Disclaimer: I own nothing.

AN: The last chapter! Woo-hoo! Though, it is somewhat depressing…

Twenty Years Later…

Celestina was at the magical radio station, where she was singing some of her famous songs, to everyone celebrating Christmas. It had been twenty years since James and Lily had kissed for their first time. Remembering it now, she couldn't help but smile. Her most popular song, A Cauldron of Hot Strong Love, was completely based off that romance. Celestina would kill for a romance like that.

But, she didn't. There had been too many deaths in the past years. As she waited for the commercial break to end, she sifted through the rack of old magazines. At the bottom, there was a raggedy old Witch Weekly. Flipping through it, she found a picture that looked exactly like James. Glancing at the accompanying article, she realized it was that fake stuff on Hermione Granger's love life. That magazine would do anything for news, nowadays.

Still, seeing James' picture brought up memories of her past life…

There were first off, the marauders.

Remus, she had stayed in touch with in the past years. She had helped him get random jobs, here and there, after she figured out his secret. He also filled her up on the doings of her other friends. He told her about the Order. Celestina would have joined, but that would lead to many fans learning it's whereabouts. Being famous singer might have it's ups, but it also had plenty of downs, including stalkers.

Peter, she had believed him to be a good friend, and a hero, until Remus had contacted her two and a half years ago. Celestina had never really known him that well, though.

Celestina had always been close with Sirius. He planned the broom closet stunt with her, and helped her and Mafalda plan out revenge on Camilla. Celestina had been horrified when she learned that Sirius was a betraying criminal. But, Remus had sent her the letter, and Celestina had felt a large weight lifted from her shoulders. Unfortunately, he had died less then a year ago.

Mary and Evan had married. Celestina was still very close to them, and they were family friends. She had dinner at their house often, and met their son, Oliver Wood. He was a charming young lad, and Celestina took a liking to him. She was named godmother (along with Frank as godfather), actually. She had secured him a place on Puddlemere United. She was just waiting for him to get together with his current crush, Katie Bell. She knew that Katie liked him back. Celestina sighed. She just might have to pull the old broom closet stunt, again.

Frank and Alice were also married. Celestina had been to their house several times. She had met their son, Neville, once, when he was a month old. A week after that, Frank and Alice were tortured to insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange. Celestina was one of the first to visit them in Mungo's. She could (and would) never forget how she had first bonded with Alice after the Slytherin had pushed her off the train. They never got better, but Celestina visited them every single year, on Christmas day, so they wouldn't be alone. That morning, she had actually bumped into their son. He was a strapping young lad, and Celestina prayed that one-day, he too, would find true love.

Marlene had also been very close to Celestina. Peter wasn't around often, and everyone else had a date, other than Marlene and Remus. She had talked to the pair many times. Celestina was heart-broken as she learned that all of Marlene's family, and herself, were killed at the hands of death eaters. Marlene was the one who had laughed with her at James and Lily's growing relationship.

James and Lily. Those two had set up her entire first year to be loads of fun. She had done her part, getting the two together, and witnessed their nauseatingly perfect romance during the second half of the year. James was the most wonderful boyfriend, from what Celestina could see. He walked with her, offered to carry her books (which Lily never did accept), made her laugh, and had once specifically told Celestina he would rather have his skin slowly peeled off, then watch Lily get a paper-cut. Lily was sweet too, and always faithful. But, Celestina didn't really pay attention to that, as she was too busy thinking about what she would do to have a boyfriend like James. Lily and James were the perfect match.

Not that they didn't have bumps along the way. There were many, many, many arguments, but then we all realized that the pair probably couldn't live without fighting, that was what they loved to do. There were also jealous fan club members. More than ten times, did Camilla try to break them up. She was successful, but only once. That time they realized two days later that they still loved each other, and got back together. Also, there was the time James proposed.

James had no clue on how; he just knew he wanted to propose. This was three years after they left Hogwarts. He was so unsure; he contacted every female he knew. Including me. Celestina was talking to him, my head in the fireplace, when Lily came down from the room they shared in their house (they had moved in together). She heard Celestina's voice, and was fairly groggy, therefore not recognizing it. She thought he was cheating one her, and ran away, crying. From what Celestina had heard, James chased after Lily for a good half of the night, until her caught up for her boarding a muggle plan. Apparently, Lily was leaving to the states, to find a calm place to think. She had an aunt who lived there, and always welcomed Lily. James stopped her, and proposed right there, in front of the millions of people at the airport. She said yes, and set the crowd cheering wildly.

Celestina giggled at the thought. It was really what Remus had told her, but she could picture it all happening.

They got married, and Celestina was a bridesmaid. James was in another tux, and Lily was in a beautiful white dress, with, get this, crystals, placed among her hair, which had been put up in an elegant bun. The Potters were rich, I tell you. Sirius hadn't worn his orange tux to the wedding, but the reception was another story. He was wearing a pink and yellow polka dot tux. However you get those. Lily told Celestina that Sirius had given them an early wedding present, a barrel full of 'oyster friends' as Sirius called them. Then, James added, cracking up while telling her, that Lily's grandmother had found the oysters, and cooked them for the wedding feast. Celestina remembered how Sirius was in hysterics when he reached the buffet table, and then Lily's great-great aunt or something, had shoved him onto the floor, saying she couldn't wait for the oysters as it was one of Lily's grandmother's specialty's. Sirius was hurt as that aunt licked the oyster plate clean that night ('Cannibalism! Cannibalism, I tell you!'). Sirius was too busy running around crying about cannibalism, Marlene had been nominated to read Sirius' prewritten speech, as Marlene had lived through all of it, participated in many of Sirius' stunts. It was a very hilarious speech, which ended up in Marlene threatening Lily not to hurt James.

Well, soon after, Lily and James had Harry. He was the cutest little thing, according to everyone. Sirius was somehow named godfather. Celestina was named honorary godmother, but it was never official. It was too bad that the pair were killed a bit more than a year afterwards.

Celestina could clearly remember picking up the paper that morning. The first thing she saw was 'James and Lily Potter found dead.' Celestina had cried for an hour, until she finally decided to read on. She had been in seventh year. Her boyfriend, Bilius was also heartbroken that his role model was dead. They had cried together for what had seemed an eternity. And though everyone else was celebrating the death of Voldemort, they joined in the celebrations halfheartedly.

Celestina also visited their graves annually. On Halloween. She always laid three white lilies, and something green, their favorite color. Celestina had never met Harry more than that, although she had heard numerous praises from Remus. She was planning on meeting him after his seventh year. She didn't want life too hectic for him right now.

So, that was seven deaths. Sirius, Alice, Frank, Marlene, Lily, James, and Bilius.

Ah, Bilius. They had stayed friends until fifth year. That was when they began to date. They were together for the rest of Hogwarts. After Hogwarts, they had stayed together, but had to separate. Celestina wanted to become a singer, and had to travel to pursue that dream. They never dated anyone else, and they corresponded through letters. She wrote three hundred and sixty five letters a year. She finally got her big break, but on that night, Bilius died. They said it was the Grim.

Celestina died the day she got the letter, with many condolences. She crashed into her bed, and slept, wept, and barely ate for a week. It was a week and half after his death when she had a dream. Bilius was there, and looked exactly like himself. Celestina knew at that point that he was from the afterworld.

"Celestina," he had told her, looking at her admirably. "I love you. I really do. And it pains me to see you like this. I went insane towards the end, not being with you, really."

Celestina had told him she'd do anything for him, in apologies for not being with him in his time of death.

"All I want is for you to go back to normal life. I don't want you to cry over my death. I wouldn't want you to act like this over me."

Celestina had nodded, and told him she'd never date another man. This had earned her a large grin.

Celestina heard someone snap their fingers. Looking up, she saw the station manager.

"Sorry, Ms. Warbeck. But you didn't seem to hear when I said that we're back on air in twenty seconds."

Celestina smiled. "No problem." Turning to the mike, she spoke, "Merry Christmas to you all. My next song, A Cauldron of Hot Strong Love, I dedicate to the one couple I knew and loved, Lily and James Potter."

As Celestina began to sing into the mike, there was a family far away, in a crocked, rickety old house listening intently as they chatted.

"My GOD! Arthur! Harry's parents! She knew Harry's parents!" a plump woman with red hair, named Molly Weasley cried.

Her husband, Arthur Weasley looked nervous. "Now, Molly. Please don't go hanging up Harry on your Celestina Warbeck wall!"

Molly didn't seem to hear. She stood up, and started inching greedily towards a boy with messy black hair, who seemed very uncomfortable.

Another person with red hair jumped in front of the boy. His names was Ron. "Mum, please don't do this to Harry! He doesn't deserve to die of starvation! He's my best mate!"

Molly didn't seem to listen. It wasn't until a young girl flung her arm out, protectively in front of Harry, that she stopped.

"NO, Mum! Not my boyfriend!" The young girl growled at her mother, causing the woman to scamper back to her seat.

"Boyfriend? Did you hear that, Gred?" another boy with red hair asked.

"Yes, indeed I did, Forge," a boy, exactly like the previous boy, answered.

"So, Harry, what do you think this means?" asked 'Forge', talking to the boy with messy black hair.

"Um… You need your hearing checked?" the boy with messy black hair asked nervously.

"No, this means BEATERS BATS!!" screamed the first identical boy.

"Hey! I thought it meant bludgers!" the second identical boy called.

"Hmm… Good idea, Gred. I like it. Why don't I get the beater's bat, and you the bludgers?"

The identical boys nodded to each other, and the black haired boy ran off hurriedly, the identical boys behind him, and the young girl running after, screaming obscenities at them.

After they left, Celestina's voice could be heard again on the crackling radio. "And this next song is for my one true love; Bilius Weasley."


AN: Now, that was the end. Hoped you liked it. Now, do you think I should write a one-shot on James proposal to Lily, you know, the one I mentioned in the story. Or maybe the wedding. Whatever, just review!