Here it is, y'all. The epilogue! Yay! Ok, before I begin, I want you guys to know that I have a poll on my page, so if you could take it, that'd be great!

Epilogue: Stick it

10 years later…

Kenz's POV

I pulled up to school in my lime green VW Bug. Not fast, I know, but it was a childhood dream to have one someday…

Edward, Emmett, Rosalie, and Bella pulled up next to me. Alice and Jasper were in my car.

The last few years had been full of changes. I had first learned how to properly hunt; then I had developed my power… now I almost didn't need to drink blood, not more than once a month: I had enrolled in the school here; and I had gotten over Jake.

Oh yeah! And Bella had become a vampire. But this isn't about her. It's about me and my last ten years…

So, I had gotten over Jake. He had never come back, so I'd had no choice. Plus everyone in the house had urged me to get over it. He was dangerous; he would kill me.

So, eventually, I truly did forget about him. But today would be the day that would change that. I don't know why he picked today, but he did. And my life got all disrupted again because of it.

… In school…

It was lunch. I was sitting at our usual table, away from the windows. As Alice and I were discussing the pros and cons of shopping verses hunting this weekend, a tall, dark skinned boy walked into the cafeteria. Everyone but me immediately perked up, smelling an enemy: werewolf. I, of course, couldn't smell anything different. My power prevented that, unfortunately.

But I could see the boy; I could see it was Jake.

He had grown a bit since I had last seen him, ten years ago. He had broadened out in his shoulders and chest. (I saw a few girls give him a second glance) But he didn't look at anything but me.

His eyes pierced into mine, and he motioned outside.

I stood up before anyone could stop me and walked as fast as humanly possible (not vampirely possible) to him.

"What do you want?" I sounded harsh, good.

"I need to talk to you," he replied.

"You've had ten years to do that. You walked away from me. I'm over you and I want you gone. Now." I was flat out angry now. He wanted to talk to me! After he had just walked away, after I had told him I love him!

No freaking way.

"Well, yeah. I'm sorry about that. But I want to get together again, I still love you, Kenz."

"It's Mackenzie now. I've changed it back. And no, it's too late. You really think you can just walk in here after years and take me back? Ha! Think again, dog!" I turned and stormed back into the cafeteria, fuming.

"Kenz! Wait!"

"Fuck you, Jake. Go play with your little doggie friends and leave me alone!"


"Well then you'll be wasting your time. We. Are. Over."

The entire cafeteria burst into applause, I guess I'd been talking a lot louder than I'd thought.

"How you like them apples, Jake. Even they agree with me," I crossed my arms and looked smug.

He started shaking. Oh my god! He was going to phase right here!

But he managed to stop, clenched his hands and stormed out of the school.

As soon as he was out of sight I collapsed. I was shaking too. I was nervous as hell, and damn right angry too! Ugh! How dare he!

… After school…

I was still steaming from the confrontation with Jake. I knew he wasn't gonna leave me alone. It wasn't in his nature.

Knock! Knock!

There was someone at the door. Strange, no one ever came here.

I opened the door to Jake; he was standing there with his hands in his pockets, looking sheepish.

Slam! No way was I talking to him again.

"Kenz! Open the door, please!"

"No way, Jake. Just go home! We're over! Go imprint on someone else!"

"I can't! I've spent the last ten years missing you and regretting my decision to walk away."

He was going to have to live with his decision, I told him. You make the choice, you gotta go with it.

I could here him crying outside.

It almost made me open the door to him, again. But no way. I was so over him!

"I'm sorry, Kenz! Please! Forgive me!"

I opened the door again, his smile grew as he saw me. "You know what, Jakey? You can just take that apology and shove it up you--"

"Hey, Mackenzie! Who's at the door?" Emmett yelled, cutting off my sentence.

"It's Jake, Em. Wanna come say 'hi'?"

"Sure! Why not! I'll give him a piece of me!"

Slam! Rock collided with fur. The fight was on. I would've joined in, but… Emmett seemed to have it under control. He didn't need me at all! Ok, I'll admit it; I was scared to death of getting in there. No way Jesus!

The fighting stopped as suddenly as it had started, and Jake lay on the ground. He looked dead.

"He's dead," Emmett told me, confirming my thoughts.

"Good," I said. Jake was out of my way for good, now I could get on with my "life."

I sighed happily…

The End…

Hooray! This was the last chapter. Did you like it? I liked writing it! And this one is also dedicated to Meredith. Cuz she loves Jake, and I hate him. Whoo! Authors always win!

Ok, review please! And don't forget to take the poll!

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P.P.P.S. I swear this is the last one. What should my next story be? Funny (ex. Emmett goes Emo), Dramatic (ex. Blue Moon), or something else? PM me and tell me!