Harry sighed as he plopped on down on his bed and looked at the calendar hanging on his wall. Only three days until he turned 17, and only three days until he could use magic to escape from the living hell of the Dursley home. Then after that he'd be heading back to Hogwarts. He smiled as he thought about his true home. He missed his friends and teachers, with the exception of Snape. Hogwarts was also where he had explored his sexuality to discover that he was gay. Harry thought about his first boyfriend, Seamus, who had broken up with him right before they left Hogwarts after their sixth year. Although they had agreed to remain friends, Harry couldn't help but think that things were going to be awkward for them when they returned.

Harry was jerked out of his thoughts by the arrival of a blonde wizard through a loud "pop". Harry sat up and realized that Draco Malfoy was standing in the middle of his bedroom. Draco turned and spotted Harry, eyebrows raised and wand in hand.

"Hello Potter!" Draco said cheerily.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry questioned, wary of Draco's happiness. Draco sighed.

"Well, I might as well tell you the truth before you hex me into the next century. I've come for your help." Harry's eyebrows went up further.

"Well, you see, my friends though it'd be amusing to tell the whole school that I am gay. And, while the latter is true, I would have rather kept on the down low, for fear of what would happen. And my suspicions were correct. After my friends had sent the letters out to everyone, with the exception of you and your group I gather, I received letters from many interested males. But the problem was, you see, none of them interest me. And me, being the kind person that I am," Harry scoffed at this, and Draco ignored him. "I couldn't just tell them I wasn't interested. So I told them I was already involved with someone. And, naturally, they questioned as to who it was. I couldn't say any of my friends, as they are all already attached. So…"

"So you told them that you and I are an item?!" Harry cut in, outraged.

"Well, yeah." Draco said, hanging his head. He knew that Harry would react this way

"But, why me?" Harry questioned. Draco looked up. He hadn't expected that. He'd expected hexing, maybe agreement, but he hadn't thought it through to the point of a reason.

"I honestly don't know. I guess you were the first person that came into mind." Draco half lied. Harry watched Draco for any sign of a trick or anything.

"Look, it's obvious that you don't want to help me." Draco said, disappointed. "I'll just go." He turned to walk out the door, but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"You can't go." Harry said.

"I believe that's up to me, Potter." Draco said, turning back around.

"Okay, you can if you want to get killed by my aunt and uncle." This caused Draco to freeze and turn around to face Harry.

"Plus, I want to help you." Harry added. Draco perked up.

"Really?" He questioned hopefully.

"Yes." Harry said. He could use a bit of fun. And who knows, maybe he and Draco might actually become friends.

"Well, there's more that I left out." Harry's eyes disappeared in his bangs once again. "After I told everyone about 'us', they didn't believe me, so we're having a party at the manor to which you will be my date."

"Okay. That's not that bad." Harry shrugged.

"And, everyone thinks you're staying the summer at the manor." Draco said hurriedly.

"And that means?" Harry questioned.

"That you will be staying at the manor for the remainder of the summer." Draco said warily.

"Okay. I guess that's okay." Harry agreed. Draco smiled.

"And since your birthday is in three days, we've decided to have the party on your birthday." Draco added.

"How did you know what day my birthday is on?" Harry asked.

"Oh please, everyone knows." Draco said, blushing slightly nonetheless. Harry hadn't noticed this as he was packing his trunk. Draco smirked as he drew his wand and flicked it once. Harry shouted and jumped back as his belongings began moving of their own accord and packing themselves neatly in his trunk. Draco laughed at loud at his reaction and Harry scowled.

"Only three more days." Harry said angrily.

"Anyway," Draco said, looking at his watch. "My mother won't be home for fifteen more minutes, so is there something we can do to entertain us while we wait for her to signal us to come home?" Harry wondered what the signal was but walked over to his muggle radio and turned it on. Draco raised his eyebrows at the music playing. Harry began singing along.

i Tommy used to work on the docks
Unions been on strike
He's down on his luck...its tough, so tough
Gina works the diner all day
Working for her man, she brings home her pay
For love - for love

She says we've got to hold on to what we've got
cause it doesn't make a difference
If we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot
For love - well give it a shot

Whooah, were half way there
Whooah, Livin on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Whooah Livin on a prayer.

"Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi." Harry said in explanation. "My favourite band."

"They're okay I guess. For muggle music." Draco said as he began tapping his toe in time to the music. Harry noticed this and stood from his spot on his bed and began to dance. Draco stopped tapping to watch Harry in amusement.

"Come on! Dance!" Harry said, taking Draco's hand and forcing him to move with Harry. They danced through a couple songs and paused when a slow song came on. They stood for a few seconds until Harry moved forward and put his hands on Draco's waist. Draco stiffened but started to relax as he put his hands on Harry's shoulders and began swaying with him.

i There's us
Going on about a band
Working out how we play our hand
I lay there dreaming
Later all alone in my bed

If I was stupid
Maybe careless
So were you

Not everything is supposed to come true
Some words are best unsaid
Some love is not really love at all
I'll keep everything I shared with you
And that's enough
There's us

I'm not about to cry
It's too late for us to change
Why try
I've got a camera
Tucked away inside my heart

If I'm a loser
Or just unlucky
So are you

Harry and Draco were moving perfectly in sync, each locked in the other's eyes. They barely even noticed that they had moved closer together so that their bodies were pressed up against each other's. They began moving their head closer until their noses were touching. They stood like that for a few seconds, until Draco maneuvered so that his lips were barely touching Harry's, waiting for him to make the next move. Harry complied, pushing his lips gently against Draco's. Draco responded. It was incredible. Hearts beat fast, yet in sync, mouths moved against each other. It was the perfect kiss. Then all of a sudden, Draco's wand started emitting emerald green sparks. The two boys broke apart. Draco rushed over to his wand and tapped it three times. The sparks stopped and Draco put his want back in his robe.

"That's the signal." Draco said simply.

"Oh. Okay. Ummm…how are we going to get there?" Harry inquired, shutting off the radio that was now playing a song by a band that Harry didn't recognize. i That was the best kiss I've ever had. I guess that's the reward I get for helping out. /i Harry thought.

"Side along apparition." Draco replied simply, holding out a hand for Harry to take. Harry paused before taking the hand and holding it tight as Draco spun. Harry felt the familiar pull at his navel and the suction as he was tugged along with Draco to the Malfoy Manor.

b A/N : Well, folks, that's the first chapter! This is the first fanfic I've ever posted here, so positive/constructive critizism reviews ONLY! And as I'm sure a couple of you are wondering, the slow song is There's Us by Alexz Johnson. Well, tell me what you think!