Okay, this isn't the first Harry Potter Fanfic I've written, but it is the first I've posted. It's a lot longer then this, but I only just got now to typing it. Let me know what ya'll think, and all that Jazz.

Disclaimers: I don't own Harry Potter, because if I did, I wouldn't be a starving college student.

Warnings: No slash, but spanking later.

Draco sat up, frightened. He didn't know where he was. The last he remembered, he was taking a nap on his father's sofa in his office. He looked around him, at the cold stone floor and walls. The room was dark and cold. He shivered and stood up. He knew he needed to find his father or godfather. Draco walked over to the door and tugged it open. He looked down the dimly lit hallway and looked both ways. Wrinkling his nose, he tried to decide which way to go. After some deliberation, he scurried left. He walked for quite some time, and didn't see any doors or people. Finally, after what felt like hours, he saw a door. Cautiously, he knocked. He heard a shuffle, and a thump, then the door opened, to reveal a rather short man.

"Who's There?" The man demanded, then spotted Draco, "Who are you?"

"Um...My name is Draco Malfoy, and I'm lost."

"Malfoy, eh?" Said the man.

"Yes sir. Can you help me?" Draco asked, slightly afraid.

"Yes. My name is Fillious Flitwick. I am a teacher here. Come in and I'll see what I can do."

"But...where is here?" Draco asked, not moving.

"This is Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts? My godfather teaches here," Draco declared, "Do you know him? His name is Severus Snape."

"I always thought there was something between you two," The man squeeked, "Yes, I'll take you to him."

Draco nodded, and followed him.

Little dots.

Severus Snape was sitting at his desk reading some essays written bu first years. He was just thinking that one last cup of tea would do him good before going to bed, when a knock sounded on the door. Slightly angry at the late night interuption, he stood and stormed over, throwing open the door.

"What?" He demanded.

"Hello, Severus," said Fillious.

"What did you want?" Severus demanded.

"Uncle Sevvy!" Draco bried, grabbing his legs.

"Draco? What-?" Severus started in shock.

"I found him like this and he said you were his godfather, so I brought him here. Good night, Severus," Fillious said, walking away.

"Draco, my boy, let go off my legs. Go sit on the couch," Severus said.

Draco released his legs, and watched him close the door, and turn to him.

"Draco, what happened? How old are you"

"I'm 7. I don't know what happened. I was taking a nap in Papa's office and then I woke up here."

"I see," Severus said, looking pensive. He sat and said, "Come here. Draco."

The child obeyed, approaching his godfather.

"The last thing you remember is napping on you father's sofa?"

"Yes sir," Draco said, as he climbed up onto his godfather's sofa.

"Draco, you need to listen to me very carefully. You are not 7. In fact, you are 17."

"But how is that possible?" Draco asked.

"It must have been accidental magic,"Severus said, looking at the clock and seeing that it was nearly 10, "It's late. Time for bed, Draco."

"But Uncle Sevvy, I'm not tired!" Draco exclaimed.

"Draco, you know your father has your bedtime at 7. It's now 9:55. It's time for bed."

"But Uncle Sevvy, Papa's not here!" Draco argued.

"I don't care. It's late and you are going to bed. No more arguing."

"No. I don't want to," Draco said, crossing his arms over he chest.

"I don't care if you want to or not. YOu are going to bed," Severus said, picking his godson up and carrying into the extra bedroom in his quarters and putting Draco into the bed.

"Now go to sleep. We'll talk more in the morning.

Little dots.

Severus was lying in bed asleep when he was awaken by a bouncing, 7 year old blonde jumping on him.

"Draco! What is the meaning of this?"

"It's time to get up, Uncle Sevvy!" Draco replied, jumping on the bed.

"Draco, stop hopping on my bed!" Severus said, sitting up and putitng his feet on the floor. It was then that he looked at the clock and saw it was only four in the morning. He groaned and said, "Draco, tell me, can you tell time?"

"Yes sir."

"And what time does that clock say?"

Draco looked at it and said, "It says four, sir."

"It is too early to be awake, Draco. Go back to bed."

"But I'm not tired anymore, Uncle Sevvy."

"Draco, it's-"

"Too early to be a wake, I know, I know," Draco interupted, "Why don't you brew a potion, or do lesson plan, or something? Just don't make me go to bed!"

"Do not interupt me, Draco! You know better than that. All of my potions are done, so I've nothing to brew. And I do my lesson plans at night. So I repeat, it's too early to-"

"Be awake," Draco cut him off, impatiently, "Uncle Sevvy, there must be something to do!"

"Draco! Did I not just tell you not to interupt me?"

"Yes sir," Draco said, Looking down.

Severus sighed. His godson looked so cute. He had forgotten how cute Draco used to be. Shaking the thoughts from his head, he said, "Go stand in the corner for 5 minutes for interupting."

Draco gasped, and looked ready to argue when Severus cut him off, "No arguments. No do as your told."

Draco huffed, but obeyed, going to the corner and standeing quietly, but pouting.

Severus sighed and stood up. Might as well get up, he thought.

And that's the end of this bit. How goes it?