PenWraith is attempting to connect to your line. Please wait a moment for your call…………………………………………………………………………………………..Thank you for your patience.

Yeah, yeah, no updates for a while. Gettin' kind of complacent, aren't I?

Can't be diligent for ALL of my stories...

Anyone already a Xerro fan? He's just soooo awesome!

Sorry for the mistakes in last chapter, I won't do it again... bad form, I know.

But listen to me, rambling on. YOU WANT STORY.

So I give you story!

Disclaimer: ... If any of you need this, I'm gonna get a bit worried... the new journal entries, however, ARE MINE. Same with the black pikmin. And green. And the gritmin.



High upon the tree I slowly drifted into madness.

Voices, voices everywhere... Why were there so many VOICES!!

Where are they coming from? What ARE they!?



I awoke with a start, disturbing a green pikmin to my brightside. He mumbled something incomprehensible, and turned away.

He was asleep.

All pikmin around me were asleep.

I turned around so I faced the large stem of the tree and sighed.

There were voices all around me. Pikmin mumbling and the others that I could not identify. That seemingly came from nowhere.

I could hear them now. "Ey, what're dem cree-tures doin' on me branch?"

"They're sleeping. What else?"

"Thought they might be violatin' it in some way."

"Honestly. Do you know nothing about these things? They are cree-tures. They do this thing called sleep."



"Well, I din' know!"

All through the night they whispered. Whispered incessantly.

I was going mad.

No, they speak.

What is speaking? Why? I'm not falling into madness?

No. They speak.

"WHAT SPEAKS!?" I screamed into the night. A flock of some strange creatures lifted up from where I was standing a few paces away.

Lightning beetle

Pseudocelestia Luminia

Scarab family

Distant relatives to the landbound anode beetles, the lightning beetles light up the night with their luminous abdomen. They achieve this by releasing a hormone that stimulates the bioluminescent chemicals stored in its abdomen, creating a chemical reaction to signal to potential female flightless mates on the ground. It is an extraordinary creature, but is not carnivorous. When not in flight they fold an interesting armoured carapace over its wings, seemingly to help protect it.

Excerpt from: Piklopedia, 59th day on pikmin planet

Their eerie yellow glow brightens the darkness up. The content faces of many pikmin are illuminated in the glow.

I strained to listen for the maddening voices again, but I cannot hear them.

I sighed, and sank to the ground, my face evidently speaking of fatigue. And then i wondered why I had not inherited memories from the past Eldests about the voices. Could it be that they had no memories or knowledge of them at all?

And about the black pikmin. Why had my predecessors not known of them? They had certainly know of the Gritmin.

Without bid, the voice in my head spoke: When will this end? When will the carnage cease?

Will we ever find the sanctuary?

We had only just begun our journey at last, and it seemed as if it was already hopeless.

My thoughts turned to the strange, black pikmin named Xerro. I looked around for him.

Eariler I sighted our brothers from the green Vessel bring him up from the ground, away from the sounds of the Gritmin.

"Maybe his brothers had already brought him back," I muttered softly. No matter. It would be best to push him from my mind. But no matter how I tried, I could not shake the strange image from my head.

The strange, white fluff covering its stalk opened and closed with a mind of its own.

Why did it not stray from my mind?

It is not right.


The black pikmin. It is not natural. it does not belong.

Why not? They seemed helpful and friendly enough. What wrong could they have done on the great Mother Vessel?

But what of the Father Vessel?

He would be angry, but... why are they not 'right?'


"What!?" i exclaimed aloud, causing some pikmin to stir.

I felt shock and horror. Certainly they were strange, but... abominations?

They couldn't be! We haven't seen them before, so that makes them monstrosities!?

They do not belong.

The voice remained in my head throughout the night.



Master... is angry...

The strange black things from the sky made him angry...

No... Master, No... don't be angry...




Short chapter, another, yeah.

Everyone wants me to write more, but I can't find the time. Or I'm just lazy.

Next one will be better. That is a PROMISE.

Anyways apparently V Rex, Killer Raptor, and Great Thumbs of Wisdom are creating a collab fic named 'perspectives!' A COLLAB FIC!!


Call ended.