Disclaimer: i obviously own nothing that you recognize!

Chapter 1

"Harry? Harry are you home?"

Harry Potter looked up from his sketch book, "yeah, Remus, I'm in my room."

A minute later Harry heard a sharp tap on his bedroom door as it was pushed open, "hey, how are you?" Harry gave one of his father's best friends a look. "Okay, point taken, but seriously, are you alright?"

"Look, Remus, no offense, but I really don't want to talk about it."

Remus sighed and took a seat on Harry's bed, "I know you don't want to, but you'll have to eventually. We're all coping, but we're worried about you."

"Whoa, 'we'? Who's 'we'?"

"Me and Sirius." Harry said nothing, only returned to drawing. "Harry, please don't shut us out. We loved them, too. You can't keep ignoring the fact that they're gone."

Harry's grip on his pencil tightened considerably, "don't you think I know that? I know they're never coming back! My parents are dead! I know that! A stupid fucking drunk driver killed my parents! My mom and dad are dead and they're not coming back! I don't fucking need you rubbing it in by constantly reminding me of that fact!"

"Harry, I'm sorry, I really am, but you need to talk to us."

Harry shook his head, "no, I don't. You need me to talk to you. I'm not trying to shut you and Sirius out, you're the only family I have left now, but I need to deal in my own way. Please, just trust me to handle things myself."

"This is hard for all of us, and I'm sorry for not realizing that you need space, but can you blame me? Lily and James have been my very best friends since high school. I know that it has to be just as hard, if not harder, for you. Sirius and I have done some talking, and we think it best that we move. Live somewhere that doesn't have constant reminders of our loss at every turn. You do have a say in this, Harry, all you have to do is say no, and we'll stay."

Harry lifted his eyes from the spot he'd been staring at on his paper, "I don't want to stay. Everyone here keeps saying how such an awful thing happened," silent tears rolled down Harry's cheek. "I can't take it anymore, Remus, I couldn't even bring myself to go to their funeral. Wherever you and Sirius decide to move I'm in."

Remus moved over to Harry and pulled him into a hug, burying Harry's face in his strong chest. "Shh. It's okay, it's going to be okay," Remus whispered soothingly as Harry started to sob. Harry clung to Remus' lithe form until exhaustion clouded his weary mind. Remus shifted Harry from his desk chair onto his bed before exiting the teen's room.

Remus found Sirius in the kitchen, having just returned from work, and sat down heavily in one of the chairs, "I feel so bad for him, Sirius. I don't know how to help him, anything I say just seems inadequate."

Sirius regarded his friend with sorrow-filled eyes, "I know. The best things for him right now are our support and a change of scenery."

"I just hate how he keeps everything all bottled up. It makes it that much harder when the dam breaks."

Sirius nodded, finally understanding, "he's a teenage boy who just lost both of his parents and his guardians know nothing about discipline, or raising a teenager. Cut him some slack."

"You're right, I know, but that doesn't make it any easier to see him break down like that."

"I'm not saying it does. For now though, let's just focus on finding a new place in a new town."

Remus nodded, "do you have any ideas?"

Sirius grinned, "not one."