
I do not own W.I.T.C.H. But I kinda wish I did…

This is my new story, it's a second generation story for Witch. I used the pairings from the cartoon so I wouldn't have to make up new people… I hope everyone enjoys the story, it's sort of a sequel, but it can be understood without reading (Season Three, the Battle with Rokador) though I do recommend reading that one first. I tried not to make it a-boring-each-girl-has-a-daughter-and-she-takes-her-mother's-place-as-a-guardian. I've put up links to each of the girl's pictures on my profile. Their names really do spell something, as one of the girls finds out… Just wait and see, I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 1) A Son and two Daughters (eight years before the story truly begins)

A lone messenger traveled through the halls of the castle in the red world. The moon was full that night, illuminating the shadow filled hallways. The messenger pulled back an ancient tapestry; clutching the message, he climbed the three stories of stairs, not daring to use his wings to aid him. He came to a short hallway; only three doors lined the passage. Careful not to wake the sleeping occupants of the first room, the man silently knocked on the last door.

"Come in," came a rough answer. The messenger complied, entering the room and bowing before the man in front of him.

"What have you brought?" asked the shadowed figure. His wings were fanned out, blocking the moonlight from entering the room through the large window behind him.

"News from the battlefront," replied the messenger, "from your brother, King Faris..." The king's brother took the note from the messenger and ripped it open. Glancing over the scribbled handwriting, he let out a gasp.

"Sir, may I ask what's wrong?" asked the messenger.

"The King, my brother…" stuttered the man, "King Faris is dead." The messenger was shocked; he had never before heard such bad news in his life. The death of the king was a terribly sad occurrence.

"He was killed in the air, brought down by arrow fire, flaming, arrow fire," read the man, "send for the royal scribe, I need for him to write up some things for me."

"Yes sir," replied the messenger. Once the message deliverer left the room, Faris' brother opened the door and walked down the hall. He pondered for a moment on his brother's death as he stood outside the first door in the hall.

Eight years ago, his brother had returned from his imprisonment in Candracar from the guardians. Faris had told him the council there had let him off for good behavior and they had found him not completely guilty of the crimes he had been locked up for. They had said he was simply misled at what the sorceress Nerissa had gotten him into. Yet he never forgot that those girls had dishonored him.

After he returned to his palace, he was crowned king and married. That same year his son, Onofire was born; his name meant warrior. Faris had appointed him, his brother, to look after Rokador and his family while he was off on his campaigns to bring more worlds under his control. He returned after two years with the world of Layberiá successfully under his power. He had gone there without hostile intentions, so the guardians on Earth never knew; he had used diplomacy to bring the world under heel. The new colonies he had planted there were flourishing and sending a steady supply of new resources back to Rokador. His daughter, Mayista, was born the year after. After her birth, Faris' wife past away. Faris left for another campaign, his wife's death seeming to spark a new passion for an old desire in him.

The man had watched after his brother's kingdom for seven years while he was off fighting. Faris had returned home every now and then to see his two children and brother, but he would depart after only a day or two. Fingering the note, the man pushed open the wooden door. The silken curtains did little to stop the filtering moonbeams from entering the room. The man watched as his seven-year-old niece and ten-year-old nephew slept peacefully in their beds. He walked over to Onofire's bed, shaking the young prince from his dreams.

"Onofire, wake up," whispered the man. The boy opened his gold eyes and saw his uncle before him.

"Uncle Khalon? What is it? Is father home again?" asked the boy, excitement in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Onofire, but your father won't be returning," sighed Khalon.

"Why not?" asked the boy.

"He's been killed," said Khalon bluntly.

"No," cried Onofire, tears filling his eyes, "uncle, he can't, no, father's not dead!"

"Shh my boy," comforted Khalon, "your father died with honor, in battle, for a cause he believed in."

"One we will finish, right?" asked Onofire, "for my father."

"Yes my young prince, and until you are eighteen, you will rule at my side," Khalon explained, "helping, planning, and working with me to avenge your father's death. To punish those who brought this pain on him. Earth, will be ours." A clam wind blew into the room, ruffling the Rokadorians' feathers. The razor edged feathers on their wings glittered in the moonlight as Khalon handed his nephew the letter the messenger has given to him.

"Get some sleep Onofire," said Khalon, "you'll have to tell your sister in the morning."

"Good night uncle," Onofire whispered. Khalon left the room, shutting the door behind him. He would avenge his brother's death. Only he knew the true reason why Faris had gone out to world of Korayol. He had gone to seek wisdom on how to defeat those girls on Earth from that magical pool. But he needed to bring the mer-people under his control because he wanted to be sure he could interpret the mirror of water correctly this time.

"Earth and its guardians will fall," smiled Khalon to himself.

--- ---

"Jaden, slow down!" called Kyra.

"Come on Kyra, hurry up!" laughed Jaden. The young eight-year-old blond giggled as she hid behind one of the palace's pink rosebushes. The thin foliage of the shrub offered little camouflage for the hiding girl, and her friend soon found her. The sun had begun to set in the Meridian sky, putting Kyra on edge.

"Jaden, I have to go," she sighed, "you know my mom gets worried when I'm out after dark."

"Queen Elyon shouldn't worry," Jaden sighed, "she knows when you're with me, we never get into too much trouble."

"What about the time we snuck into the Mumurboarding mountains without paying?" questioned Kyra.


"Or the time we tried to ride the Wou-Gongs, and I broke my leg?" asked Kyra.

"That was-"

"Or the time when you-"

"Ok, I get it," laughed Jaden.

"Why don't we watch the jousting tournament tomorrow?" offered Kyra, heading towards the front gate of the castle.

"Watching is so boring. It's more fun to actually be in the joust," Jaden said.

"My mom would never let me," sighed Kyra.

"Neither would mine," agreed Jaden, "that's why I'd ask my dad." The two girls giggled and walked into the palace. Elyon stood in the inside the front door, waiting.

"See Elyon, I told you they were together in the garden," smiled Jaden's mother.

"You're right Cornelia," sighed Elyon. The Queen looked at her daughter, wondering how she would take the news Cornelia was about to announce.

"Mom?" asked Jaden, her green eyes sparkling, "can Kyra and I go watch the jousts tomorrow?"

"Jaden," sighed Cornelia, "you can't."

"Why not?" questioned both Kyra and Jaden.

"You won't be here tomorrow," Cornelia said.

"Where will I be?" asked Jaden.

"On Earth, we're moving," Cornelia stated.

"Mom!" Jaden exclaimed.

"Your father and I decided it would be best to continue your schooling where Elyon and I did," Cornelia explained.

"Where would we live mom?" asked Jaden, hoping to find a flaw in her mother's plan. She had no intention of leaving her birth place, Meridian.

"Elyon has offered your father and I the house she lived in on Earth," Cornelia explained, "now come, we're leaving in the morning." Jaden felt tears run down her face as she grabbed Kyra in a tight hug.

"Bye," cried Kyra. The two girls parted and Jaden followed her mother to their quaint, little home. Pulling her hand out of her mother's grip, Jaden rushed into the house, slamming the front door after running through Cornelia's flowers. Cornelia sighed and held out her hand to the crushed plants. They happily grew back instantly, leaving Cornelia content.

"Did you tell her?" asked a voice from the doorway.

"Yes," sighed Cornelia. She looked up at her husband, smiling.

"Don't worry, we'll come back for summers," Caleb smiled.

"You're taking this move awfully well," said Cornelia, raising an eyebrow.

"I guess it comes with the territory of being a parent. I want the best for our daughter," Caleb replied.

"Well, our daughter is mad at me. She's probably sitting on the roof, hiding from me," sighed Cornelia.

"I think I can fix that," smiled Caleb. He left his wife with a peck on the cheek and walked inside. Caleb made his way to his daughter's room and found Cornelia to be correct.

"Your mother said you'd be on the roof," Caleb said, climbing over the thatched roof and taking a seat next to Jaden.

"Do we have to move?" questioned Jaden, her eyes pleading.

"Yes," Caleb said firmly, his voice softened, "why don't I tell you a story about your mother and me, it might cheer you up."

"Ok," smiled Jaden. She loved it when her father told her stories. Most of them were about the adventures of her parents, and some even had their friends in them.

"So, a while back, when your mother still lived on Earth and was just about your age, we got into a fight over a matter similar to the one you're facing now," Caleb explained. Jaden sighed, it didn't sound like one of the guardian stories her father sometimes told her. She loved those bedtime stories the best, but she knew that they were more than just stories. Her mother Cornelia, and her friends Irma, Will, Taranee, and Hay Lin had been guardians to protect the veil, whatever that was. When her mother wasn't around, Jaden would convince Kyra to play guardians with her. She was always the earth guardian, and Kyra would pretend to be the guardian of air. The girls would spend hours in the royal gardens, fighting imaginary enemies.

Jaden listened to her father tell her the story, wondering how she would ever make new friends on Earth. She stared out at the sky, watching the sun sink below the trees.

"Jaden?" asked Caleb.

"Yes daddy," replied the young girl. Caleb's green eyes met his daughter's; she had inherited his eyes as well as his thirst for adventure.

"You'd better start packing," he said, climbing back through her window.

"Ok," the girl sighed.


The next day, Queen Elyon stopped at their house to open a fold to Earth. Jaden stopped sulking long enough to watch Elyon wave her hand over a spot in the air and make a glittering blue fold appear.

"I haven't seen one of these since Will made us one to go to Meridian through," smiled Cornelia.

"Well, just imagine how long it's been since I've made one," laughed Elyon. The Queen of Meridian and the guardian of Earth hugged before Cornelia grabbed Jaden's hand and pulled her through the fold. Caleb grabbed a box of items to be moved and pushed it through the fold. When everything was through the fold, he bid farewell to the Queen and walked through the fold to join his wife and daughter on Earth. Elyon watched the glittering blue fold vanish, sighing; she wondered when she would see them again.


Jaden looked up at the old-style, four story house on the lot in front of her. The glittering fold she had heard so much about had brought them to the house's backyard in the sunlight. Jaden had been disappointed that it had disappeared so quickly.

"So, where are we again?" asked Jaden, looking around the yard. The pool was half filled with water from the rain and snow of the past ten years.

"This is Earth," smiled Cornelia, "we're in Heatherfield."

"It looks different then I imagined it," frowned Jaden. She looked to the sky and watched a plane fly past; she grabbed the box of her things and carried it inside the house after her mother. Cornelia led Caleb and Jaden into Elyon's old house, she suddenly wondered why no one had ever sold it or knocked it down, but figured it had something to do with Elyon's magic.

The house was horrible dusty, the flecks of it had gathered everywhere: the floor, the tables, the rugs, even in the sink. Jaden wrinkled her nose and sneezed. Cornelia sighed as she looked around.

"No one's been in the house for years," she stated, "there's a lot of work to be done." They got to work soon after. Cornelia found a couple of colored feather dusters and handed them to Jaden. The green eyed girl frowned and began to dust the house, sending the dirt to the floor so her mother could send it outside with a wave of her hand. Jaden finished the first story in record time and started on the stairs. She worked her way through the rooms on the second story, finding her things had been placed on a four poster bed at the room at the end of the hall. The bed was unmade, as if someone had slept in it and jumped out in a hurry. Clothes were strewn on the floor and crumpled papers stood where they landed around a small, waste bin.

Jaden figured this was now her room; she picked up one of the crumpled papers and opened it. She looked at the sketched picture of a tree in a park, it was pretty good. The young blond picked up the papers and placed them in the trash. Frowning at the mess on the floor, Jaden quickly folded all the clothing and stuffed them in the drawers. The room still needed cleaning, but Jaden pushed the thought from her mind. She crawled onto the bed and pulled the covers over her head. Spotting a stuffed animal at the foot of the bed, Jaden grabbed for it, wondering what kind of animal stood upright on two giant long feet with a pouch on its stomach. Cuddling the creature, she fell asleep in Elyon's old bedroom.


Cornelia brushed the dust and dirt she had collected out the kitchen window. She watched Caleb fix the furniture outside and rearrange it so it looked better kept. Wondering where her daughter was, Cornelia walked up the stairs. She found Jaden asleep in her new room, Elyon's old room. Cornelia decided to let her daughter sleep. She left the room, closing the door. She told Caleb she was going for a walk and left the house.

Cornelia walked down the streets, noticing how much things had changed. New stores had opened where others had been before. The store where Hay Lin and Irma and found her sixtenth birthday present was still up and running though. Cornelia smiled when she saw what she was looking for. The bank and post office were still at the same corner as she remembered. She walked into the post office and requested a phone book for the town. She leafed through the book, searching for her friends. She didn't know if they even still lived here.

Her finger found Taranee's name first; Taranee Cook the book said. The book said she lived in the heart of the city, Cornelia wondered why she had not gotten married. She next found Irma in the book under Lair. She lived on the opposite side of the town from where Cornelia was now. Cornelia smiled when she saw the next name she knew, Hay (Lin) Lyndon. She had always thought Eric and Hay Lin had been a cute couple. According to the phone book, they were living in Hay Lin's old house above the Silver Dragon. Will's name appeared last, under Olson. Her residency shocked Cornelia, it was a block north of where Elyon's house was, where the mansions of Heatherfield were located. Taking the book with her, Cornelia walked back to her new, old house.


Jaden awoke the next morning refreshed. She looked and around and for a moment forgot she wasn't back in her house on Meridian. She felt fresh tears begin to gather behind her emerald eyes, but took a deep breath and pushed them away, she could do this. Looking herself in the mirror, she brushed and braided her long golden hair. Jaden walked down the stairs and found her mother in the kitchen.

"Good morning Jaden," smiled Cornelia, "would you like to go for a walk with me?"

"Ok," sighed Jaden. Cornelia walked her daughter to the front door and led her down the street. A truck drove past on the road and Jaden jumped in fright.

"What was that!" exclaimed Jaden.

"Don't worry Jaden, the trucks stay on the roads," Cornelia said to comfort her daughter. Jaden nodded in understanding and gazed at all the fancy houses as they walked further north. They walked past a block of houses until Cornelia stopped at an exceptionally large one.

"Here we are," smiled Cornelia.

"Who lives here?" asked Jaden. She looked at the landscaping and saw a sparrow fly into one of the rosebushes.

"One of my old friends," Cornelia explained, "would you like to ring the bell?" Jaden pressed the button on the wall where her mother pointed. The chimes echoed inside the house, singing a song as they waited for someone to answer the door. Shadows moved behind the glass and the door swung open. Will stood in the doorway, looking at her visitors.

"Will," smiled Cornelia.

"Cornelia?" asked Will, laughing, "come in, come in." Jaden followed her mother inside the house; she felt her mouth drop when she saw all fancy plants and paintings.

"You're back!" smiled Will, "are you staying?"

"Yeah. I'm so happy to be back on Earth. Caleb and I moved back so Jaden could go to school," Cornelia said, putting her hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"Hello Jaden," smiled Will, she turned to Cornelia, "how old is she, ten?"

"No, she just turned eight," Cornelia replied.

"So she's the same age as Brianna," Will stated, she clarified when Cornelia gave her a confused look, "my daughter." She called up the stairs, "Brianna! Come here!" Footsteps were heard upstairs as a young girl hurried to her mother.

"Yes mom?" asked the blue eyed girl.

"Brianna, this is Jaden. She's one of my friend's daughters," said Will, "why don't you two go outside and play."

"Ok," smiled Brianna, "come on!" Brianna grabbed Jaden's hand and pulled her through the kitchen and outside into the backyard. Will watched her go then turned to Cornelia.

"So tell me about your time in Meridian," Will said. They sat down at the kitchen table, glancing out the window to watch the two girls in the yard.

"So?" asked Will.

"So what?" laughed Cornelia, "I moved to Meridian with Caleb after high school, we were married and had Jaden after a few years. Oh, Elyon is a mother as well."

"Really?" asked Will.

"Yeah, she has two boys, Taho and Nedin, and a daughter named Kyra. Jaden and Kyra were really close, it's going to be hard for her to make new friends here," sighed Cornelia.

"Well her and Jaden seem to be getting along perfectly," smiled Will, looking out the window.

"What about you?" asked Cornelia.

"After you left for Meridian, Irma, Taranee, Hay Lin, and I went off to college. After we graduated, Matt and I got married. Brianna was born, and then two years ago Aaron was born. Matt works for the music studio downtown, he's in charge, and is finding some of best bands around. He's great at music, too bad his band broke up," explained Will.

"What about you, what do you do?" asked Cornelia.

"I'm training to become a veterinarian," Will smiled, "I just love animals."

"Even after the Mel incident?" laughed Cornelia.

"Uh, don't bring her up," joked Will. The two mothers looked out the kitchen window and out at their daughters on the swing set.


"Now push and pull your legs, like this," explained Brianna. She was trying to teach Jaden how to swing. Jaden copied Brianna and swung back and forth. After a few minutes Brianna jumped off the swing and landed on the ground, falling to her knees. Jaden smiled and leaped off as well. She stuck her landing and helped Brianna to her feet.

"So you've never used a swing before?" asked Brianna. Jaden shook her head.

"Instead, I like riding horses and climbing trees and mumur boarding," explained Jaden.

"What's mumur boarding?" asked Brianna.

"You've never been mumur boarding, I used to do that all the time back in Meridian!" Jaden exclaimed.

"Where's Meridian?" questioned Brianna.

"I don't know," replied Jaden, "we just kinda, got here."

"Let's ask my mom, she knows everything!" smiled Brianna. The two girls rushed inside the back door. Jaden tripped over a fuzzy black and white sleeping creature on the way in.

"Watch out for Gizmo, he likes to lick people," laughed Brianna. Jaden petted the border collie on his head and rushed after Will's daughter.

"Mommy?" asked Brianna.

"Yes?" replied Will.

"Where's Meridian?" asked Brianna innocently. Jaden appeared at her side; silence hung in the air, thick enough to cut with a knife.

"It's just a town to the north," lied Will, glancing at Cornelia. Cornelia sighed and pulled her daughter over into her lap. "Brianna, you can go back outside."

"But what about Jaden? We were playing," pouted Brianna.

"It's almost lunch time, Jaden has to go soon," explained Will.

"Ok," sighed Brianna, she hurried outside calling to Gizmo to come with her.

"Is Meridian really to the North? Can we visit Kyra?" asked Jaden, excitement on her face.

"No," sighed Cornelia, "Jaden, you can't tell people you're from Meridian."

"Why?" asked Jaden.

"Because no one on Earth knows it exists," Will answered.

"Oh," Jaden sighed, "so that's why Brianna's never heard of mumur boarding!"

"Cornelia!" Will exclaimed.

"What?" asked Cornelia, "do you expect your daughter to grow up and never know that her mother was a guardian who protected the infinite dimensions?"

"Yes," Will replied, "Cornelia, we're not guardians anymore. Ever since Hay Lin got hurt, the Oracle relieved us of our duties."

"I see," Cornelia replied as she stood up, "I'll see you around Will."

"How about tomorrow?" Will said, standing up as well, "Matt and I are going on a picnic with the music studio. It's in the park, and it's free to go, meet us there ok? I'll bring Brianna."

"Yeah!" smiled Jaden. Cornelia promised to meet her there and walked Jaden back home.

Did you like it? I had fun writing it. The guardians won't be revealed to each other in the story until a few more chapters. If you want to guess who they are through the story until then, don't look at their pictures on my profile, but if you don't mind knowing then please check out their pictures on my profile!