50 Kisses for Ichigo and Yoruichi
I do own Bleach. What else would I wash my whites with?
No I really don't own bleach!
This is an Ichigo and Yoruichi 50 kisses. My first bleach fic. Please enjoy.
He was completely exhausted and right now nothing but his bed seemed to entice him. Not the smell of a excellently prepared home cooked meal, or the nice hot shower just begging for use would sway his decision to crash into his soft mattress and sleep for weeks on end. Nope indeed, 'cause being on twenty four hour hollow watch, darting from human world to the Seriety to aid with the Aizen situation, and preparing for college entrance examines would kill anyone. And the fact that Ichigo wasn't just anyone was the only reason he'd maintained this overbearing juggling act for nearly three years.
Well, that wasn't only reason. He did have help.
"Hey Love! You're just in time for dinner." He took in her smiling face and grinned in spite of himself. Maybe he could stay conscious for a few more hours.
He had spectacular help!
Letting his bag drop to the floor Ichigo closed his eyes. Taking a deep, relaxing breath he allowed the tension to drain from his shoulders.
'Finally home!' He thought with a grateful sigh. He'd been away for a whole month and only hoped that everything was as it were before he left. He was sick of this! Tired of always being on watch, and if wasn't fucking hollows, it was Aizen. It was only one thing keeping him from skipping out on everything, school and all.
He watched his Shihounin as she silently arranged their place settings, thinking all the while that it had been entirely too long since he'd laid eyes on her. She'd hummed softly but didn't speak. It was an unspoken rule between them. One would give the other time to decompress after long, trying missions or hard days, only starting a conversation when said person was ready. That was one of things he loved the most about their relationship. They knew how to laugh and joke, as well as yell and cuss, but they also knew how to shut the fuck up after a hard day, and to Ichigo this was priceless.
With all the weariness that plagued him, the soul reaper/student pulled out his chair, plopping down ungracefully. Thankfully she didn't reprimand his bad manners or slouching form. His lover placed his plate in front of him gently, but before she could move away he grasped her hand pulling her pliant body against his seated one.
The tired boy, no young man, buried his face into her stomach trying to drink in as much of her essence as possible. The slender cool fingers running through his bright orange hair felt heavenly and nuzzled against her firmly. It was amazing how Yoruichi could put him at ease.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you missed me or something!" The Shihounin princess teased him smoothly then outright laughed at his playful glare and growl. Now that ice was broken, all she had to do was wait for him to start the conversation.
The pair ate in complete silence, allowing each other the time they needed to collect their thoughts and feelings. She knew what he was went through daily, and part of her loath the Soul Society for placing such burdens upon him. The other part of her blamed Kisuke for indulging a kid enough to send him after Rukia Kuchiki. Then again, they would have never met if her well meaning (nosey bastard) best friend had not. They would have never become friends after rescuing the rouge soul reaper, and certainly not lovers during the rescue of Inoue.
After sometime Ichigo, reluctantly albeit, came to the realization that no one knew him better than his Goddess of speed and while they weren't the perfect or even sensible pair, their life together worked. Plus she didn't bitch over every little thing, like most girlfriends tended to do. As long as he didn't leave his socks in the middle of the floor; he took out the trash; and there was a full carton of milk in the fridge at all times, their small two bed room flat remained one of his very rare(if not only) drama free zones.
When they had decided to become serious (she'd decided that he wasn't just another screw) it took about three months to get his own place, and another five to convince her that living with him wouldn't be so bad. Once they'd started he'd known that he would need his own space. One thing was for certain, Yoruichi was defiantly not Rukia, not temperament, or modesty, nor sensuality. His sisters were still quite young, his dad was a pervert, and he couldn't stomach the thought of Urahara (the ex) seeing her revert back ever again.
"From now on, when you go human, it better be in this house!"
"Oh come on love, it's nothing he hasn't seen…or touched for that matter-
They didn't talk for two whole weeks after that.
She looked over at him, and was surprised to find that he was already staring at her. It wasn't often that she'd go to such lengths, usually she'd be gone on her own mission, but knowing that he was appreciative filled the now reinstated soul reaper with warmth. She would do anything for him! Years, even months ago, that thought would have scared her, but this was Ichigo, and while she was a proud difficult woman, she loved him with everything she was.
During the time they spent together he'd shown her what a magnificent shigami he was, showed his true power, and more impressively, his restraint. He'd offered up his heart and convinced her to take it, and keep it safe. Though it took some time, she'd found herself doing the same.
Yoruichi wanted to ask her lover many things. She wanted to know about his stay in soul society, about any news as far as Aizen, how Soi and Shukku were. Ran was probably still on holiday, but it was possible that Ichigo could have seen her.
Once their meal was finished, Yoruichi quietly gathered their plates and headed for the kitchen. Dropping the dishes into the soapy water Yoruichi sighed, unable shrug off the foreboding that covered her like an unpleasant cloak. A frown creased her brow while pouty lips puckered in agitation. Something was wrong, she just knew it. Ichigo looked haunted, not just exhausted. She needed to know so she'd fix it. Make it better. After being gone so long, he was home now.
Never before had that one word held such meaning for her. Not when she was wonder lust incarnate. That had always been her way. After her rather abrupt departure from a place that had once held any and all things important, she never stayed in where longer than a few years. Always leaving everything behind without so much as a nary thought, partners and friends were no exception. It was something about her current lover though, something that made her just want to….stay.
The former exile gasped when a pair of hands slick with water and suds wrapped gently around hers. She hadn't even heard him move. Ichigo was improving all the time! After maneuvering the dinnerware from her hands, strong arms wrapped around her middle. Nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck, Ichigo dropped small innocent kisses on the bare skin he found there.
Closing her eyes at his slow, seemingly chaste seduction Yoruichi's breath hitched as strong wet hands found their way under her shirt. That was the difference between them. While he made love to her carefully, languidly imprinting himself upon her, she lost herself to frenzied passion, taking him as if he'd slip away without moment's notice.
Pressing her further into the sink, Ichigo allowed her feel his desire as he ground his erection into her supple behind. He'd missed this while he was away. The solace her body could provide. Yes they were in constant danger, and Aizen was practically on their door step, but damn if she couldn't wipe his worry away with one touch.
Resisting the brutish urge to bend her over the sink (wondering how fun it would be to make her wash dishes while taking her from behind, a friendly challenge of Distraction) , Ichigo settled his palms over her most sensitive and favored places. She trembled when soaked fingers closed around her nipples, which instantly became erect from his attentions.
"Leave the dishes." He husked, giving her chocolate colored nipples a pronounced flick while thrusting his hips forward. He simply would not wait another moment as he turned her quickly and claimed her mouth desperately. With his lovers face in his hands, their kiss would not end until he was ready. The need for air broke them apart, and Ichigo found himself staring lovingly, longingly into her golden eyes.
"I need you."
"I've missed you."
"I love you."
The Shihounin princess smiled adoringly, she didn't however, return his words. Of course she felt the same, and had constantly proved it time and time again. But still…expressing and saying it were two completely different things. He didn't seem to mind her not saying it back, so why stress over words.
Palming her firm round ass, Ichigo lifted her and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, as the love of her life carted her off toward the bathroom.
Entering her slowly, his body eager for her, hungry for her, Ichigo's eyes captured his lover's. Sweeping the sodden locks of hair from her face he wondered if they would remain after all the blood and death. Would they even survive the year?
There was plenty to tell her. She needed to be informed of Aizens latest plans. He wanted to ask how everything had gone while he was away.
He wanted to ask her to marry him…
Thrusting completely into her silky tight, hot sheath Ichigo decided that anything besides the woman withering helpless between his strong body and the shower floor wasn't important enough to ruin the few rare peaceful moments between them.
I really didn't want to write anything citrusy and boy was it hard to keep my mind out of the gutter. I just wanted to write something sweet and fluffy. Though I am wholly unsatisfied with this, I hope you like my series of related and unrelated shots. Distraction will be explained in later chapters and it gonna heat next chapter too. Let me know what pairings you want!
Please read and review!