A/N This was just an urge. At any rate, the first (and very very short) chapter is just a prologue, written from Mello's point of view. I like holiday fics, yeah hehe.


If I owned Death Note, Matt, or Mello…why the hell would I be wasting my time writing this? I'd be…uh…busy. Heh.

Rated for language (it's Mello...he don't talk pretty,) and most likely shonenai. None in this chapter, so I'll warn you if it's coming up. Nothing too explicit though.

I'd love to know what you think so far :)

I hate the holidays.

I hate the weather, I hate the ridiculous sales that everyone buys into, I hate the fake holiday cheer that SAYS "I love you" but MEANS "Buy me good shit this year or I'll make your life hell in January." It's all so fake and cheesy and altogether terrible. Why the fuck would I spend a hundred bucks buying someone a gift just to have them spend the same hundred to buy me one? "It's the thought that counts," my leather-clad ass. It's the money that counts, and I hate it.

I know what you're thinking. But it's not true. I'm not like the Grinch. Don't compare me to that green fuzzy-assed idiot. After all, it's not just Christmas I hate, even though that's one of the worst. Bunch of superficial crap that people pretend is okay cuz they say it's "religious." Yeah, right. I'll show you religious, and it sure as hell doesn't involve jingling bells and ball-covered trees.

And then there's Halloween, with those jumped-up little kids running around begging for candy…look, just cuz you're dressed up as a witch with a pretty little black outfit and a pointy hat doesn't mean I have to give you my goddamn chocolate! "Trick-or-Treat"?! Riddle me this, you Salem wannabe. Why should I?

But one of the worst is Thanksgiving. I just don't get the point. What are we celebrating? Oh joy, some large number of years ago, the white man stole food from innocent Native Americans and gave them syphilis in return.

Yeah. Break out the pie, guys.

Besides, what are we giving thanks for? The world is going to hell, if we aren't there already. I should know. I'm barely twenty and my life is consumed by finding a murderer. I don't know who my parents are. I grew up being bested everyday by a goddamn marshmallow, and now there's a crazy psycho killer somewhere who can murder people once he sees their faces. As if we weren't already condemning the planet by filling it with smoke and trash, as if the streets aren't already running with homeless people we just can't help, as if there aren't wars slowing burning up every corner of the earth…now there's a Kira, who in apparently trying to end all that, is killing more people than any serial killer ever has.

The only thing I'll ever give thanks for is chocolate and leather.