Master Chronicles

By Delta Knight

Note: I don't own Pokémon.

Character ages:

Ash: 15

Misty: 15

Gary: 15

Robert (OC): 15

Brock: 20

Alex (OC): 27

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Chapter 1: Kanto Master

Robert Terre was about to face the biggest challenge of his life. He was about to challenge Lance, Champion of the Elite Four, for the crown of Pokémon Master of the Kanto Region. Although Robert was from Blackthorn City, he didn't want to follow in his father's and brother's footsteps and start his Pokémon journey in his home region of Johto. No, instead, he wanted to create his own legend, and sail east to Kanto, where he would start his own Pokémon quest.

"Will the challenger, Robert Terre from Blackthorn City, please enter the ring?" requested the referee.

Robert did. Of course he did. In fact, he had already been standing in the ring; the referee's request was simply a formality.

Robert was wearing the same clothes in which he'd started his long journey. He wore a black vest over a plain, sky blue T-shirt, and wore thick, baggy, forest green cargo pants. White shoes and black, fingerless gloves adorned his feet and hands, respectively. His wavy hair, which was naturally a greyish, mossy green, went down to the bottom of his ears, and nearly to the base of his neck. He was about 5' 4" tall, white-skinned, and had emerald green eyes. On his head, he wore a blue and white Blackthorn City Dragonairs cap, despite the irony, representing his hometown's football team, which he adjusted as a smirk crept up his face. He was ready.

"Will both trainers please select their Pokémon?" instructed the referee.

Robert had been planning for this moment for nearly 5 years. He knew which Pokémon he was going to choose first: one that would be ideal against Dragon types.

"Go, Red October!" screamed Robert as he threw the red and white Pokéball, out of which a menacingly tough-looking Cloyster materialized.

There were a few surprised sounds from the stands; surprised that someone would choose a Water/Ice type against a Dragon type. But not too many—most people realized that the majority of Ice types found in local areas were also Water types, and everyone but the densest 5-year old knew of the advantage that Ice types had over Dragon types.

"Go, Dragonite," Lance said calmly. An aura of confidence seemed to pulse out of every pore of his body, indicative of his many years of experience. A fierce looking Dragonite materialized in front of him.

"Begin!' proclaimed the referee, as he motioned with his flags.

"Dragonite, use Dragon Dance!" said Lance. Dragonite at once proceeded to fly around in the air, and began to glow a faint blue, indicating a stat boost.

"Red October, use Aurora Beam!" Robert yelled.

The Cloyster replied affirmatively as he launched a rainbow-colored beam from his horn. The beam hit Dragonite, as she was too busy Dragon Dancing to evade the Aurora Beam. Dragonite then collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain.

"Dragonite, do you have enough HP left for a damage-producing attack?" asked a now mildly less confident Lance.

"Nite," -Yes,- she replied.

"Then use Dragon Claw! There's no way that that Cloyster can dodge your attack!" said Lance. Dragonite, though battered and bruised, surged forward, her claws glowing a pure white.

"Red October, use Withdraw!" Robert instructed.

At once, Red October closed his shell tightly shut. Dragonite hit Red October's shell, but her claws bounced off without leaving more than a few minor scratches.

"Great, Red October, now use Blizzard and finish off that Dragonite!" Robert said.

"Cloy," responded Red October as he began a Blizzard attack, which completely and utterly knocked out the Dragonite.

"Dragonite is unable to battle. Red October wins the round!" stated the referee.

Cheers erupted from the crowd. Robert was excited, too. Only five more steps up the ladder remained.

"Now, don't get cocky. You've only eliminated one of my Pokémon," advised Lance.

"Think of it as a foreshadowing of what's to come," Robert shot back.

"Go, Dragonite!" said Lance.

"Red October," Robert asked. "Do you think that you can go for another round, or should I let Mariemaia handle this round?"

"Cloyster. Cloyster ster cloy cloy Cloyster," -Of course I can handle another round. That Dragon Claw barely hurt me. I have been trained by the best, after all,- Red October answered.

"Gee, thanks, Red October. Soon the whole world will know the truth of your words. Stay out there, then!" Robert said.

"Round Two, begin!" said the referee.

"Another round, another Dragonite," Robert mused.

"Dragonite," stated Lance. "Twister!" Dragonite began to fly spiral upwards, building angular velocity, until a miniature tornado appeared on the field. The tornado, or, rather, the Twister, began speeding towards Red October.

"Red October, cancel out one weather phenomenon with another! Use another Blizzard!" Robert said.

Due to his complete lack of knowledge of atmospheric science, Robert's hypothesis about how Pokémon generated weather interacted was false—instead of the two weather forces knocking each other out, they merged, producing an intensely swirling blizzard—though due to the force from impact with the Blizzard attack, the frigid cyclone reversed course and proceeded to race back directly towards the Dragonite. Caught by surprise, Dragonite succumbed to the icy storm, and fainted as a result.

"Huh," Robert thought as he mulled over the accidentally rewarding results of his now blatant meteorological ineptitude. "That works, too, I guess."

"Dragonite is unable to battle. Red October wins the round!" said the referee.

By this point, the crowd's cheers were rising, spurred on by the competitiveness of the battle. Few spectators expected the young challenger from Johto to make easy work out of not one, but two of Lance's Dragonite. The challenger had a chance of winning. The notoriously high price tag on tickets to championship matches was starting to seem like a worthwhile investment to many in the stands.

"Gyarados, Go!" said a still confident, but now noticeably less so, Lance.

"Red October, can you handle yet another round?" Robert asked.

"Closter Cloyster," -You know that I can,- Red October answered, jovial as ever.

"Then stay out there, again!" Robert said.

"Round Three, begin!" said the referee.

"Gyarados, use Dragon Breath!" commanded Lance. Gyarados opened his mouth, and a jet of flames blasted from Gyarados' mouth towards Red October.

"Hm… Red October, use Hydro Pump!" Robert instructed, concerned about the Dragon Breath's super effectiveness against Ice types.

"Cloyster!" Red October fired an equally powerful torrent of water from his shell. Unfortunately, though the water stream hit the oncoming Dragon Breath attack, the water was not powerful enough to stop the Gyarados' attack; instead, the Dragon Breath attack found its way to Red October. Red October got burnt nearly to a charred black cinder from the Dragon Breath attack, yet incredibly, Red October was still standing.

"But how?" asked a baffled Lance.

"Focus Band," Robert answered.

"Cheapskate," Lance murmured.

"What was that?" Robert asked.

"Nothing," Lance said.

"Red October, use Blizzard again!" Robert said.

"Not so fast. Gyarados, use Dragon Breath!" said Lance.

Before the Blizzard could even begin, the inferno had reached Red October, knocking out the hapless Ice type.

"Red October is unable to battle. The round goes to Gyarados!" said the referee.

Lance breathed a sigh of relief. Now, even if he lost, at least it wouldn't be a shut out. Lance had never been shut out in League match, either as an Elite Four member, or as a competitor.

"Gyarados, stay out there," he ordered.

"Hmm. Well, I suppose I'll use Mariemaia!" said Robert, as he threw another Pokéball from his hand. Out of the ball appeared a Delibird.

"Mariemaia, use Present!" Robert said. Although the attack wasn't going to be super-effective against Gyarados, Robert still hoped for Mariemaia to draw forth the Present with maximum damage production.

The Present hit Gyarados, but instead of exploding, for some reason, the Present began to make Gyarados glow. It was the healing Present.

"You've got to be kidding me," Robert groaned, burying his face in his hands.

"Why, thank you," Lance cajoled. "Now, Gyarados, use Dragon Breath again!"

Gyarados then blasted Mariemaia with another powerful Dragon Breath attack. Mariemaia then fainted.

"Hey, don't worry, Mariemaia, you tried your best. Return!" Robert assured Mariemaia.

"Well, it looks like we're all tied up again, two to two," said Lance.

"So it would seem," agreed Robert.

"Mariemaia is unable to battle. The round goes to Gyarados!" said the referee.

"Gyarados, stay out there, again," said Lance.

"Go, Slare!" said Robert. A feisty Sneasel appeared from out of the Pokéball.

"Slare, use Dark Pulse!" cried Robert.

Slare's Dark Pulse then began to send a spherical wave, black in color, throughout the stadium. The wave Gyarados, who then fell over backwards.

"Dos…" he groaned. Gyarados looked hurt, but was definitely still in the fight.

"Gyarados, get over it and use another Dragon Breath!" said Lance

"You and that move," Robert remarked.

"Hey, don't knock the Dragon Breath," Lance retorted.

Gyarados, once again, breathed flames from his mouth, directing the flames towards Slare.

"Slare, dodge it!" Robert told Slare.

Slare sidestepped the Dragon Breath attack, which hit the ground and left a small, smoldering crater.

"Great, Slare, now use Faint Attack!" Robert said. Immediately, Slare sprinted at a breakneck pace towards Gyarados.

"Gyarados, use Hydro Pump!" Lance said.

Gyarados launched an incredibly powerful Hydro Pump at Slare. Slare fell to the ground, and looked shaken.

"Slare, get up! Quickly!" Robert told Slare.

"Too late. Gyarados, Hyper Beam!" commanded Lance.

"Slare, dodge this one, too!" Robert said. Slare, though hindered by his wounds, narrowly escaped the Hyper Beam—by a hair's breadth.

"Great, now Gyarados needs to recharge!" Robert said. "Slare, Faint attack!" Again, Slare sprinted rapidly at Gyarados, and this time, Slare attacked Gyarados squarely in the forehead, knocking out the Gyarados.

"Gyarados is unable to battle. The round goes to Slare!" said the referee.

"Good job, Slare. You deserve a breather. Return!" congratulated Robert.

"Fine, then. Charizard, go!" said Lance.

"Go, Jackson!" yelled Robert.

A Marowak came out of Robert's Pokéball.

"Jackson, use Bonemerang!" cried Robert.

"Charizard, use Flamethrower!" said Lance.

Charizard began to use Flamethrower, only to be hit squarely in the head with the Marowak's bone. Charizard tried the Flamethrower again, and this time, began to fry Jackson. However, since Marowak are Ground types, Jackson stood his ground and emerged from the flames standing and with only minor burns. Shortly after the flames subsided, the Bone came back around, and nailed Charizard in the back of the head. Charizard seemed dazed.

"Charizard, snap out of it and keep using Flamethrower!" ordered Lance.

"Jackson, finish him off with Bone Club!" Robert said.

"Wak!" Jackson stated as he began to Bone Club Charizard into submission.

"Charizard is unable to battle. The round goes to Jackson!"

"Well, that was easy," Robert said. "Jackson, return!"

The two trainers eyed each other for a moment, waiting for the other to choose his Pokémon.

Lance went first, saying, "Aerodactyl, go!"

Then Robert responded, "Circuit, go!"

Out of the Pokéball that Robert had just thrown, another Pokéball seemed to come out, only upside down and much larger. The imitation Pokéball was an Electrode.

"Circuit, Thunder!" said Robert.

Circuit glowed with a jagged yellow aura of electricity and sent a bolt of Thunder zig-zagging back and forth towards the living fossil. However, Aerodactyl dodged the attack harmlessly and effortlessly by flying to the right.

"Aerodactyl, use Rock Slide!" said Lance.

Suddenly, an enormous rock fall came down on top of Circuit.

"Circuit, roll out of the rocks—but don't use the move Rollout!" instructed Robert.

"Trode," it acknowledged, and quickly left the rock pile.

"Aerodactyl, use Hyper Beam!" Lance said.

Aerodactyl began to accrete a golden light in front of its mouth. It then shot the blast at Circuit.

"Circuit, roll away from the Hyper Beam!" told Robert.

"Trode," it acknowledged again.

"Great, now that Aerodactyl needs to recharge, use Thunder again!" said Robert.

"Elec-TRODE!" Circuit began to spark, and then outright surge with electricity. Then, suddenly, a high-voltage bolt of lightning arced from Circuit to Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl, as a Flying and Rock type, was weak to electrical attacks, but somehow, still managed to stay in the air.

"My Aerodactyl is specially E. V. trained to have a high Special Defense, for instances just like that," comments Lance.

"Elec lec trode, e trode elec lectrode e?" -Well, I guess this guy isn't a Pokémon Master for nothing, huh?- said Circuit.

"Obviously," Robert said in response. "Anyway, Circuit, initiate battle closure plan 11! You know what to do!"

"Trode elec lectrode!" -This is going to be fun!- said Circuit, giddy with excitement.

"Aerodactyl, Giga Impact!" said Lance.

Aerodactyl began flying towards Circuit.

"Wait for it," Robert said.

Aerodactyl was on its way.

"Wait for it," Robert repeated

Then, just before Aerodactyl collided with Circuit, Robert ordered, "NOW!"

Circuit then used an Explosion move so powerful, that not only did the attack viciously rock the stadium, but also, Richter scales for miles around recorded a small seismic tremor.

"Circuit, return!" offered Robert.

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle. The result of the round is a draw!"

Now Robert was very excited. He had just one more Pokémon to go against Lance, and he knew just which Pokémon he was going to use: his best friend.

"Rex, go!" said Robert.

Out of the Pokéball appeared a Tyranitar. Even without prior knowledge or a Pokédex, one could still tell that Rex was a rare Level 100.

"Rex, it's time to shine!" Robert told his childhood friend.

"TAAAAAAAAAR!" Rex roared. He was rightfully confident.

"Fine, I shall use my last Pokémon," Lance said resignedly, "Dragonite, go!"

"Rex, use Rock Slide!" said Robert.

Rex's Rock Slide was nothing like Aerodactyl's Rock Slide. It seemed as if Victoria Falls had been turned to stone, and then dropped upon the Dragonite. Dragonite, as Dragon and Flying, was already weak to Rock type moves. Considering as well that Rex's level was much higher than that of Dragonite's, and the added bonus that the attack was a critical hit, the match was no contest.

"Dragonite is unable to battle. Victory goes to Robert from Blackthorn City!"

Robert ran over to Rex, and hugged him tightly. They were both screaming with joy.

"We did it, Rex! I told you we'd do it!" Robert told Rex.

"Ty nitar tar rani tyrani tyran tar tyranitar tar ty! Ty tyranitar!" -I sure am glad I let you take me with you on your journey! It was worth it!- cried Tyranitar.

"Well, Robert, congratulations," said Lance.

"Will the two competitors please step up to the grandstand," the PA announcer said.

Lance, Robert, and Rex stepped up to the raised platform.

"Robert Terre," Lance said. "I crown you Pokémon Master of the Kanto Region."

Lance placed a medal around Robert's neck, and handed Robert a plaque. Then he paused, and whispered to Robert, "Aren't you going to return Rex?"

"No way. Rex has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. He deserves this award just as much as I do," protested Robert.

"Well, then," said Lance as he placed a medal around Rex's neck, as well. "You have the character of a Pokémon Master, too."

"Thank you," said Robert.

"Ty," -Thank you,- said Tyranitar.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we now have a new Pokémon Master in Kanto: Robert Terre!" Proclaimed Lance.

Now I'm a Champion, just like my brother, Alex, thought Robert.

Just then, Robert glanced up at the electronic scoreboard, which showed the scores of various matches of all the Leagues. Numerical scores represented the number of each of the opponent's Pokémon that a contestant had knocked out, and a match was over when someone scores six. The score for the Johto Champion Challenge appeared as follows:



"WHAT? ALEX LOST?" Robert could not believe it. He just stared at the scoreboard, until it changed to some Hoenn League quarterfinal match.


Later that night…

Robert was in the hotel room, sitting on the bed. He was just sitting there, talking with Rex.

"Yeah, I still can't believe it. How could Alex loose?" said Robert, in the language of Tyranitars.

"I'm more interested in the guy who beat him. He must be better than we are," remarked Rex in the same language.

"No doubt about that, but—" Robert said. "Wait, why don't I just…"

Robert began to take his clothes off. Suddenly, Robert began to change. His legs thickened and shortened, his skin turned green and scaly, spikes protruded from his back, his eyes turned red, and a short muzzle appeared on his face. Finally, a tail emerged from the bottom of his body. He was a Tyranitar.

"Ah, that's better. As I was saying, no doubt he's good, but I just think it's really weird how we won a title, and he lost one, on the same day," said Robert.

"Indeed. Why don't you call your brother?" inquired Rex.

"Great idea Rex," said Robert.

Robert walked over to the phone, picked it up with his 3-digited hand, and dialed Alex's cell phone number. After 5 rings, he got the answering machine on the phone. He hung up.

"No good," said Robert.

"Let's try again later," said Rex.

Robert tried to change the subject, for no reason at all. "Rex, ever since we've met, you've been my best friend. We've been through so much together. Like when we both evolved into Pupitar at the same time, when we were 7. Remember that?"

"Yeah," Rex answered.

"So when I asked you to join me on my journey," continued Robert. "It wasn't just because I needed a powerful Pokémon. It was because we're best friends, and I never want to be separated from you. I know you don't like being considered 'mine' by others, or being in the Pokéball, but just remember; I would never treat you, or any of the other guys, as anything less than equals. I can never thank you enough."

"Your welcome, Master Terre," said Rex mockingly.

"Now what did I just say?" asked Robert.

"Well, you are a Pokémon Master now, right?" replied Rex.

"Oh, right," yawned Robert. "I'll need to get used to that."

"Good night, Robert."

"Good night, Rex."

The two Tyranitars then went to sleep in their respective beds, awaiting the bright new day that was to come.