For those who want to know the method behind my madness.
Here's to the end of an idea seven years in the making. No, it's not perfect, but it's done, and for me, that's enough.
Plot points
I'm sure that there are some points of plot that the meticulous are undoubtedly going to pick on. For example, where is Butler in the midst of all this?
I began writing this at shortly after the Lost Colony was published. I believe, however, that the events of the Eternity Code, during which Butler was shot, would have taken a toll over the years. Keep in mind Artemis and Minerva in my story would be in their mid to late thirties. I doubt that Butler would be dogging his every move as diligently as before, especially if they'd both turned to the straight and narrow.
This is the only one I can think of that has been brought up before. But it's also midnight. If you wish to point out some other perceived failing I would be more than happy to address it.
Writing style
Yes, I am well aware there is a definite shift in how the style is presented, and that the story abruptly spikes. Considering the time between updates, I think this was inevitable. I blame life.
An alternate epilogue
I had two options for how this story ended. The tragedy, or the twist. Of course, you can guess which one I went with, however, because I promised someone, I also wrote the twist. If anyone is interested in reading it I would be happy to post it up after this.