Title: Hyoga
Topic: Saint Seiya
Summary: Lost; the only way she knows how to open up a story.
Rating: T
Genre: Romance/Humor
For Peggi, with love.
One has diamonds in his pockets
(Spin Doctors "Two Princes")
A snow storm the night before, and a particularly nasty one at that, had covered the Siberian village that Hyoga, Saint of Cygnus, called home in a fresh blanket of white. Even now the sun lit the world, reflecting every where from sheets of snow that kept the ground covered tightly. Most of the villagers would have to wait a day or two for the ice and flakes to thaw enough to venture out into the cold.
When Hyoga had rolled out of bed that morning, things had not seemed like the day would be to out of the ordinary. But with no people around Hyoga had only one thing left to occupy his time that would keep him from inching a little closer to insanity.
Training. Lots and lots of training.
Until she had shown up.
Seeing as the villagers were all confined to their homes, Hyoga had decided to go to check on the fishing traps that made up a good deal of the food supply. Half way there Hyoga realized he was not alone, even before she announced herself.
Visitors to the freezing tundra were a rarity, and this girl was definitely out of place.
"Finally! I was beginning to think I'd never find another living thing… Aren't you cold?"
She certainly wasn't dressed for freezing temperatures, as much as the store she had purchased her large winter jacket from might have claimed. The tips of her dark hair even looked as though they had been frozen, but Hyoga decided not to make a remark.
"Um… no…"
"Oh, okay." The girl was happy to quickly switch gears, hearing that he had no complaints. Obviously, she had no fondness for the cold. Her hands disappeared into the confinements of her jacket pockets. "Anyway, I'm looking for someone. I was wondering if you knew where Master Camus lives."
Suddently, she had Hyoga's full attention.
"You know Master?" Hyoga asked curiously. He didn't really know any of Master Camus friends or acquaintances, and couldn't even say for sure if he actually had any.
"Yeeeep, and lets just say he owes me." She smiled, something close to relief shining in her eyes. "So does that mean you can take me to him?" Hyoga's eyebrows shot up, blinking at this short knew comer. The girl apparently took this as a bad sign. "...darn it. I hope this isn't that karma thing coming back to bite me…"
"No," Hyoga scratched his head, trying to size up this odd little thing called a girl. "No, I know where he lives; he just hasn't return from… where ever he's run off to."
For some reason admitting that a loud made Hyoga feel very out of the loop.
"Well that's just great." The girl tapped her foot, pouting a little as she thought. Though what she could be thinking he couldn't possibly understand, seeing as she seemed to continue out lout regardless of his being there or not. "I need some people to annoy that can also take a beating, and the only Saint I know isn't home. Perfect."
"You… know about the Saints?" Hyoga asked, though it shouldn't have surprised him. Why would a normal human being be running around a frozen country?
"Yeaaah." The girl said slowly, as if just seeing Hyoga for the first time. She narrowed her eyes, gemstone and green, at the blond. "Wait. You have one of those… thingies…"
Nope, definitely not normal.
Maybe just crazy.
"Thingies?" Hyoga repeated, not understanding her at all.
"You know, one of those…" She searched deep within her vocabulary, grabbing and making large hand motions almost as tall as she was. "Power… aura… woosh thingies."
Hyoga was afraid to admit that he almost knew what she was getting at. "… A cosmos?"
"Yeah, that's it!" The girl nodded, happy that, now, they were both crazy. "Cool! So you have a cosmos. Saints have cosmos thingies. Since you have a cosmos thingy, that makes you a Saint, and if you're a Saint… well, that's awkward. I can't just called you Saint. How about a name?" She thrust out one of her hands. "I'm Peggi."
"Hyoga." The blond was starting to feel insane. This Peggi person was making sense where no sense was meant to be made. He shook the offered hand, a little afraid that with his lack of gloves Peggi would pull back from his frigid touch.
"Nice to meet you Hyoga." Peggi didn't even seem to notice. Suddenly she burst into a giggle. "Hyooooga. Wow, that's fun to say. But besides the point. Your still only one Saint, and I'm betting your probably breakable on your own… Too bad I don't know any other Saints, or this would totally make my day."
"Actually, I think I can help you there…"
Saint Seiya © Masami Kurumada
Original Characters © Their Respective Owners