A/N: This is my first fic. Hope you'll like it…

Disclaimer: Naruto is Mr. Kishimoto's property, not mine.

Oblique Destiny

Chapter I: Meet Them

'I can tell you that this day isn't a good day.'

"SPLAT!" 'See?'

The whole class burst out laughing as the poor victim wiped the sticky green liquid on her face. 'Great! Yesterday a chalk eraser now this?' The pink-haired girl sighed ignoring the sticky substance on her head and uniform together with the laughs of her classmates. She sat wearily on her chair and put down her bag.

"Oi pinky, did you enjoy our surprise?" a random girl asked. She ignored her and took off her glasses then wiped the slimes on it. After few seconds, an eraser hit her hard on the head. "Owww…" she complained and wore her glasses before turning her head to the one who had hit her. "I'm asking you if you enjoyed our surprise!" the girl reiterated. "Yeah I enjoyed it." She grinned sarcastically. "Good." The girl smirked. "Be ready for another tomorrow." Then she headed on her own seat.

'Well these are the daily events on my life. Every morning my classmates have this 'what they call 'surprise'' for me. I can't complain because they'll only dump me on the garbage can and I'm not the kind of person who's brave enough to face them.'

Their sensei entered the room and greeted them. He has a bowl cut raven hair and glistening teeth. Some of them only nodded in response while some ignored him. Rude you may say. But our pink-haired girl, being polite, returned his gesture. Her sensei's gaze fell on her.

"Oh my Kami-sama! What happened to you?" he asked the pink haired girl, pertaining to the slimes all over her. "Umm… Due to my clumsiness and lack of observation on my surroundings, I had tripped on something and fell on slimes." Lame reason. Who would believe that?

To her surprise, her sensei seemed to believe on her unbelievable reason. "Okay… you should be more alert next time." Her classmates suppressed their laughs. She only nodded in response.

'That's Gai-sensei. He's kind but kinda dense. He's one of the people who treat me normally. Too bad he's resigning tomorrow. He would be replaced by a guy named Hatake Kakashi. I haven't seen him but I wish he's not like my classmates. Well, not all students in this school bully me. I also have friends like Naruto, Sai-kun and Hinata. The bad part is—they are not in the same class with me. Anyway, it's alright because I'm kinda used to it.'

'Would you like to ask why am I bullied? According to my observations, it's because of my appearance and my hobbies. Would you like me to describe myself? Well, I have this thick eye glasses; my messy pink hair is being held in an unkempt bun; and my big forehead is being hovered by thick disheveled bangs. My uniform? Like the other girls in Konoha High, I have this white puff-sleeved blouse topped with a black tank top with the Konoha insignia on the upper left and a red ribbon at the end of the collar of the blouse. Unlike the skirts of others which is a black pleated skirt running few inches above the knee, mine runs ten inches below the knee. I just don't like those short skirts. My hobbies? Reading Harry Potter books, encyclopedias and any books that catches my interest. I'm not sporty and I don't like going out with friends or on social gatherings. In fact, I've never attended any of the social gatherings of my school. Oh! I've nearly forgot to introduce myself. I'm Haruno Sakura, 17 years old, an eleventh grader at Konoha High. Welcome to my life!'

'Today is not an ordinary day. Why? It's because today is my first day on my new school. Before, I study at Sound High but due to our family's business, we were forced to move to the Hidden Leaf Village.'

The blue-black spike haired boy got off his jet-black scooter and took off his helmet. He hanged his black yukata on his right arm, leaving him with his white polo and black pants— the Konoha High uniform for male, and slung his bag pack on his left arm. He heard squeaking sounds then turned his head to its cause. To his fright, he saw crowd of drooling and fainting girls with animated hearts popping out of their eyes. He ignored the girls and started walking off to find his room.

'Damn, why wouldn't misfortune leave me? I thought that I could have a peaceful life here in Konoha High.' He felt intent gazes on him. 'Maybe I was wrong.'

He walked briskly to avoid his new fangirls and when he sensed that he was now safe, he walked in his normal pace. 'Where the hell is my room?' He's starting to be impatient. He glanced on the paper on his hand. 'Class III-A' it says. 'Maybe I could use a little help, just not to those fangirls.' He looked for someone who could help him but stopped when he heard a conversation.

"Please Zaku-san, don't tear that, its very important." pleaded a girl's voice. He headed to the direction of the conversation and as he neared to it, he heard vicious laughs. He saw a pleading pink-haired girl who was being held by two men; a dark pink-haired girl who was glaring on the other girl; a smirking fat guy; and a not-good-looking dark-haired laughing guy who held a paper like he was about to tear it. In an instant, he already knew the situation. He's good at deciphering things and it's a talent that many are amazed of him. When the guy named Zaku made a move to tear the paper, he dropped his belongings and quickly grabbed the guy's arm which caused Zaku to face him.

"Give that to her and let her go." he spoke in his monotone voice; it was an order rather than a request. The way he said it was indeed threatening which caused Zaku to be affected by his brooding aura. Zaku smirked and dropped the paper on his arms. He threw his fist on the inky haired boy. To his surprise, the guy easily caught his fist. "Don't make me hurt you." he said. With that Zaku backed as the guy released his fist. "Ji-ro-bo, lets'-s go-o" he stammered. Together with his companions, they ran away leaving the inky guy and the pink-haired girl behind.

The girl adjusted her glasses and collected her scattered things then picked up the paper. She then approached the guy who had saved her and bowed at him. "Arigatou-gozaimasu…" she trailed off because she didn't know his name. "Sasuke" he continued. The girl straightened herself and found his face very alluring. She studied his face; the way his blue-black hair framed perfectly his fair face, the way his face emits a serene yet brooding aura, and the way his eyes look as if you would drown on his deep pools of ebony. Only one thought came out from her mind: he's an angel.

"You shouldn't let yourself be bullied." he stated cutting her from her reverie. He picked his bag and yukata then started to walk away. The pink-haired girl smiled and stared at his retreating back until it totally vanished from her sight.

Sasuke stopped walking. 'Wait! I forgot to ask the girl on where the hell is my damn room.' And he was left with no choice to find it by himself.

"Ohayou!" Their new adviser greeted. He has silver hair in weird style; his nose and mouth is being covered by a face mask and one of his eyes is covered by an eye-patch. Weird, though most of the girls on the room looked at him with a glint on their eyes.

"Today is a great day because you have a new teacher and classmate." He picked a chalk and wrote his name on the board. "I'm Hatake Kakashi and I will be your new class adviser." Most of the girls have dreamy gazes on their teacher. "And as I've said a while ago, you also have a new classmate."

He turned to the door's direction. The door swung open and it revealed a very good looking, inky-haired guy with stunning obsidian eyes. The girls had their eyes popped out from their sockets when they saw him. After a while, they burst out an ear-tearing squeal. The guy ignored them. 'Che, another bunch of annoying fangirls!' he thought and his brows knitted at the sight of drooling girls before him.

'That guy! He's Sasuke-san isn't he?' Sakura asked herself.

Kakashi gestured him to come in front of the class. "Introduce yourself and say something about you." He nodded and stepped in front of the class. "I'm Uchiha Sasuke. I have no intentions of telling you more about myself but there's something I would like all of you to know…" he glared at the squealing girls in front him which caused some of them to faint. "Never disturb me if it's not important and never try to annoy me." he spoke in his low and threatening voice. Majority of the boys only nodded, afraid of him while the girls only squirmed.

"Oh Sasuke-kun you're so cute!"

"I promise you wouldn't be annoyed with my company!"

"I love you Sasuke-kun!"

"Oh you're so cool! AISHTERU!"

He mentally slapped his head. 'Damn! It only made them crazier.'

"Okay Sasuke, take the seat next to Sakura." Kakashi pointed the seat next to the said girl. Sasuke looked at Sakura while the pink-haired girl seemed to be surprised. 'She's the girl on the corridor a while ago.'
