Next chapter! Woot!


Zhou Yu leapt back from the attack. Sun Ce smirked and thrusted forward by pushing off the ground. Yu lurched to the side just in time to avoid the tonfa from striking his side. Ce quickly jumped back and again pushed forward. Yu was getting tired of this and decided to attack himself.

Yu also launched forward to strike at Ce, only to get punched in the stomach. He had been out witted and he fell back. He coughed a couple times and raised his hand in defeat. Ce grinned and took his hand. He tugged slightly and lifted Yu up.

Zhou Yu sighed and said, "I still can't beat you. I guess you've earned your title. Little Conqueror."

Ce grinned brightly and slapped Yu on the back, hard. Yu winced slightly before laughing loudly at Ce's toughness. Ce joined him a moment later.

"Man! I guess everything's back to normal, right Yu?" Ce asked after he regained his breath.

Yu's gaze turned to the ground. "No…not quite. I still feel the emptiness…but…but I feel as though the moment is coming where we'll finally meet the people we need to meet. If that makes sense."

Ce sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah. I guess I was trying to convince myself as well. But…it also feels like something bad is going to happen…ya know?"

Yu only nodded and looked to the east. Ce noticed and asked, "Yu, you always do that now. You never look anywhere else but the east."

Yu chuckled and said, "Well, I guess you haven't noticed yourself. You always look to the north."

Ce gave a questioning look. Yu sighed and explained, "Look at your body position. See? You're in the position to face the north. I'm in the position to face the east. I don't know why this keeps happening…but I always turn to the east without noticing what I'm doing. I think it's a sign or something."

Ce rubbed the back of his neck. "Damn. All this thinking lately is killing my brain. I wish we could just figure it out already." Ce threw his arm up in a fist.

"Ce, what are you doing?" Yu asked.

Ce grinned at him. "This is my sign. I just started doing it recently. I kind of do it randomly…but I can't help it. It's as if someone's controlling me and making me do it. But it feels right."

Yu shook his head. "I don't get you."

Ce punched him in the arm.

Da stood on her balcony staring out into nothing. She clenched her fist and raised it to the sky. She smiled as if someone was communicating with her.

Thank you.

Startled, Ce lurched forward. Yu looked at him questioningly. "Something wrong?"

Ce rubbed his temples. "Yeah…but…I swear I just heard someone's voice."

Yu's eyes widened. "What? There's no one else in here. Is there someone trying to sneak up on us?"

Yu leaped up and got into his fighting position. Ce shook his head and beckoned Yu back to his seat on the bed.

"No…it didn't sound faraway…it was closer…like it came from my head. It was as if my thoughts were trying to communicate with me."

Yu gave a very confused glance. "Are you sure you weren't hallucinating?"

Ce looked down at the comforters. "Maybe…"

The subject wasn't continued. Zhou Yu slipped into his own thoughts.

A voice? Hmm…what could it be? Sun Ce…what is happening to us?

Ce was having similar thoughts.

That voice…it sounded…feminine. Strange…is the person I'm waiting for a girl? A woman? A lady? I wonder…is Zhou Yu looking for the same person? Different? A girl?

Drenched within their own thoughts, they sat like that for who knows how long.

Xiao Qiao walked along the path. The sunlight light up her features perfectly. Her eyes reflected the light that glowed within her. Sure, she had a childish personality. But through that, there was a beautiful, thoughtful, and womanly person. It's funny…everyone has a separate being inside them.

Da Qiao looked down from the balcony and smiled. "Xiao! What are you doing?"

A surprised Xiao looked up. "O-oh! Da! I didn't see you t-there!" Her voice had a slight stutter to it, but Da ignored it.

"Are you going to answer my question?"

Xiao blushed embarrassingly at her spacey attitude. "O-oh sorry! Um…I'm just watching the sun and the clouds."

"Looking to the east again?" That was a common question that switched between north and east.

Xiao knew she couldn't hide it. She was getting that feeling again. "Yeah…another feeling…-"

"-About the mysterious strangers that are supposed to meet us?" Da finished for her.

"Yeah." Xiao nodded.

Da looked on and turned her head slightly to glance at the north sky. "Xiao?"


"Just a minute ago…it felt like a new feeling was entering my body. And it wasn't my own. It was an emotion of surprise…"

Xiao pondered this for a while. Soon, she shrugged her shoulders and gave her sister an apologizing look. "Sorry, sis. I can't figure it out. But, maybe it was the guy."

Da raised an eyebrow. "Guy?"

Xiao smiled pearly whites. "Yeah! I can feel it! These people are going to be men! Isn't that awesome!?"

Da couldn't help but smile at her little sister's childish side. She shook her head. "I don't know if that is awesome, Xiao…you know…"

Xiao's expression soon turned into a sad and grim expression. "Oh! I'm so sorry, Da! I didn't mean to…bring that memory up…"

Da cracked a weak smile, but didn't make eye contact. "It's okay, Xiao…I know you didn't mean to. It's my fault really. I need to stop dwelling on the past." Da smiled brightly at the north. "Besides, I think your right, Xiao. I think the men are going to be 'awesome'!"

Xiao sighed in relief and happiness. She turned back to the east. "Yeah! Can't you feel it?"

Da grinned. "Of course!"

I hope I meet you soon, Ce.

Da immediately became shocked. Where did that name come from? It just came to her.

I can't wait either.

Now Da was freaking out. Her thoughts were responding her thoughts. She turned around quickly and looked around. Xiao turned at the movement.

"Da? Is everything okay?" She asked, worry clear in her voice.

Da surveyed her room for a split second before answering, "Yeah, I'm fine. I thought I heard someone…or maybe it was just myself."

"Huh?" Xiao was really confused now. Was her sister going crazy from this waiting?

"It's nothing, Xiao." Da turned around once she was sure no one was there.

Ah, come on! Aren't you gonna talk to me?

Da could hear a charming laugh ring through her head. She took the chance.


She waited for her answer.

I know…I was freaking out at first too. But I think I finally understand. You're that girl that I keep thinking about, right?

Da blushed at the choice of words.

Um…yes. Are you the man that keeps giving me his emotions?

Da was surprised at herself. She never talked to anyone like that except to her sister. But that was only because they were extremely close. She felt safe hearing his voice.

I have? Gosh! I didn't know I've been doing that! Sorry!

Ce had never been so excited in his life! He was talking to the mystery girl in his thoughts! How weird does that sound!?

What is your name?

The girl's voice appeared again.

My name? It's Da Qiao. You?

Ce felt himself grinning at the name. He immediately answered.

My name's Sun Ce. Nice to meet 'ya!

A soft giggling rang.

Thank you. Nice to meet you, too.

Zhou Yu was getting worried about Ce. He had looked at Ce to ask a question, only to see him grinning widely and laughing.

What's wrong with him?

Xiao quickly looked up and saw her sister giggling and blushing.

What's wrong with him?

A voice asked in her mind. Xiao looked around. That couldn't have been Da…she was too busy being in her own fantasy.

Who are you?

She was surprised to feel a strong sense of shock. Was this what Da was talking about? It felt so strange.

D-Did someone just answer me?

The voice asked. Xiao was sure that the voice came from her mind. She decided to ask again.

Who are you?

A moment went by.

My name is Zhou Yu Now, who is the charming girl I am talking to?

Xiao blushed heavily. Is he flirting with her?

Yu was shocked at himself. Was he flirting with a girl he didn't even know? A girl he just met? Damn. What's wrong with him? This girl…she had an affect on him.

My name's Xiao Qiao.

Well Xiao, it's a pleasure to talk to you.

Yu smiled.

Same here. Wow. This is all happening so fast!

No kidding…it feels just a moment ago when I was wondering what was wrong with me…I kept getting weird feelings.

A feeling of excitement and joy took place in his heart.

You've been feeling it, too!? That's great! I-I mean…I think it is…oh well! It doesn't matter! I can't believe I'm actually talking to you, Yu! This is so cool!

It was then when Yu finally noticed how childish Xiao was acting. And strangely, he liked it. Maybe he can finally have some fun.

It's nice to have finally found you.

Amazing!!! I've never written a second chapter in such a small time! I hope you like it! The next chapter will, hopefully, be up this week or during Thanksgiving Break! I will probably be posting at least 2 more chapters during the break. Thanx for the reviews! Review Please!