naruto became the school prodigy, the object of almost every girl's affection, and the envy of every man at the school. At the beginning Naruto had trouble controlling his massive reiatsu, but being the son of a captain and vice-captain with many friends that were captains and vice-captains had had to have some benefits. After school Naruto would train with Minato and Kushina to control his reiatsu, and if they were busy he would train with either Kisuke, Isshin, or Byakuya. He now knew how to suppress his reiatsu, walk in air, and was starting to get the hang of shunpo. Hinata also had some extra help in her studies. She would train with Hinoiri and Ukitake, and she would also spend some time in the 4th division's barracks training her medical skills under Unohana's personal guidance, in the end her medical skills was on par with a 7th seat and she was no longer afraid to hold back in kenjutsu training, though she preferred defense in a case to offense.
Speaking of the two Naruto and Hinata had become very close over the past 2 ½ years. After their first year of the academy, Naruto and Hinata spent everyday with each other, training so they could get ahead of their classmates for the second year, along with their parents and others. It was in that same summer that Hinata confessed her feelings to Naruto, she had to say it twice due to the fact she stuttered every two words, and they were officially together from that day forward. (it will be shown in a flashback later people) When news of their relationship finally became public…let's just say Hinata had made a lot of enemies that day (cougheveryoneinnaruto'sfanclubcough). Naruto, also made a couple of enemies as well, with Hinata voted the prettiest girl in their class, most of the guys had asked her out many times before, only to be kindly rejected.
Hinata couldn't wish for a better boyfriend than Naruto. Even though she was his first realgirlfriend, Naruto was handling the relationship like an expert. He was loyal, patient, trustworthy, and he always took her opinion to heart. Hinata could always trust Naruto to never cheat on her, even when he was having a private tutoring lesson with one of his many fangirls. It finally took Hinata 6 months to get up the courage to actually kiss the blond. At first it was just a peck on the lips, but with a little tongue maneuvering from Naruto, it turned into a full-blown make out session. It would have even progressed even further if Minato, and Kushina hadn't appeared to stop them. Hinata couldn't look those two in the eye for a month, and well let's just say Naruto got a very serious talking to by his parents.
We now find Naruto running as his life depended on it, even using shunpo to get him a quick ten feet
"DAMMIT I'M LATE I'M LATE!" Naruto screamed as he ran through the halls of the shinigami academy
Why did I pick today to sleep in Naruto thought as he turned another corner, you see today is a special day for everyone in Naruto's class, the day everyone got their zanpakutous
The whole class abuzz with life as everyone chatted excitedly amongst each other about gaining their new soul slayers, except two people.
"I wonder where Naruto-kun is?" Hinata asked to no one in general
"Do not worry Hinata-chan, he'll be here" a girl sitting next to Hinata responded, this girl had purple hair that went down past her shoulder blades in a braid, she also had dark eyes and creamy white skin along with a body that most women would kill to have
"Thanks Nemu-chan, it's just not like him to be late" Hinata responded
"Alright class settle down" the teacher said as he walked in the room, after a minute he saw that no one was paying attention he took in a deep breath to scream, but as soon as his mouth opened the door flew open as a yellow blur skidded across the room. As soon as the blur stopped a figure with spiky yellow hair and whisker marks could be seen with his face flat on the ground and knees pointed in the air…it took about 2 seconds to recognize the figure as Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto seeing the predicament he was in quickly picked himself off the floor and faced the teacher.
"Um…am I late sensei?" Naruto asked with his hand behind his head, after the question was asked the whole class erupted into laughter.
"No Uzumaki-san you're right on time" the teacher answered after the class finally calmed down
"Whew that's relief" Naruto said as he took a seat
After the class was situated the teacher decided to speak
"Alright class, today is a special day for all of you, today you will get your zanpakutous, remember this is a special exercise and does not count for a grade. This exercise also isn't made to embarrass anyone, if your zanpakutou is a bit small, don't worry about it, you're all only academy students your reiatsu will grow in time as will the blade of your zanpakutou. Now let's go and meet your partners in crime shall we?" as soon as the teacher finished his speech the whole class left the room onto the training grounds
(Training Grounds)
The whole class stood in many groups infront of the teacher as he looked over the class; he let one final sigh escape before speaking
"Alright class, this is where the exercise will conduct, like I said before this is not for a grade and there is no need to worry about the size of your zanpakutou. The vice-captains of the Gotei 13 with the exception of the 12th division in which it's captain Uahara-taicho will be here to observe your progress. All right we will commence immediately I will be calling names in alphabetical order" all of the students groaned after hearing that. Sure they were all excited about getting their own zanpakutou, but what they really wanted to see Naruto the class prodigy's zanpakutou and his name was the last on the list.
As soon as the first student came up Naruto decided to tune out and look around Hinata, Nemu, and Naruto were standing alone in the back, Naruto with his arms around Hinata's shoulders. As Naruto looked around he saw that most class were shooting him curious glances, while most of the girls were giving Hinata jealous glares.
"Hyuuga Hinata you're up" the teacher called
"Good luck Hinata-chan" Naruto and Nemu said as Hinata walked up infront of the teacher
Hinata gave one last look to her mother and saw her give her an encouraging nod. Hinata nodded back and faced the teacher
"Alright Hinata-san you know how to go into a meditative state right (she nods) good then please do so, try and find your center only then will your zampakutou will reveal itself to you" the teacher explained as Hinata sat down and tried to center herself
I need to be calm, relaxed Hinata thought to herself I need to find my center, inner peace, I need to be…
(Hinata's Mindscape)
When Hinata opened her eyes she saw herself in a field of flowers and quickly recognized it, this was the field her mother took her to play in when she was 4 years old. She didn't know why but she always felt at peace here, away from the clan, away from Konoha, away from the world, this was her own little sanctuary. After her mother died though, she just stopped coming, the memories she had of her and her mother playing there were too painful for her, so she just stopped coming.
Hinata looked over the bed and saw that the sun was just setting. The sky was turning a beautiful shade of orange and red, illuminating the flowers. Hinata took in a nose full of fresh air and let out a sigh of contempt. If only she could stay like this, here, forever with-
"It's truly a beautiful sight isn't it" a mysterious voice said behind her
Hinata quickly turned her head around to find the source of the noise only to find nothing there. She stared bewildered at the spot until she felt…paws on her shoulder and a tail wrap around her neck
"What are you looking at?" the voice asked again
Hinata turned her head only to be met with a pair of pupil-less, lavender colored eyes much like her own. She then saw whiskers, pointy ears, purple fur, and a red bow tied on her left ear. The source of the voice was a…tiny…purple…cat
"Well it's good to finally meet you my name is…" the cat introduced
"I'm sorry I didn't catch that" Hinata responded (Hinata's stutter is gone in case I didn't mention that)
At this the cat let out a long sigh "I see" the cat began "it seems you are not ready to hear my name yet"
After that statement Hinata blinked a few times before asking the question she really wanted to ask "are you the spirit of my zanpakutou?"
"What you were expecting something else?" the cat asked accusingly
"No No! It's just I was expecting you to look different" Hinata answered
"Well, what were you expecting me to look like?" the cat asked again accusingly
"I don't know…not like a cat I guess" Hinata answered embarrassed
"Let me tell you something" the cat started in a dead serious tone as she jumped of Hinata's shoulder down to the ground infront of her and sat down facing her "though I may look cute and cuddly I'm also very deadly. Most spirits of some of the most powerful shinigamis were also animals, so don't think that just because I don't have thumbs and stand on four legs doesn't mean I can't beat you with in an inch of your life do you understand? (she nods) Good, now from here on out we are partners, I will lend you whatever strength I can to help you, and when I think you are ready I will tell you my name again, and I hope you will be able to hear it" as the cat finished Hinata stared into the sunset, she obviously had a lot to think about.
"Well our time is up, you should get back to the real world now" the cat said to a bewildered Hinata
"But what if I have questions? How do I contact you?" Hinata asked
"Do not worry Hinata-chan I will come to you when you need me, now go" the cat responded as the she (yes the cats a girl but has a manly voice like Youroichi in her cat form) and the field disappeared in a white flash.
(Real World)
Hinata found herself sitting down in the same spot she was in before she entered her mindscape. However; she noticed there was a weight on her lap that wasn't there before. When she looked down she saw a sheathed katana, the katana's hilt was embroiled (where am I getting all these big words) with a whit cloth in a diamond pattern with a white guard shaped like an eye and a plain white sheath. The most interesting aspect of her zanpakutou was the blade, as soon as she drew it the whole class gasped at the look of it. The blade was perfectly clear, as if the blade itself was made of glass. In fact the only thing that showed there was a blade at all was the disfigured image shown through the blade and the fact the blade was a shade of a very faint dark blue, most likely due to the fact there was reiatsu coursing through the blade.
Hinata looked bewildered at the blade's beauty, it was as if an angel crafted the blade. She kept starring at the blade until the teacher coughed into his hand
"Very good Hinata-san, you may go back to your spot now" the teacher said. Hinata quickly went back to her spot and the teacher called up another student. Naruto and Nemu quickly complemented Hinata on her sword and watched the other students get their zanpakutous, well Naruto didn't. Nemu went up on her turn and got her zanpakutou, it looked exactly like Sasuke's sword (is his sword just a sword or is that the Kusangi?) only purple and he noticed she wore it exactly like Sasuke did. Naruto did admit, it bothered him that one of his good friends wore her sword the same way as his ex-friend did, but if that's the way she liked to wear it who was he to say she couldn't wear it like that. So, the exercise went with all of the students getting their zanpakutous, some pleased, others disappointed, until finally the teacher called the name everyone was waiting to hear.
"Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto" the teacher called
"Well, I guess I'm up" Naruto said as he began to walk to where the teacher was
As Naruto walked up to the clearing the teacher was in he looked around and saw he was getting a bunch of different looks. Some of the looks he was getting were looks of curiousness, jealousy, lust, and awe. As he reached the clearing he gave one last look at Kushina, she just smiled at and waved and he waved back before facing the teacher.
"Alright Naruto-san I think you've seen enough of the students do this exercise for me to not have to explain the process to you well, let's see what the so-called prodigy has got" the teacher said smugly
Naruto just ignored his comment and quickly got into a meditative position.
All right I'm in a meditative position now to clear my mind, now…how do I do that? Hmmmmmmmmm oh I know I'll list all of the flavors of ramen. Ok let's see there's miso, chicken, beef, BBQ pork, shri- was all Naruto thought before he felt the darkness surround him.
(Naruto's Mindscape)
When Naruto opened his eyes he gasped at what he saw infront of him was his home village, the village of Konoha. He then noticed there was something wrong with it the village was…sideways. Instead of looking like a village that led into the horizon, it looked like a giant wall with buildings coming out it.
Well that can't be right Naruto thought as he looked up and saw the entire village all the way to the village walls that jutted outwards. He then followed the direction of the wall and saw the horizon all the way to the endless sky that was behind him.
Ok seriously why is the village sideways and where the hell if the Hokage Monumen- HOLY CRAP Naruto thought as he looked down, when he looked he saw he was standing on the Nidaime's lip.
Well I guess that answers that question Naruto thought as he looked around to get used to his mindscape Ok is this normal?
"Yes it is" a mysterious voice answered behind him
When Naruto turned around he was met with an astonishing sight, behind him was a man standing on the Nidaime's nose. The man had white-blond hair that went down to his mid-back, he had on white plate leggings and no shirt that showed his muscular build. He also wore a silver elegant mask (think of the elegant mask in Resident Evil 4 except without the top and silver) that made his eyes look pupil-less, he also had silver gauntlets that had blade-like claws (think wolverine's) that began at the end of his gauntlets and ended two inches from his middle-finger tip. The most noticeable part of the man were the two giant metal wings that were sprouting out of his shoulder blades. The wingspan looked to about 6ft. in length, and they looked like metal angel wings.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Naruto asked
"I said that this sideways world of yours is completely normal Naruto" the man responded
How does he know what I was-
"Thinking" the man interrupted
Is reading my-
"Mind" the man interrupted again
Ok he's starting to-
"Piss you off" the man interrupted a third time with a smug smirk on his face
"GAAH! How are you reading my mind!?" Naruto yelled at the mysterious figure
"Well since our minds are basically connected, it's only natural I can hear your thoughts" the man answered
"So wait does that mean you're the-"
"Spirit of your zanpakutou, yes…well, one of them" the man answered again
"SWEET! THIS IS SO COOL AND-wait what do you mean one of them?" Naruto asked confused
"Well you have two zanpakuous and two zanpakutou spirits, my name is…. and you'll meet the other one when she finally decides to show herself" the man explained
"Wait what's your name again?" Naruto asked the figure
"I see, well it looks like you can't hear my name yet, don't worry for you will be able to hear it in time" the figure answered
"I see and where is my other zanpakutou's spirit?" Naruto rebutted
"I don't know she's usually-" the man didn't get to finish as a red blur tackled Naruto
"right there" the man finished
"Uh…what happened" Naruto groaned as he opened his eyes to be met with a pair of crimson eyes with slitted pupils. He then got a good look at the woman on top of him, she had whiskers marks on her cheeks not unlike Naruto's, long crimson hair that flowed to the top of her ass, she had a tan complexion, and a nice size bust. Naruto then realized two things, one she was on top of him and straddling his waist, and two she was…naked. After realizing the position he was in with the mysterious woman, he quickly closed his eyes while chanting not a pervert over and over again in his head so he wouldn't get a nosebleed, when the woman saw this she just giggled at his discomfort.
"What's the matter Naruto-kun don't like what you see?" the woman asked innocently maneuvering herself so that her exposed…assets were dangling over his face. When Naruto finally cracked his eye open, he got an eyeful of cleavage. Naruto was now frozen in place, he couldn't do anything, he tried to avert his eyes away from the sight infront of him but his eyes would not respond, he also noticed that the longer he stared at the woman's assets, the tighter his pants got. After a few minutes the woman maneuvered herself again so that her face was only inches away from Naruto's
"Good boy" the woman cooed as she felt the bulge in Naruto's pants and gave him a smug smirk
"Well well Naruto-kun, I didn't know you were that type of guy" the woman said as she started to rub Naruto's chest sensually while inching her face closer to his. All the while Naruto didn't notice the woman's other hand traveling down his body
"How about I help you with your little friend here" the woman purred as she gave Naruto's dick a firm squeeze causing to let out a silent gasp. The woman's smirk grew at his reaction and she moved the hand that was on his chest behind his head
"And now the fun begins-"
"Alright I've seen enough get off of him" the man interrupted, at that comment the woman faced the man with an irritated look
"If you don't like what you see then leave, (she faces Naruto) I've got a little fox to play with" the woman replied
"Get off of the boy now, we have many things to explain to him, and I'm not sure your approach is working" the man said in a tone that left no room for argument
At this the woman "hmph"ed "fine but next time I get to have my way with him got that"
"Next time won't be my call" the man answered
The woman then faced Naruto and gave him a lecherous smirk as she put her lips a centimeter or two away from Naruto's "to be continued Naruto-kun" she said as she brushed her lips against his. After that the woman got off of him and stood next to the Nidaime's nose
"Well now that that's over, we can now have a normal discussion" the man inquired as he let Naruto recover from being almost raped
After a minute or so Naruto finally calmed down and sent the masked man a thankful look, before nodding allowing him to continue
"As you already know we are the spirits of your zanpakutous, we both have a different power so we each have our own form so when you return to the real world-"
"I'll get two zanpakutous and not one" Naruto finished
The man gave him a small smile "correct and I'm sure you know this is very rare, infact the only two others who have two zanpakutous are the captains of the 8th and 13th divisions, but we are different in our own unique way."
"How so?" Naruto asked curiously
When the man opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the red haired woman "what he means is that while Ukitake and Kyoraku have two zanpakutous, they have the same name. We, on the other hand, have two separate names so you'll not only have to earn this stick in the mud's name but mine as well"
"Okay I think I get it, but can you try telling me your name?" Naruto asked curiously
"I'm hurt Naruto-kun, you mean you don't recognize me?" the woman retorted in a fake hurt voice
"What, are you saying we've met before?" Naruto asked confused
"Well I was sealed into your naval for only your entire life" the woman answered
After the woman answered his question, Naruto just looked at her confused until he saw something red whip behind her. He focused on the object behind her and found that it was long, had crimson fur with a white tip, and there were nine of them, that's when the answer hit him
No fucking way Naruto thought as he met the woman's crimson eyes again. He let out a hugs 'gulp' before opening his mouth to speak
The woman just gave him a childish smile "way to go Naruto-kun I knew you could figure it out!" Kyuubi yelled while jumping up and down with joy
"H-How? I thought you went back to hell, how did you become the spirit of one of my zanpakutou?" Naruto asked confused
"Well Naruto-kun what happened was when you died, I thought I was going to hell as well. But for some reason my spirit particles fused with your soul and I wound up here, so in a way, I'm part of you Naruto-kun" Kyuubi explained
"Right, I have no idea what that meant, but all I need to know is that you're my zanpakutou. Hey wait a minute, if I know your name…THEN I UNLOCK YOUR SHIKAI YATTA!" Naruto responded screaming the last part
"Sorry to burst your bubble Naruto-kun but you can't use my shikai yet" Kyuubi answered
"What! Why not!" Naruto yelled frustrated
"Because I didn't give you my name, you guessed it. Until you can hear me say the my name is…you wont be able to unlock my true form" Kyuubi explained
"Wait you didn't even say your name, how can I know if I can unlock you if you don't even say it" Naruto shot back
"I did say my name you just couldn't hear it" Kyuubi responded
"Oh…damnit" Naruto deadpanned
"Well now that the introductions are finished I believe that it is time for you to be getting back to the real world" the man interjected in his monotone voice (in case your wondering his voice sounds like Sephiroth's)
"Alright, but can I come back and talk to you guys if I need to?" Naruto asked hopefully
"Don't worry Naruto you will see us again in time" the man replied giving Naruto a small smile as he and Kyuubi watched Naruto disappear
"He's going to be great isn't he?" Kyuubi asked in a dreamy voice
"I have no doubt he will be unlike anything Heaven Hell nor Soul Society has ever seen" the man responded as he turned to Kyuubi to find that the vixen was still naked
"Would you please put some close on?" the man asked frustrated
"Fine I'm saving this for Naruto-kun anyway" Kyuubi snapped as she walked off to God knows where
"Sometimes I wonder why I put up with her" the man said to no one as he looked up to see the sun was setting
(Back in the real world)
All of the class watched excitedly as Naruto sat in a meditative state; everyone was wondering what his zanpakutou would look like. All of the class inched closer to get a good view of the prodigy, only to be knocked back a wave of reiatsu.
Reiatsu started pouring out of Naruto's body until it exploded into a tower of blue, white and red. All of the academy students were gasping for air they desperately needed, all of them were holding their necks and most started to faint. A few seconds later all of the captains arrived at the scene and watched what was happening to the reiatsu.
The red and blue reiatsu was slowly mixing until it was made a dark purple color, after that the purple and white reiatsu started mixing until the tower of reiatsu was a light violet. Yamamoto seeing that this power was too much for the academy students turned to the vice-captains
"Get the academy students out of here now, they will die (again) if they are exposed to this much longer!" Yamamoto screamed as the vice-captains excluding Kushina picked up the academy students and shunpoed away.
"Yamamoto-sama this reiatsu is out of control if we don't seal it soon, things could get ugly!" Ukitake yelled even though he was having trouble breathing
"Very well, you and Kyoraku begin the seal-"
"Yamamoto-sama the reiatsu is dying down" Minato said as they looked at the slowly decreasing tower. The tower continued to shrink until it was ten feet above the ground; it then turned into a sphere. After a few seconds the sphere shattered as a figure rose as the violet shards fell around him. As the figure faced away from them they noticed the two massive zanpakutous on his back.
One was as long as he was tall, it was a bout 7in. in width and was in a leather sheath (like Ichigo's unsealed zampakutou) and had a red diamond pattern on the hilt and at the tip of the hilt it had a fox's head that was tilted up and it looked like it was roaring. The other zanpakutou was of much simpler design, it was the same length as the other zanpakutou but it was 1ft. in width and the sheath revealed the simple looking blade. The blade's handle was shaped like a rod unlike hit other's grip, which was shaped like a rectangular prism. The blade had no guard and had two holes on the top of the blade, one on top of the other (just imagine cloud's buster sword from final fantasy VII).
As Naruto turned around they could see that his eyes were glowing the same violet color as his reiatsu and held total seriousness in them. After a few seconds Naruto's eyes stopped glowing and their normal happy-go-lucky shine returned. The whole group stared at Naruto dumbfounded as Naruto looked about them looking for something. After a few seconds Naruto gave the group a sheepish look and put his hand behind his head
"Uh, anyone know where my class is?" at this everyone face faulted
HeartlessAngel48: Well another chapter done
Naruto: Took you long enough
HeartlessAngel48: Hey that's not fair at least it didn't take as long as the last update
Naruto: Whatever
HeartlessAngel48: Ok people I know this chapter was kind of disappointing, the thing is I've been really busy and it has been keeping me from my writing, I was going to put the graduation exam into this chapter as well, but that would take too long and I know most of you readers have the attention span of squirrel in a nut factory, and I was already past my deadline I thought it was best that I just make this another filler. To those who asked what happened to the Kyuubi now you know. Also, I will not be writing another chapter for a little bit since I'm going to be starting a new story. This one is a DMC (Devil May Cry for you retards out there) crossover, also I need your opinion, after I post my new story I will write a new chapter for Naruto and the Shinigamis and a new chapter for my new story Naruto: Shinobi turned Sparda, but then I will write a new one again. I have two stories in mind one is a crossover with Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and the other is a Final Fantasy VII crossover. I will need your opinion on which one you think I should right first and people I know you're all lazy and want to review your opinion but do me a favor and use the polls that what it's there for the poll will be closed at the end of the month. Well thank you all and I'm sorry if this chapter isn't quite what you expected, but fear not, for the next chapter will have plenty of action, next chapter The Graduation Exam a New Vizard is Born.
Hinata: Goodbye everyone