Declaimer - I do not own CSI I wish I did, but I don't so please don't sue me.

This is my first Fanfic story, I have read loads of other peoples and thought I would have a go myself. I would really appreciate any kind advice, criticism or ideas. I promise I wont cry, but I may never write again. (only joking ha ha ha) I am not 100 percent sure how the story will pan out, I do have lots of ideas, but I do know how the story will end. So read on and be kind!

Dead bodies and New life-Chapter 1

As Gil opened the front door to their recently purchased new home at 8am after a tiring shift, Hank their boxer dog came bounding towards him excitedly,

"hey buddy, whats got you all excited this morning?" Gil smiled down, and rubbed the dog under it's chin

The lights were all off and most of the drapes and blinds closed, he thought Sara must have overslept and been in a rush to get to work and didn't have time to open them before she left. Hank was still making a fuss around Gil's legs as he dropped his keys on the table in the hall and placed the briefcase on the floor, then walked through the hall towards the kitchen. and said to the dog

"What is with you today, do you wanna go out, it can't be that long since Sara fed and let you out" Hank gave low bark.

He walked through the kitchen, and family room to the rear of the house and opened the sliding patio doors leading to their garden and Hank dashed out and did his business in one of his usual spots. As Gil watched some butterfly's fluttering around one of the bushes in the garden, Hank sniffing around, he was off in his own thoughts when his cell phone started to ring, he retrieved it from his pocket and flipped it open, Ecklie his least favorite person was displayed on the caller ID.


"Gil, I just called to see if Sara was bothering coming in to shift today, because she hasn't arrived yet, there's been no message left and I tried her cell and your home phone, but she's not answered either of them, so I thought that I would give you a call to find out whats going on. Look if Sara isn't fully recovered from her ordeal with the miniature killer, she should have asked for more time off, has she even spoken to her PEAP councilor as required by lab policy, after such and event " said an obviously irritated Ecklie.

Gil clenched his fist, and felt his pulse rise "For your information Conrad, Sara has attended several meetings with her PEAP councilor, and her Physician as she was required to do so, for her recovery to restart working in the lab, she was given the all clear to start back two moths ago, as you well know, when she started her first shift on swing.

Gil wasn't really thinking about the current conversation he was having with ECklie, apart from the fact that he was now annoyed with him for being more concerned about lab policy than he was about Sara. He was more worried as to why Sara had not turned up for work, or left a message with him to tell him why not. He had to get of the phone quickly with Ecklie to try and find out what was going on, and before he lost his temper with Ecklie, which wasn't hard to do these days, as he had made it perfectly clear that he didn't like Sara and thought she was a loose cannon, that wouldn't be good for the labs image. Every time Conrad spoke to Gil concerning Sara, it always seemed to make him extremely mad and want to punch Conrad.

"Gil you still there" asked Ecklie obviously losing patients.

"Yeah, look Conrad, I am gonna go, see if I can find out whats going on, I will give you a call as soon as I speak with Sara,"

He flipped his cell phone shut as Hank came up and brushed himself on Gil' legs and started to bark. It hit him then that Hank had been acting out of sorts when he arrived home today. He quickly made towards the kitchen to see if Sara had fed the dog this morning, Hanks food and water dishes were both empty showing that he hadn't been attended to for some time. This made Gil worry more as he made his way through the hallway, he passed the home phone and the red light wasn't flashing to signify any left messages, he then climbed the stairs and made his way to their bedroom.

On opening the door he was hit with the acrid smell of vomit, the room was dark, the black out blinds still closed. He heard a muffled moan in the vicinity of where the bed was.

"Honey are you okay" Gil asked worriedly.

All he got in return was another small moan. Immediately he approached the blind and opened it to see what was going on in the room. As he turned around from opening the blind, he saw Sara slumped moaning and hanging of the side of the bed with her head above a significant pool of vomit. She had obviously been throwing up for some time. Gil tensed up and his anxiety notched up a little more, as he took in the sight before him, he hated seeing Sara hurt or ill, not that it was a common thing with her, but it upset him non the less.

He Made towards the bed "Honey how long have you been like this"

"Don't know, tired" is all Sara managed to say.

Gil leaned over her to feel her forehead to see if she had a fever, but it wasn't hot just a little clammy, maybe from the exertion of the continuous vomiting. He then put two fingers on her pulse point on her neck to check her pulse which wasn't to bad. Her breathing seemed fine even as she was starting to drift of to sleep. All of this didn't seem to ease his mind though, and he was still worried, he decided that he would call Doc Robbins and ask him as a personal favor, to come over and look at Sara, to see if she needed to go to the hospital ER. Sara hated hospitals, they reminded her too much of her many visits as a child, so if he could avoid it by asking the Doc to see Sara he would, but if the Doc said she needed the ER he wouldn't hesitate to take her.

"Sweetheart, Sara, I am going to call Doc Robbins to come take a look at you, you don't look too good, and I am a little worried about you. I will clean this lot up and help you get cleaned up shortly, I just need to make this call okay, I wont be long, I will be back in five minutes."

Gil ran down stairs to the kitchen to collect the cleaning equipment he needed to clean the vomit up,

as he flipped his phone open and pressed speed dial 6 for Al Robbins. whilst waiting for his call to connect he realized that he needed to feed Hank, so he proceeded to open the bottom cupboard for the dogs food and then placed it in the dish along with some fresh water. Hank ate the food like he had not been fed in a week.

"sorry buddy we didn't mean to forget you, Sara is sick, so she couldn't feed you," Gil said to the dog.

"Robbins" Al Robbins answered his call

"Al, hi it's Gil."

"What can I do for you Gil"

"I am at home, just got back, and Sara is not too good, she looks pretty ill to me, and I am worried about her Al, it's not like her to ever get ill, and I don't know if I need to take her to the ER" was Gil's rushed reply.

"Calm down Gil, it's probably not as bad as it seems, what symptoms has she got that you can make out"

"She has vomited several times that I can make out, she doesn't seem to have a fever, her pulse and breathing seem pretty normal, she was drifting of to sleep as I left her to come get some cleaning things to clean up and call you."

"I tell you what Gil, I am not doing anything right now, how about I come check on her for you, then we can decide what to do after that. okay"

"Thanks Al, I really appreciate you doing this for us, Do you know our new address, if you don't let me know"

"It's not a problem, and I will ring Judy on reception at the lab for the address and directions. Oh yeah Gil before you go, will Sara be alright with me examining her, she's not going to be annoyed with me is she. does she know I am coming"

"Yeah she will and she does, and she wont, she doesn't like hospitals so if she can avoid them at all costs she will do anything" he sighed.

"Just needed to check, I don't want to be on the receiving end of the Sidle temper, I am sure you know what I mean by that" Al started to collect his keys and coat and bag.

"Yeah I do and don't worry Al, I will see you soon, Bye"

"Bye Gil," the end call tone ended.

Gil let Hank out on the garden again then made his way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge for Sara, no doubt she would be a bit thirsty with all the vomiting she had done. He went back upstairs with the bucket, disinfectant,cloth and the bottle of water feeling a little less worried now that Al was coming to check on Sara.

He opened the bedroom door and saw that Sara had not moved and was still asleep, her breathing was quiet and she looked to be fairly comfortable in the position she was still lying in. The smell was quite bad even though he was used to years of smelling decomps and the like in their line of work. He opened the window a little as he spoke quietly to Sara.

"Honey Al is on his way over, he will be here shortly, I am just going to help you get cleaned up okay"

Sara did not answer so Gil made his way into the en-suit bathroom and located a clean wash cloth and run it under the hot tap, he collecting a small bowl from the cupboard under the vanity unit, and small hand towel from the rail. He went back into the bedroom and opened the second drawer of the dresser, and selected one of Sara's favorite set of pajamas, the light blue ones with little sheep all over them. He smiled to himself as he remembered buying them for her, while he was away on his sabbatical, and how embarrassed she was when he presented them to her with a boyish grin on his face, and an explanation as to him buying them for her. He knew she preferred that type of Pj's, she quite often wore sexy night-ware, just for him, which he wasn't going to argue with once in a while. But he knew she was most comfortable lounging around or sleeping in cotton pajamas, and he enjoyed seeing Sara comfortable and content in their home.

His eyes then made contact with the framed photo on top of the dresser of them both cuddling, on one of their weekends off a year before, spent out at Parump, the one that the little old lady insisted on taking for them, because she said that they looked so much in love, it made both of them blush. They let her take the photo anyway, with their own camera, so they had it framed, as it did indeed capture how they felt about each other.

First of all he knelt down and cleaned up the area of floor where Sara had vomited, luckily she hadn't vomited on the bed. He didn't want to stand in the mess whilst he was cleaning her up, and he didn't want her to stand in it when she got up to use the bathroom. He then thought he had better wake Sara so he could clean her up before Al Robbins arrived, so he reached over to her on the bed and lightly brushed his knuckles against her cheek, to try to waken her.

"Sara, honey wake up, I need you to wake up, come on, I will help you get cleaned up" he said in a soothing voice.

She moaned and moved over in the bed to what looked like a more comfortable position for her, and she grasped hold of Gil's pillow and hid her face in it, and groaned, she always did this on awakening in the mornings, if Gil was up already.

Gil sat down on the side of the bed and again stroked his knuckles down the part of her cheek that he could see, and then ran his hand through her hair gently to encourage her to wake.

"Come on honey, Doc Robbins will be here shortly, you need to get cleaned up, you don't want him to see you like this do you" he said this knowing Sara hated people seeing her at her worst.

"Gil I am too tired" she muffled into the pillow.

"come on sit up and I will help you, okay"

"okay" she said reluctantly.

He helped Sara sit up propped on pillows against the headboard, she still had her eyes closed obviously still tired, then pulled back the sheet and comforter and proceeded to help take her pajama top and pants off which smelled slightly and were very creased. As he started to carefully wash Sara's face, neck and upper body, she seemed to wake up a little, and opened her eyes, which were still hazy with sleep, and Gil started to wonder how long she had been in bed for.

"Sara what time did you go to bed last night" he said

"Um, I don't know I think it was around eleven I guess"

"have you been up at all during the night" Gil looked around the room for any clues to how long she had been like this.

"apart from being sick on the floor, sorry by the way, no, why?. Gil what are you doing home so early"

"Honey it's nearly 10 in the morning, I finished my shift a while ago now, it's not like you to sleep a straight 11 hours, even though you have been sick, thats why I called Al"

He had finished washing her and was helping her put her soft clean pajamas on, even though she seemed to have very little energy to help herself. Then he brought the comforter back up to her chest to make her warm and comfortable again, and placed a soft kiss on her temple.

"11 hours! No way, you mean my shift has started already, and I am late for work, I only just went to sleep, I am still tired, whoa wait a minute, I better call Ecklie, I can't give him anymore excuses to fire me, he doesn't like me as it is, no need to make matters worse"

"Honey don't worry about Ecklie, I will phone him shortly, and sort it all out, you just rest until Al gets here okay"

"okay, thanks for looking after me" she sighed and closed her eyes again.

"i love you and I love taking care of you Sara, so rest up now"

"oh there is a bottle of water on the nightstand if you need it,but only take small sips, we don't want you vomiting again, okay" said Gil.

"love you too Gil"

As he left and shut the bedroom door he heard a knock on the front door, Hank started to bark from the back garden, he made his way down the stairs to open the front door.

"Hi Al come in i wont be a minute, i just have to let Hank in so he stops barking, he always barks when people knock on the front door, he's not used to many people, so he gets a little anxious when they do knock"

Al followed Gil down the hall so he could tend to the dog, into the family room, the room wasn't at all like he expected, Gil Grissom's old condo used to look quite sterile, not unlike the lab, with bugs in cases on the plain white walls, and books, magazines and files on every available surface, and the flooring was cold bare wood, and the furniture was very simplistic. There was definitely a feminine touch to the new house, no not house, HOME Al realized. The floor was covered in a nice earthy brown colored carpet, the walls were a soft mushroom and light orange, with butterfly's in natural wood presentation boxes, there were some landscape paintings, and some framed photos of the couple. In the center of the room were two large dark brown comfy looking leather sofas with scatter cushions and comforters draped over the backs, in the middle of these was a large old wooden coffee table, a large flat screen Television was mounted on one wall, on another a large bookcase which housed a modern music system, that was stuffed with books magazines, ornaments and more smaller framed photos of the couple together and on their own. Al took a closer look at some of the framed photos of the couple, they obviously portrayed that the Gil and Sara had been together quite some time, and had spent many times visiting places on their days off work, and loved each other very much, like he and his dear wife.

Gil walked up to Al in the family room accompanied by a tan and white boxer dog by his legs.

"Al I would like you to meet Hank our dog, or should I say Sara's baby, as she calls him" Gil said with a small smile.

"hey buddy your a hansom fella, I bet Sara spoils you rotten" Al said to Hank.

"you and Sara have made a lovely home Gil, it looks very comfy and inviting. I can see both of your influences in this room, and it works nicely"

"It has four bedrooms, 1 shared bathroom and and on-suit of the master bedroom, on the top floor, and a family room office, den and kitchen on this floor, also a cellar where all my bugs have been banished to. Sara chose most of the furniture, colors and designs for the room, I chose the Television and Music system after some research on the Internet, it has taken nearly a year to finish doing the house to how we both wanted it, but we like it, and thats what matters"

"Speaking of Sara how is she at the moment" Al said changing the conversation.

" I helped her get cleaned up not long ago, and spoke to her, she has slept for the last 11 hours, which to her is a very long time, she usually only sleeps for 5 or 6 hours straight, but she was still tired and very sleepy when I left her to, open the door to you. As I told you her temperature, pulse and breathing are quite normal, I don't think she has food poisoning because she is normally really careful with all her food intake, but she had vomited quite a lot"

"Where is she, I will check on her if you lead the way"

Gil walked through the family room and through the hallway to the bottom of the stairs, Hank plopped down under the coffee table, again the hallway walls were painted in soft earthy colors and adorned with more butterfly's in boxes and paintings.

"The bedroom is the first on the left, go ahead, I need to make a call to Ecklie, he called earlier asking why Sara hadn't turned in for her shift, i need to try and smooth things out with him for her, before he tries to fire her again" he said with a heavy sigh.

Al climbed the stairs with very little difficulty, even though he used a crutch, and made toward the bedroom that Sara was in. He knocked on the door and heard a weak come in from Sara.

"Hey Sara how are you feeling, not too good by what Gil tells me, he is very worried about you, you know"

"Yeah I know I could see it in his eyes when he was helping me before, where is he" Sara replied sleepily, whilst trying to prop herself up in bed.

"he's just returning a call to Ecklie to sort out why you are not at work today. Do you want me to examine you in private without Gil present, that way you have your patient/doctor confidentiality, and I will only tell him what you want me to tell him" he looked seriously at her.

"No it's okay, I'm fine with Gil being here, I don't have anything to hide from him"

"Okay I will get started and check you out" Al could tell she still looked sleepy.

Al Robbins checked Sara's pulse, Blood pressure, listened with his stethoscope to her heart and lungs, took her temperature, and drew some blood to take back to the lab to run some tests on. He asked Sara about her recent health, her sleeping and eating habits before he tried to make a diagnosis on what was up with her. Both Al and Sara could hear Gil's voice raised and knew that he must be angry and arguing with Ecklie over the phone downstairs. As Al was putting the vials of Sara's blood in his bag to take away with him, Gil knocked on the door to the bedroom.

"Come in it's okay" said Sara.

"that was Ecklie i was on the phone to, as you may have guessed, I sorted out a couple of days leave for you, i will tell you the rest later. Now do we know what is wrong with Sara yet Al"

"just a couple more questions and then I will try and let you know what I think is going on. Sara is there any chance that you may be pregnant" Al said lightly knowing the question would shock them both.

Sara and Gil locked eyes together, both asking questions of each other and seeking answers in their silent way they communicate and do with their eyes when other people are around them. Both saw a multitude of emotions in each others eyes especially love, before Sara spoke.

"I can't be! I have been on the pill for a couple of months now and before that we used condoms, isn't that right Gil" The color rose in Gil's cheeks at the mention of anything intimate between the two, especially around other people, even though it was in the presence of a Doctor.

Gil nodded and smiled softly at her through his blush, to try and reassure her, that everything would be okay, but he could see the anxiety building in her body as she started to tense up with the conversation. He moved over to the bed and sat down next to Sara and pulled her to him in a light hug to help her relax.

"when was your last period Sara, and was it as it normally"

"3 weeks ago, I was a bit later than usual and the bleeding was a lot lighter, but I just put it down to all the stress and the extra shifts we have had in the last couple of months, so I can't be pregnant if i have been having my periods, can i"

Sara was really starting to get anxious and Gil could feel it in her body as he held her to him. He held her a little tighter to giver her some comfort and and to help her relax. They had not discussed having children,although he himself could imagine Sara and himself with children, in fact it was one of his favorite private little fantasy of him married to Sara a couple of children and living in a house with a white picket fence, cliché as it sounds thats what Gil would really like to have happen, but he had still been a bit shy with Sara in discussing it with her, especially as the subject had never come up in their conversations. He knew that Sara had had a bad childhood, and growing up had never given her a good mother role model, he also knew that she was a bit awkward and uncomfortable around young children, and said that she was no good with them, but he saw that she was actually very good and maternal around them, even though Sara couldn't see it for herself. She was very insecure around the subject of children at work with her colleagues, and around them whilst on a case. Gil was confidant with what he had seen of Sara and what he knew about her over the years, that she would make a wonderful mother with a little help and encouragement from her friends. He would be so excited if she were pregnant with a child they had created together, a little nervous at the prospect of becoming a father, but excited non the less. He knew he had to contain any excitement until he knew for sure, and that Sara would be okay with it, if she were pregnant.

"Firstly the pill and condoms are not 100 percent safe contraception, as you well know, only surgical intervention is. The pill has to be taken strictly as directed by your Physician, only one missed dosage, or an interaction with another type of drug in your body can result in the contraceptive pill becoming ineffective, and a resulting pregnancy"

Al sighed and looked at the couple, knowing that they were both thinking about recent traumatic events in their lives, and that they were both struggling with their emotions at the thought of a possible new edition to their lives. Giving them a minute to absorb his words and think, he then continued.

"Pregnancies can still occur in some women who are unaware of their condition, as they seem to carry on having their regular period, not as heavy as usual, but some bleeding non the less, this is not as uncommon as people like to believe" Al paused before he continued again with his findings so far.

" At this point I can't be 100 percent sure you are pregnant Sara, I will need to run your blood tests back at the lab to confirm my findings for sure, but I do suspect you could be pregnant, i can let you know the result in roughly an hours time. You are slightly dehydrated from the continuous vomiting I suspect, you are roughly 15lbs underweight, you are more tired and sleepy than normal, in part, I think may be due to anemia and stress, which I should be able to confirm in a couple of days. Apart from eating some food that will be light on your tummy, drinking plenty of fluids, and resting up a couple of days, there should be no need for you to attend the hospital ER" he finished.

Sara started to protest at the thought of having to rest up a couple of days, and being babied by Gil fussing around her all the time like he did when she came out of hospital after the kidnapping. She had become frustrated at not being able to do certain things for herself, and had been snappy at Gil on a few occasions, even though she regretted it later knowing he felt guilty about the reason for the kidnapping and was trying to help her. Sara usually made it up to Gil with a kiss, cuddle and apology, which then usually led to a talk about how they had both been affected by the event.

"i can't be of work for a couple of days, I only started back a month ago, I am in the middle of a case right now, what will everyone think at work, oh yeah, I see Sidle is taking time of again, probably one of the perks of sleeping with the boss! This can't be happening to me" said Sara running out of steam near the end of her rant, and slumping down into the pillows.

"Sara I have already cleared a few days off for you with Ecklie, I told him you had some kind of virus, and thats all he needs to know right now. As for your case, one of the other guys from swing has taken over with it, so you don't need to worry about that. And as for what everyone thinks, they all know what you have been through recently, they also know that your solve rate and work speaks for itself, and that you have got where you are in your career on your own merits" said Gil as he sighed, and then smirked at her knowing full well he had a chance to baby Sara even though she didn't like it.

"it's not fair, I don't wanna be couped up here all" Sara whined as she slumped a little.

"Well it's that or a visit to the hospital if you carry on the way you are going Sara" Al Robbins added.

"Honey it's only for a couple of days, I could take some personal days off to keep you company if you want" Gill said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"No! you need to go to work, or the lab will be short handed, and besides someone needs to keep the boys out of trouble, you know what they are like when you are not about, besides I will only sleep all the time." Sara was desperate not to be in a position to be fussed around again.

"To late, i arranged with Ecklie over the phone for a couple of days off, but i will be on call if there are any bodies with bugs, and i said, i would go into the lab to collect some of the dreaded paperwork on my desk, so I can do some at home, okay. So no more arguments Sara" Gil replied with a somewhat smug grin on his face, knowing full well he had foiled Sara's attempt to get him to go to work.

"Gil, Sara, as amusing as this looks right now, i need to get going to the lab and to run these tests for you. I will give you a call in an hour so you will know one way or the other. Sara drink, eat and rest up please, and feel better soon" said Al

"Bye Al and thanks" said Gil. "yeah thanks Doc, I appreciate it" said Sara.

"call you later, bye Sara, Gil" said Al as he left the house and made his way to the lab.

Sara snuggled down into the bed tired and sulking, and with the help of Gil softly stroking her hair at her temple, soon her breathing evened out to show she was now sleeping, He got up slowly from the bed, but not before placing a light kiss to he forehead.

He closed the bedroom door and headed downstairs to take care of Hank, and to prepare a light meal for Sara and himself and to get some chamomile tea ready for when he woke her in an hour. Hank was taken for a short walk around the block and then he settled down into his blanket on the family room floor, he only raised his head when he could smell the food cooking, but soon went back to sleep when his master walked passed him and up the stairs.

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