Oblique Destiny

A/N: Gomen, gomen. I'm really sorry for the late update. I've been hooked up on playing Manga Fighter eh XP It's really cool. (I think you guys should try it XD) anyway, this chapter focuses on Kakashi and Itachi's 'second move'. Ok guys, enjoy!


Oblique Destiny

Chapter IX: To the Amusement Park!

"Oww… he's so brutal…" Naruto groaned while nursing the aching lump on his forehead.

"It's your fault, stupid." Sai uttered.

Naruto turned his head to him. "I'm not stupid you melanin-less bastard!" the blonde boy exclaimed.

"Yeah right."

"Why you!"

"Cut it out guys. Kakashi-sensei's coming." Hinata said. Naruto and Sai turned their heads to their white haired teacher.

"Yo! What's the rumpus all about ah Naruto, Sai?" Kakashi asked.

"Ah…" Naruto slung his right arm on Sai's shoulder. "We're just having a buddy time, that's all. He he he…" Naruto retorted with a grin while Sai nodded with the same weird smile on his pale face.

"Ok. Well… follow me guys, I'll give you an important errand." Kakashi said and turned his back to them then started walking.

Hinata, Naruto and Sai exchanged looks before following their sensei.


"Sakura dear, Hinata's on the phone!" Machiko, Sakura's mother called out her daughter who's on her room.

Sakura got out of her room and went to her mother. Machiko gave the phone to her daughter.

"Thanks Haha." She muttered before holding the phone to her right ear. Machiko nodded and went back to the kitchen.

"Hinata, is there any problem?" Sakura asked.

"Uh Sakura-chan, Are you free tomorrow?" Hinata asked on the other line.

Sakura thought for a moment before answering. "Mmm… yeah. Why?"

"Um… It's my birthday tomorrow and I want to celebrate it with my friends…" Hinata said on the other line.

"Oh, omedetou otanjoubi Hinata! By the way, where d'you wanna celebrate your birthday?" Sakura asked.

"I want to have a different birthday this time so I want to go to the Amusement Park." Hinata answered.

"A-amusement Park?" Sakura stammered.

"Hai" Hinata said. "Um… what d'you say?" she asked Sakura.

Sakura gulped. Amusement Park? She had never, ever been on that place. Why? She just doesn't like going out to go strolling or anything. All she would do during her free time is to lock herself in her room and dip her head on gazillion heaps of feet-thick books. (Harry Potter's the thinnest book she had ever read.) Wonder how she still manages to maintain her sanity after reading those tomes.

Back to Sakura and Hinata…

"Sakura-chan? Are you still there?" Hinata asked.

Sakura broke free from her trail of thoughts and adjusted her glasses. "Uh… yeah."

"So what d'you say?" Hinata asked again.

'What d'you think?' Sakura asked her inner counterpart.

'Yeah why not. She's our friend anyway.' Inner Sakura retorted.

Sakura thought for a moment before answering.

"O-okay." Sakura uttered.

"Oh thank you Sakura-chan! You're the best! Ok, we'll meet you in front of the amusement park tomorrow, 4pm. Thanks again Sakura-chan. See you tomorrow!"

And Hinata hanged up before Sakura could even change her mind.


The dark-haired girl turned to her blonde friend and black haired friend.

She grinned at them and made a 'thumbs up'.


Sakura opened her closet.

'Hmm… what to wear?' she asked herself.

'Just anything comfortable.' Inner Sakura muttered.

Sakura adjusted her glasses and took out a plaid jumper and a lime long-sleeved shirt. She got dressed and combed her wavy, shoulder length bubblegum hair. She held her messy hair in her usual bun and adjusted her glasses. She wore her baby pink doll shoes and was about to exit her room when she remembered something.

"Oh my present to Hinata." She muttered aloud and swiftly went to her drawer and pulled out a box wrapped in a floral cover tied with a red ribbon. She then left her room and went downstairs.

She spotted her father and mother on the living room, watching TV.

"Oh honey, you're off to the amusement park?" Her mother asked when she saw her daughter.

"Yeah Haha." She answered.

Masayuki, Sakura's father, stood up from the couch. "Ok dear, we'll drive you there."


'Where are they?' Sakura asked herself as their car arrived in front of the amusement park. The car gradually stopped.

"Ok dear we're here. Where are your friends?" Masayuki asked.

Sakura looked around and spotted Sasuke; leaning on his jet-black scooter. He was clad in a plain black shirt and dark denim pants. An irritated façade on his handsome features as some girls ogle at the sight of him.

"Oh there is Sasuke!" she said aloud.

"Where?" Machiko asked as Sakura pointed the irritated inky-haired boy.

Machiko's mouth formed an 'o' at the sight of the inky-haired boy. She then saw her daughter step out of the car and approach the boy.

"Ooh… my daughter's finally growing up." She muttered aloud as Masayuki looked at her.

"What?" Masayuki asked his wife.

"Nah… I didn't say anything" she said and smiled at her husband. "Ok honey, she'll be fine now. Let's just leave her with that handsome boy."

Masayuki shot his wife a weird look. Machiko only laughed.

"Ok dear… Let's just go home or else you'll miss the basketball game."

With that, Masayuki sped off to their house.


"Hi Sasuke!" Sakura greeted as she approached her inky-haired friend.

Sasuke dropped his irritated façade and straightened his posture as Sakura approached her.

"Aa." He retorted.

'He's not in a good mood, I think.' Inner Sakura said.

'Yeah… I wonder why.' Sakura thought

"Where are they?" she asked.

Sasuke only shrugged. "They told me that I should be here 4pm sharp. Now where are they?"

Sakura glanced at the crowd of fainting and squirming girls behind them. She stifled a giggle.

Sasuke looked at her. "Why are you laughing?" he asked.

Sakura smiled. "That's why you're not in a good mood…" she pointed the crowd of drooling girls. "Because you're irritated with them right?"

Sasuke sighed and nodded.

Their talk was interrupted when Sakura's phone rang. She flipped open her phone and held it on her ear.

"Hello Hinata?"

"Sakura-chan, I'm so sorry. I wouldn't be able to go there coz my father had just came from abroad and he had surprised me. He told me that he wanted to celebrate my birthday with our relatives. Well… I just couldn't say no to my dad coz it's been five years since I last saw him… I really hope you understand Sakura-chan." Hinata said on the other line.

"Oh… ok. I understand. Well… happy birthday Hinata."

"I'm really glad that you understand Sakura-chan. Thank you so much. Ok, Ja ne."


And Hinata hanged up.

Sakura turned to Sasuke.

"It's Hinata." She told him.

"What did she say?" Sasuke asked.

"She said that she wouldn't be able to come coz her father just came from abroad and they wanted to celebrate her birthday with their relatives." She told Sasuke.

Then Sasuke's phone rang. He excused himself and flipped open his phone.

"Oi dobe."

"Teme, I wouldn't be able to come because I broke an ankle. Oww…" Naruto groaned on the other line. "And… Sai-teme had just called me this morning and told me that he wouldn't be able to come because he'll be going to an art contest. Ok, I'll be going to the hospital. Ja" and Naruto hanged up.

Sasuke flipped close his phone and turned to Sakura. He sighed.

"Naruto and Sai wouldn't come." He uttered.


"The dobe said that he broke an ankle while Sai said he'll join an art contest."

Sakura scratched her head. "Now what would we do?"

Sasuke got off his scooter and grabbed Sakura's hand. She looked at him.

"Then, let's just enjoy ourselves." He said and dragged her to the amusement park; leaving his new fangirls fainting and scowling in jealousy.

Inner Sakura's jaw dropped as they entered the amusement park.

'So this is an amusement park' she thought as they walked through the crowd.

There were various mechanical rides and booths. Mascots and food stands were also present.

'So colorful' Inner Sakura said as Outer Sakura smiled when she saw a clown trying to stop a little girl from crying by giving her a balloon.

Sasuke eventually stopped walking in front of the roller coaster.

Sakura's eyes averted her gaze to the ride in front of them. 'What the…' Her eyes widened as she saw the ride. People where screaming as they reached the high part of the rail.

'Oh my Kami-sama!' Inner Sakura exclaimed as the roller coaster went from high to low part of the railing. The roller coaster went to successive loops. The loud sound of the rollercoaster and the screams of the people who were riding filled Sakura's ears.

'It's scary…' she told her inner counterpart. Inner Sakura was biting her nails due to nervousness. The ride soon ended and the people got off. Some of them were laughing while most of them looked like they're going to throw up.

Sakura gulped. 'I would never dare to take that ride.' She thought

"Sakura" Sasuke called out her attention. "Let's ride."

And Inner Sakura fainted.

"What?!" Outer Sakura exclaimed.

"C'mon, I'll take care of the fee." He said and went to the ticket booth.

"Hey Sasuke! It's ok, I really don't want to ride that thing eh…" she told him but Sasuke seemed to ignore her and bought two tickets. He then grabbed Sakura's hand and dragged her to the ride.

"Sasuke I'm fine. I… I don't want to ride this thing." She protested but Sasuke ignored her and pushed her to the seat. He pulled down the safety bar on Sakura and did the same to him.

"Oi Sasuke! I really don't want to—" and the roller coaster started to move. It started to move on a slow pace but immediately went to a fast pace. Sakura was screaming on the top of her lungs now.

"Aaahhhh!!" she screeched as the ride went to the high part. Her screams went tenfold louder when the ride dropped from the high part to the low part.

She looked at Sasuke and was surprised to see that he didn't even screamed when they reached a loop. She turned her head to see successive loops.

'I'm gonna die…' she told herself and screamed for her sanity.


A black haired man adjusted his shades while looking on the roller coaster; smirking as his gaze was fixed on a certain pair.

"They're having fun." He said.

"They sure are." The white head retorted and sipped his coffee.

Then the platinum haired man's phone rang. He clicked the call button and held it right to his ear.

"Oi Naruto! How's your 'spying' doing?"

"Waah!! Kakashi-sensei! This whole outfit's so itchy! And kids as hard to please!" he sighed on the other line. "Things I do for Sakura-chan and Sasuke-teme…"

Kakashi laughed. "Ok, Naruto. I'll treat you ramen tomorrow."


"Yeah, just do your job, okay?"

"Hai Kakashi-sensei!" and Naruto hanged up.

"Naruto?" Itachi asked.

Kakashi nodded and sipped his coffee.

"That's why I heard 'ramen'." Itachi smirked and averted his gaze to his brother and his 'sister-in-law-to-be'. He then lifted the cup of coffee to his mouth.


"So did you enjoy it?" Sasuke asked and turned to his side– where his friend was supposed to be. "Sakura?" he asked when he didn't saw any pink head on his side.

He looked for his pink-haired friend. He sweat dropped when he saw her throwing up on a side. He approached her.

"Hey Sakura, c'mon it's not that nauseating." He patted Sakura's back and the girl continued to throw up. "Well… maybe it is." He uttered.

Sakura gradually stopped. She wiped her mouth with her handkerchief. She then turned to Sasuke.

"Sorry…" Sasuke apologized as she saw Sakura's pale face.

Sakura managed to smile. "Nah… it's alright. I should have told you that I have never ridden that thing eh… and actually, it's my first time to go to an amusement park." Sakura said sheepishly and scratched the back of her head.

Sasuke heaved a sigh. "Ok, we're not going into rides now."

He spotted a hotdog stand. "C'mon, I'll treat you." He grabbed Sakura's hand and they went to the hotdog stand.


"Yeah! Go Phoenix! Wooh!" Masayuki exclaimed as he watched the game between Phoenix Sans and Chicago Bulls.

Steve Nash made a three point shot.

"Yeah! Phoenix rules!" the brown haired man exclaimed.

His wife, on the other hand, was staring at empty space. 'I'm sure Saku-chan's enjoying this time with that handsome boy.' The roseate haired lady giggled inwardly.

Masayuki noticed this. "Hey, honey, what are you thinking?"

Machiko turned to her husband and smiled.

"I'm just happy." She said and kissed her husband's forehead.


Sasuke handed Sakura a hotdog and canned soft drink. Sakura thanked him and they sat on a wooden bench.

"You're feeling fine?" he asked.

Sakura nodded and bit the hotdog. Sasuke opened his soft drink and drank it.

"Sai-kun's joining an art contest?" she asked Sasuke.

He nodded.

"He had always wanted his works to be seen by people. He's a very talented artist ever since. I'm sure he'll win."

Sasuke emptied the can and threw it on a nearby bin. He then looked at Sakura.


The said girl looked at him. "Yeah?"

"I've been wondering… you only add honorific to Sai. Well… Naruto and Hinata had been your friends but you haven't added honorifics to their names."

Sakura smiled and leaned back on the bench. "You know, Sai-kun and I are childhood friends." Sasuke listened to her. "He's one of my best friends when we were still children. He and my other best friend have always saved me from the bullies. But, they both went to abroad because of their families' affairs. Last year, Sai-kun went back here coz he said life in America was so boring."

"What happened to your other best friend?" he asked Sakura.

Sakura sighed. "I don't know either eh… Sai-kun said that she migrated to London. That's the last thing I knew about her." Sakura looked at Sasuke. "As for Hinata and Naruto, I've just met them when I entered high school." She smiled at him. "I only add honorifics to people who I appreciate very, very much."


Sai entered their house. His mother spotted him then approached her son.

"How's the contest hun?"

Sai smiled at her mother. He then showed her mother the trophy he'd won.

"Of course Ma, I won the first place." He told her mother.

The black haired lady pinched the check of her son and smiled. "I know you'll win."

Sai returned the smile.

"Oh, Sai-kun, you hungry? I've made your favorite: yakisoba. Oh, I've left it cooking." And Sai's mother rushed to the kitchen.

The phone rang.

"I'll get it Ma." And Sai went to the phone and lifted it to his ear.

"Hello, who's this?"

"Hello Sai-kun! How's life there in Japan?"

Sai's onyx orbs went wide.



Sasuke's charcoal orbs caught something.

"Let's go there Sakura." He pointed the shooting booth. Sakura stood up and they went to the booth. Sasuke paid then the keeper gave him a toy gun. Sakura watched him as he expertly shoot the action figures in front of them.

'He's good.' She thought and heard a familiar voice.

Sakura turned her head to a side and her emerald orbs caught a glimpse of a silver-haired man together with a black-haired man. They immediately turned their heads away from her and went through the crowd.

'I think I saw Kakashi-sensei.' She thought.

"What would your prize be?" the keeper asked Sasuke as he showed him the prizes.

Sasuke pointed the brown teddy bear with a red ribbon on its neck. "I'll have that one."

The keeper smiled at him. "Good choice." He said and handed it to Sasuke. "For your girlfriend I presume?" the keeper asked, pertaining to Sakura.

A faint blush appeared on Sasuke's cheeks. "She's not my girlfriend." He said.

"Ah, sorry." The keeper apologized and Sasuke turned his heel to the pink-haired girl who's looking on the crowd.


The said girl turned around and saw Sasuke. She was startled when he suddenly extended a brown teddy bear in front of her. She looked at him and noticed that he's avoiding her gaze.

"Uh… what's that?" Sakura asked.

Sasuke gulped. "Here, take this." He uttered, still not looking at her. She swore that she had seen a faint blush on his cheeks as she received the teddy bear from him.

"Thanks" she said and smiled at him.


"She had almost seen us." Kakashi rasped, wiping the sweat on his forehead.

Itachi heaved a sigh and leaned on a bench. "Yeah, Sasuke would surely kill me if he saw me."

And they both sighed in relief.

"Kakashi-sensei! Itachi-niisan!"

The duo turned their heads to see a loud-mouthed clown approaching them.

The clown boy stopped and grinned at them. "Sasuke-teme gave Sakura-chan a teddy bear!" he beamed at them.

Itachi's eyes glinted. He then clasped his hands in front of him. "Oh how sweet of my beloved brother…" he said and sighed dreamily.

Kakashi and Naruto sweat dropped.

"Itachi-niisan's getting weirder…" Naruto uttered.

Kakashi could only nod in response.


A jet-black scooter halted in front of Haruno's residence.

Sakura got off the scooter and bowed at Sasuke.

"Thanks, I really enjoyed it."

"No problem."

Sakura straightened herself and looked at him. She then smiled as she hugged the teddy bear he gave her.

"Oyasumi nasai, Sasuke-kun." She said and ran towards her house; with him missing the blush on her cheeks and the smile on her lips.

Sasuke's charcoal orbs went wide with the honorific. He stared at her as she entered her house.

Then his lips formed a smile, a smile that only she can make him.

"Goodnight… Sakura." He whispered.

And he drove back home with a smile same as what she has as she entered her house.



A/N: And that's it for the ninth chapter. More events would happen and more characters would come so watch up for the next chapters! Btw, thanks so much for reading! I really luv you guys! Until next time! Ja ne!