Lilly's thoughts after the episode "Lilly's Mom has got it going on".
PS: I hate Oliver for calling Lilly an idiot in that episode. I really do. Despite him being sexy at one point.
I absentmindedly kicked the empty can that was lying on the sidewalk. It headed straight towards the lamppost and bounced off.
Sorry can. It's not your fault.
I let out a heavy sigh and plodded on towards home, my usually light steps becoming heavy with each step. My mind was still thinking about the day's events between me and Miley; the whole "Mom dating Robbie" fiasco; but somehow, my stupid thoughts kept going back to that one sentence that hurt more that it should have been.
"Don't be an idiot. Just take the fish."
I can't believe it.
After all this time.
He still stood up for her.
He chose to defend her.
Not me.
My perfect almost-sister slash best friend.
Miley Stewart a.k.a Hannah Montana.
Well, I guess it's not her fault that he chose to stand up for her instead of me. Heck. Probably all the guys would want to protect her.
Perfect miss Miley. Gorgeous. Curvaceous.
Can sing.
I released yet another sigh and crossed my arms across my chest as a sudden evening breeze blew past, making me chilly. I pushed away my long side bangs that the wind blew, causing it to cover my face and I quickly tucked it behind my ears.
Too bad I didn't have my skateboard with me since mom sent me to school today.
It sure would've cleared my head.
Normally, I would've gone home with Oliver, since we live right next to each other, but today, I don't even want to talk to him. Much less see him.
"Don't be an idiot."
Bah. Don't be an idiot.
I hate you Oliver.
No you don't.
Shut up brain. I do hate him.
Okay, maybe I don't really hate him hate him.
But I hate him for not sticking up for me instead.
His best friend since preschool.
I mean, we have history together! We still kept the 64 pack crayons that we split in half that brought us together as friends back in preschool.
At least, I thought he did, cos' I still have my 32 crayons.
Why would he stick up for her instead?
Well, luckily Sarah did. Maybe I'll gang up with her and we can open a "Down with Oliver" fan club and rally other girls against him. I'll be president and Sarah will be my vice, and together, we'll make Oliver suffer.
Okay, I think you've gone mental Lilly.
Shut up brain.
Okay, maybe brain might have a point. I am going mental.
I smacked my forehead and sighed in frustration.
Eargh. Why am I so bothered about that one stupid sentence? I mean, I've called him idiot loads of times. How come when he said it to me, it's like a knife slicing right through my heart?
Maybe cos' he called you an idiot in front of the whole class, and for Miley. Maybe you're jealous.
Jealous? Of Miley? Or of the possibility that Oliver might develop feelings for Miley?
I don't know. You figure it out yourself.
Thanks a lot brain. That really helps. Oh, and if you can't recognize it, that was sarcasm.
Brain - …
I am officially going crazy. I'm bickering with my brain. Perhaps I'll name my brain. I can't possibly keep calling my brain, Brain, now can I?
Sure you can.
I'll call you Alec.
Why Alec? And how come I'm a male?
Don't question me. You just are.
Alec. I smiled to myself.
"Who's Alec?"
I jumped at the sudden voice behind me. I turned around to see Oliver, his shaggy black hair looking windswept. Like he has been running.
"Oliver! You scared the heck out of me." I clutched my jacket to my chest.
"I repeat. Who's Alec?" Oliver frowned, while trying to get his breathing back to normal.
I didn't realize that I said Alec's name out loud. Shit. I can't possibly tell him that I named my brain, now can I? He'll probably think I'm mental.
But you are mental.
Shut up Alec.
I think I said that out loud too, cos' Oliver was giving me this really weird look.
"Uh…no one you would want to know. He's my…uhh.." I stalled. Come on Alec! Help me out here!
You're on your own kiddo.
Thanks a lot.
"Uh…Lilly? You in there?" Oliver waved his hands in front of me and I gave him a sheepish grin.
"Yeah. I'm here. All of me. Me and my brain." I smiled.
He raised an eyebrow, looking at me weirdly. "I don't think I want to know." He chuckled, shaking his shaggy head at me.
I started to continue my walk, and Oliver fell in step beside me.
"So why were you panting?" I glanced at him briefly and looked back to the front, sticking my hands into my cargo pant's front pockets.
"I was running after you. Didn't you hear me? I called your name a couple of blocks ago but you seemed out of it."
"Oh, yeah…well, sorry about that. My mind was busy thinking about some stuff." I shrugged.
"Are you sure your brain can handle all that thinking?" He teased, nudging his arm against mine, grinning.
HEY! I resent that.
I resent that too.
"Hey!" I gave him a slight shove and my lips threatened to curve up into a smile.
I thought you hated Oliver? Aren't you mad at him a while ago?
Oh yeah. I forgot. I instantly wiped the smile from my face and replaced it with a grim face. He noticed the sudden change of expression and frowned.
"How come you didn't wait for me after school today? I thought we were going to walk home together as always." He pouted.
Urgh. Not that pouty look. I hate that pout of his. Always makes my stomach unusually queasy.
Be strong Lilly. Don't be dazzled by his cuteness.
Thanks Alec. I won't.
"Well I didn't think you'd want to go home with an idiot." I started to hasten my steps. My anger towards him began to build up again.
Oliver quickens his pace to catch up with me.
"Lilly, wait up." I ignored him and continued to move faster. I was getting heated up as that sentence filled up Alec again.
"Don't be an idiot. Just take the fish."
He called you an idiot Lilly. AND forced you to take the stinking cold fish. Don't forgive him. At least, not yet.
Don't worry Alec. I won't.
"Lilly!" This time, Oliver managed to catch up to me and grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.
I tried to struggle out of his grip but he tightened his hold on my arms.
It hurts.
"Oliver! Let go of my arms! It hurts." He immediately eased on his grip but kept one hand around my arm.
"Lilly. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He looked at me apologetically but I just looked away, rubbing my arms. "But please, don't run away. Hear me out first."
I halted my steps and just looked towards the ground, not meeting his eyes.
"Two minutes." I muttered. We were standing approximately two lampposts away from my house.
"Look. I know this is about the fish thingy in class-" but I cut him off.
"Not just the fish Oliver! You called me a freaking IDIOT in front of the whole class! Sure made me look like a real idiot." I glared at him.
"-but I was just trying to protect you!" He said, exasperated.
"Protect me??" I stared at him, disbelieved at what he just said. "Are you freaking kidding me?? Everyone in class saw you sticking up for Miley! And you were supposed to be my oldest best friend. I thought you would have my back." I shook my head, resigned.
"Anyways, thanks Oliver. If by protecting me means calling me an idiot and standing up for Miley, then I guess you've done your job."
I wrenched my arms out of his hold and ran away from him. Tears threatened to spill my eyes but I quickly wiped them away. I'm not going to cry over stupid Oliver.
"Lilly! Lilly please just listen to me first…" His shouts faded as I ran farther away from him, my dependable Converse sneakers squeaking on each step.
I burst through the red oak door of my house and saw Mom in the living room as I rushed up the stairs towards my room. I heard her call me but I ignored her as I headed for my abode.
Slamming the door shut, I flipped myself head first onto my bed and buried my head into my pillows.
Suddenly, I felt sudden vibrations on my left hip, and the muffled tune of "It's too late to apologize" filled the room.
How ironic is your ring tone, kid.
How true, Alec.
I reached into my left pocket and brought out my white flip phone that Dad got me for my birthday.
I flipped it open just to hear a strangled "Lilly please-" and shut the phone again.
Pressing hard on the black button at the top of the phone, I watched as the blue light from the LCD screen faded off.
It's too late to apologize, Oliver.
Too late.
For today.
Perhaps if you try next week. We'll see.
We'll see, kiddo.
A/N: Sorry to end it like that. I might continue if I feel like it. Anyways, this is the first fic after a loooooooong, and I do really mean long, time of not writing. I hope the story is not cheesy or confusing or anything. Oh, and check out www.loliver. That's where me and my Loliver homies hang.