Title: A Little Peace and Quiet
Summary: If Robert doesn't get some peace and quiet soon, he's going to do something drastic, and his first victim will be Rick's stereo…
Pairings: Rick/Robert, Miguel/Kai
Warnings: Yaoi, Fluff, Oneshot.
Disclaimer: Don't own Beyblade.
Yep, you read the pairings right. Rick/Robert and I get to claim it! Whooo!
"Hey Robert! Come and get something to eat!"
The elegant purple hair nobleman immediately winces, the loud voice vibrating through his head. Dropping his pen onto the table of paperwork in front of him, Robert leans back into his chair. Rubbing his temples with his two fingers, Robert mutters under his breathe, his mild headache now turning into a full fledge migraine.
He has to get out.
What on earth possessed him into agreeing to stay at the Granger's dojo while he's in Japan for business, he'll never know. He's been here only a day, but due to his head pounding headache, it feels like a week.
A few other Beyblade teams are also staying at the dojo, reasons varying with the individuals. The All stars are spending a few days in Japan, escorted here by Judy herself and staying at Max's place.
Robert has heard from a very reliable source that the only reason Judy is here is to have some quality time with Max after getting into a huge yelling argument with none other than Kai himself over the phone. What the argument is about, he isn't sure, but it resulted in Kai telling Judy exactly what he thought of her. And it wasn't pretty.
Kai was livid for days after that apparently, even more so when Judy suddenly appeared.
The two have been glaring at each other ever since, but won't say anything other than small words when they have to as not to upset Max.
Of course, Robert is only going on what Ray told him and the Chinese blader isn't known for stretching the truth.
The other team who is staying here as well is the Spanish team, Barthez Battalion. The press in Spain found out about Barthez' abusive nature towards them and has started a media war, with them in the middle of it. So the only way to get away from all the unwanted publicity is to flee the country.
Surprisingly, but not so much to Robert, Kai has immediately taken on the role of the over protective guardian of the group, spending most of his time with Miguel, gently coaching him on how to deal with the media, for he, himself, has been dealing with the vultures for years.
"Robert?" a much softer voice behind him appears.
Glancing over his shoulder, Robert sees the enigma from his thoughts moments before standing at the entrance of his room. He finds himself smiling softly when Kai blinks his ruby eyes at him, a hint of concern shimmering in their depths.
"Is something bothering you?" Kai asks as he takes a step into the room, tilting his head to the side in thought when a moment later an expression of understanding appears on his face. "Headache?"
With a grimace, Robert nods. "I didn't expect this place to be so noisy."
"It usually isn't that bad," Kai comments. "It's just now we have three full Beyblade teams here at the moment."
"I knew I should have booked into a hotel," Robert uncharacteristically mutters under his breath as he wearily rubs his forehead with the back of his hand. "But Tyson was so insistent."
"He is most of the time," Kai says, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smile. "Go on, get out of here. The constant noise will do your headache no good. I'll cover for you."
Heaving himself out of his chair, Robert climbs to his feet, visibly wincing when a loud crash a few rooms away vibrate through his skull. "Thank you," he murmurs as he walks past the Russian.
Kai nods, moving into the lounge room, distracting the occupants inside by making a comment of Tyson and Daichi's eating habits, likening them to a shark feeding frenzy and cautioning the others so they won't lose an arm. With their attention elsewhere, it allows Robert to journey towards the front door with no interruptions.
Slamming the front door shut behind him, Robert leans heavily against it and soon realizes that not even the thick, heavy wooden door is able to block out the yells and laughter from inside.
Pushing away from the door, Robert runs a hand through his royal purple hair, and begins trekking towards the park, perhaps the most peaceful and silent place in the whole city. Surely the secluded grounds and calmly presence of nature will help reduce his pounding headache.
Robert truly wonders how on earth Kai can put up with such racket. He enjoys the peace and tranquil of silence as much as he does, if not more. But lately, it seems, Kai isn't too inclined in wandering off much these days, preferring to stay close. It's to keep an eye on the others, Kai explains but Robert is beginning to believe he wants to keep an eye on a certain blonde Spaniard.
Kai can deny it as much as he likes, but Robert knows there's something going on between him and Miguel. They tend to get along quite well.
Which is more than can be said about him and Rick.
There isn't a person on the face of this planet that is able to annoy him quite like Rick can. His arrogance is annoying. He street wise attitude is annoying. He whole demeanor is annoying.
But what infuriates Robert even more is that he finds himself actually drawn to the smartass for reason completely unknown. Sure, he's a talented blader with a sense of honor far more superior than a regular street rat, but he's a pain in the ass.
"Blast," Robert curses out loud. "I'm beginning to think like him."
Suddenly the ear piercing wail of someone or something screaming loudly, destroying their vocal cords while being accompany by the sound of electric guitars and steel drums mingling together in a giant mess reaches Robert sensitive hearing.
It sounds like heavy metal music.
Inwardly, Robert feels like screaming. He left the dojo, seeking the tranquil silence of the park to soothe his aching head only to find the sound of harsh, incoherent music blaring at him from a source not yet known.
If he doesn't find some peace soon, he'll likely do something he'll regret later.
Curling his fists by his sides, Robert scowls and heads towards the noise, gritting his teeth in a less than elegant manner. With the music growing louder, Robert knows that he's heading in the right direction.
Just as the music starts to turn deafening, he sees the familiar and very arrogant figure of one street blader he was thinking about moments before, Rick Anderson.
Figures that Rick would be the one behind this deplorable music, Robert inwardly seethes.
Sitting at the base of a tree, his arms comfortable behind his head, Rick nods his head in time of the loud, head banging music. He has one leg flat out in front of him with the other knee bent, his foot also tapping in time of the music.
Suddenly he stops moving and abruptly turns his head to the side, peering up at Robert with a mild sense of interest, but trying not to show it. "What do you want?" he practically yells over the music.
"I just want some peace and quiet," Robert yells his reply, his headache coming back with a vengeance. "Is that too much to ask?"
Rick stares at Robert for a few moments, before snootily turning his nose into the air and turning his head away. "Yeah, it is. I was here first, so take a hike."
"This is a park, you do realize that," Robert says slowly, speaking as if he is talking to a dimwitted child. "A park is suppose to be peaceful."
Rick ignores his tone of voice and snorts harshly. "Silence is for wusses."
"Come again?" Robert finds himself frowning at the American's most uncouth way of speaking.
"I'm not turning the music down, let alone turning it off altogether," Rick tells him bluntly, arrogantly keeping his eyes close and only giving him the tiniest amount of attention. "So I suggest you find some other place for your peace and quiet."
"You, argh!" Robert growls, his face turning red from anger and humiliation. He doesn't know why, but Rick has this uncanny ability to get right under his skin without so much as trying. "You infuriating, uncultured swine!"
In a mild case of shock, Rick snaps his eyes open to stare at the obviously seething German, raising an eyebrow when he realizes that his frame is shaking with suppress anger. He has never seen the nobleman so angry before and to be honest, it's almost cute.
Dare he say adorable?
Seeing Robert act just like a human brings a small smug smirk to Rick's lips. Even his so-called scathing insult is enough to bring a smile on his lips. He could have easily gone for the usual clichés; bastard, jerk, asshole, etc. But he went one step further. Not only is this the first time someone has ever called him a swine, but he's an infuriating and uncultured one at that!
"If you don't turn that god forsaken music off now, I'll…" Robert starts, but then pauses, not entire sure what he'll do himself. He takes a deep breathe to try and calm himself down, but when Rick slowly rises to his feet to tower over him, his irritation increases ten fold.
"You'll what?" Rick asks as he folds his arms over his chest, daring Robert to finish his sentence.
Robert presses his lips together, drawing a sharp breath through his nose and then exhales through his mouth.
"Well?" Rick prods, poking the shorter male in the middle of his forehead. "What are you going to do?"
"Griffolyon," Robert says calmly, quickly pulling out his blade and aiming is directly at the offending piece a technology. "Wing Dagger!"
"Now, wait-a-minute!" Rick immediately scrambles out of the way just in time to see his sleek black stereo disappear in an array of sparks and smoke.
Still seething in his own skin, Robert snatches back his Beyblade and spins on his heel, stalking off into the distance while muttering something incoherent.
Rick blinks and glances down at the small crater where a few chard remains of his stereo lays strewn across the ground. A part of him is completely livid that the German had the gall to destroy his precious stereo, while another part of him feels slightly smug that he was able to evoke such an intense reaction from the usually calm and sophisticated nobleman.
"Impressive," he whistles, kicking a small bit of debris with his foot. "There's more to the pompous prick than I thought."
Whoo! Go Robert! I've always wanted to totally trash a stereo like that. Would be a great stress relief, wouldn't it?
Anyway, on anther note I'm going to be pretty busy in the coming six weeks leading up to Christmas. I have a part time job working as a photographer, taking pictures of the kiddies on Santa's knee X3 I'll try to update as much as I can.
Please review.