Mall Turmoil

The Cullens decide to have fun at a mall, what will happen……


"Jas-per, do you have to drive like an old lady?" the boredom rang from Rosalie's musical voice.

"Uhm, Hello? I'm going 90 miles per hour already" Jasper retorted, obviously offended.

"Yah, but with the pace you're going we wont be in Maine till next week!" Emmett stepped in defending his wife.

"Guys, could you stop arguing long enough for us to get Bella some lunch?" All eyes turned to Edward and Bella in the Back seats of Emmett's Jeep.

"I'm not hungry though" Bella looked at me. I did see us stopping in a mall for lunch. (lunch for Bella I mean) All of a sudden her stomach rumbled, loudly, her face going that familiar deep shade of puce. " Okay, maybe I am a little bit on the hungry side. This wouldn't be a problem if I was a vampire you know."

Not this argument again, I completely agreed with Bella, Edward was being a prude, but she didn't need to remind him every waking second. " Come on Bella, give our dear repressed brother a break. He is only doing what he thinks is best. Besides, I can always change you when Edward goes hunting and leaves me to baby-sit you."

"No!" Edward and Bella both yelled at me. Wow, they really were meant for each other.

"Fine, I saw us stopping at a mall to get food for you rite about now." Jasper swerved onto the exit he very nearly missed. The Cullen "kids" drove in silence as they approached a gigantic looming mall

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