Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
A/N: I'm so sorry I didn't update in so long! I've just been so busy with school and everything. Alright, and if you forgot, I left of at: The phone rang.
Chapter 4
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey, It's Nick"
"Are you okay? What happened?"
"It's just overnight. Don't worry."
"Oh okay, don't you only get one call, aren't you going to call your parents? "
"No, my dad is a big consultant, he doesn't even notice me."
"Your mom?"
"Is dead."
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."
"No it's fine, there's my stepmom, who loves me like her own son, I've know her since I was six months old
"that's good, um well thanks for watching out for me, but you didn't have to do that."
"But I wanted to, to protect you."
"I dunno, I guess it's because your so real."
On Monday, I had no idea how to react. I couldn't believe Inuyasha got arrested for me. It didn't seem real. It scared me though. The way he beat , Kouga. Could that happen to me? No, I don't know.
"Hey," he greeted.
"Hey," I said.
"I'm sorry, you had to face that, I mean i guess part of it was just pure jealousy, I me-" he started.
"Inuyasha, I'm not pretty," I argued.
"Are you kidding me? You're gorgeous! You are amazing and have a great personality. You know, that's very rare. I don't know. I'm sorry.," he said.
"No, it's okay. I like it," I confessed.
I suddenly felt the barrier between Inuyasha and I break. He kicked a locker and all of them opened.
"There's bound to be some roses in one of them," he said.
I laughed.
"You know you're so rich! I mean why the rebel?" I said hoping he wouldn't get offended.
"Parents, you know I love my stepmom. But I literally only see my dad once a week, he comes home and my stepmom goes with him to the room, you know the drill, it's the only way to attract his attention," he admitted. "But you have to promise never to repeat that again."
I smiled.
"Maybe, Maybe not," I teased.
He threw me over his shoulder, as I Laughed.
"Kagome!" Ms. Nihouse cried.
I got off.
"Sorry," I said getting off.
"You and your boyfriend should find a room elsewhere!" she cried. "Ugh, it's a shame these days."
She walked away and we laughed.
"She thought we were going out and better yet going all the w-"
"She's definitely messed up in the brain. I read a book once about teacher stress," I informed.
He hunched a shoulder over me.
"Really?" He asked.
We walked into class and everyone started whispering. I sat in my seat and opened my book.
"Kagome!" Phiona, the girl sitting next to me, cried. "What is going on between you and Inuyasha?"
"Friendship," I replied.
"I mean Kagome, your so lucky. He is so hot! Though, this isn't good, He's on Kikyo's list, and as girl to girl. Kikyo will do anything to get her man, so don't believe anything she says," Phiona warned.
"Thanks," I replied.
Weird. She talked to me.
I was shuffling books in my locker.
"Kagome!" a girl cried.
I turned and it was Kikyo.
"So we should make up for old times, it's been ten years! Look at you, your gorgeous hair, which we should totally cut since bobs are all the rage," she suggested.
She's convinced I'm stupid. I read, I know bobs are not all the rage. If it was, she would have one and she wouldn't want me to have one.
"Um, I don't want to cut it," I said.
"Oh really, too bad, I thought that we co-, nevermind, so words going around that Inuyasha is sprung, over you. It's ah-mazing how a dare could turn into a hookup, they should call me cupid dearie," she continued.
"Yea but we're friends," I continued. "Look, do whatever."
"I will, and you bet your paddy pantyhose, I will," Kikyo snickered.
I rolled my eyes.
Sorry that was really short!
I won't update until 10 more reviews.
Also, I'm starting a new fanfic.
It'll be up soon. Tell me what you think. :