A little bit of fluffyness between Odd and Aelita. Kinda short, but sweet.
"Are you sure this is safe Odd?"
"Of course I am Aelita."
Aelita gave Odd a dubious look before turning her gaze back to the frozen pond at her feet. "I don't know Odd. I think I'll just fall."
"Everyone falls a few times at first," Odd said, skating over to his friend. "Come on, I'll hold you up, okay?" he suggested, holding his hands out. Aelita hesitated a moment, then reached out and gabbed his hands.
"Alright," she said, taking a tentative step onto the ice. "Just don't drop me."
"I won't, princess, I promise." Odd gave her a reassuring smile as he led her out onto the pond.
"What do I do now?" Aelita asked, giving Odd a questioning look.
"Just take a few steps, like you're walking, but push off after each one," Odd said, showing Aelita what he meant.
"Like this?" she asked, copying his movements. Odd nodded, smiling.
"Yup, just like that."
Aelita gave a small smile as she sped up her pace a little. "This isn't so hard aft-whoa!" she suddenly cried, losing her footing. Odd quickly grabbed her arms, pulling her back up.
"Thanks Odd," Aelita said, getting her feet back under her.
"No problem," the blonde said, letting go of Aelita. "Like I said, everyone falls once or twice. Now let's try again, but without my help." He then skated a little ways away from Aelita, beckoning her to follow. Aelita followed him slowly, taking a few awkward steps across the ice. As she got a little more comfortable she increased her pace again.
"See," Odd said, coming to a stop, "you just needed to give it a few tries."
Aelita grinned, skating towards Odd. "I guess you were right. Maybe I won't fall again," she said. But as she neared her target, she realized her prediction wasn't going to be coming true. She felt the blade of her skate land funny, and a moment later she was falling forward.
Reacting on instinct, she reached out and grabbed for something that could stop her fall. Her searching hands found Odd's sweater and gripped it tight, just as Odd reached down and wrapped his arms around her waist to catch her.
"Are you okay?" Odd asked, looking down. Aelita nodded, looking up at the same moment. When she did, she was surprised to find Odd's face not far from her own. They were so close that their noses touched, causing both teens to blush.
"Er," Odd muttered, setting Aelita back on her feet and pulling back. "Maybe you should, uh, try it on your own now."
Aelita looked over her shoulder at the expanse of ice, then back at Odd. With a small smile she skated over to him.
"You know Odd," she said, reaching over and grabbing Odd's hand, lacing their fingers together. "If it's okay with you, I think I'd rather have my teacher with me."
Odd looked down at their joined hands, then back at Aelita with a smile of his own.
"Princess, your wish is my command."