The Sisterhood of the Enchanted Brooches

Summary: The Marauders didn't have all the fun at Hogwarts. Lily Evans and her friends find four enchanted brooches. The Enchanted Brooches bond the girls in their early Hogwarts years and for the rest of their lives. This is their adventure.

Brief Intro: Follows the young lives of Minerva McGonagall, Lily Evans, Rei Scorch, and Maggie Mirranoy as they journey through Hogwarts and all the roads after. In this fic, (young) McGonagall is one year older than Lily. I realize that in fact, she is not. Go with it. I don't own anything except for Rei and Maggie so please do not attempt to sue me.

Chapter One: Beginnings


"Ok, Mom, I'll be fine!" exclaimed Lily Evans, trying to wriggle away from her mother's suffocating hug. Lily tried to go over and hug her sister, Petunia; however, Petunia stood with her arms crossed and a look of disgust mingled with jealousy on her face. She made no move to even speak to Lily. Sighing, Lily turned away. She shouldn't think about Petunia hating her, not now, not when she was about to get on board. Lily tried to look for her friend, Severus, but couldn't seem to find him. How was she going to get onto the platform? At that moment, Lily saw a young boy with an owl, walk through the wall between platforms 9 and 10. 'Guess this is it,' Lily thought and she ran for it.

After Lily found an empty compartment on the train, she broke down in tears, thinking about Petunia. Would things ever be the same again? A short time later, two rowdy boys came in. She later found out that their names were Sirius Black and James Potter. Later still, Severs Snape finally came inside and found Lily, sitting down opposite her. They talked for a little while about what was bothering Lily and eventually got into a conversation with the other two boys about which houses were best.

After Sirius insulted Severus by saying he was neither "brawny nor brainy" and James roared with laughter, Lily decided it was time for herself and Severus to find another compartment. Severus and Lily walked into a compartment that contained two girls. One was a brunette with thick, curly hair reaching down to her shoulder blades and intense sky blue eyes. The other had ebony hair, tied in a loose bun with a few tendrils framing her face. Her green eyes were piercing and sharp. The girl with ebony hair was talking about how she had spent the summer at her father's and that was why she was on the train. Both were already wearing their Hogwarts uniforms, with Gryffindor crests. When the girls heard the door click open, they looked up from their conversation.

"Hi," said the brunette, "I haven't seen you here before, you two must be a first years." At Lily's nod of confirmation the brunette continued. "I'm a second year, so if you have any questions you can ask me. My name is Maggie Mirranoy and this is Minerva McGonagall." The other looked up and said, "Hello. You can sit down with us." She spread her hand in the air over the seat, trying to signal for them to sit. Lily took the seat indicated and introduced herself and Severus. "Are you guys excited?" asked Minerva.

Severus nodded while Lily replied, "Bordering on petrified."

Maggie laughed. "I was so nervous that I tripped on my way to get sorted. Minerva had it easy. She grew up at the castle. Her mom is the Transfiguration professor."

"Not that easy!" scoffed Minerva. "The pressure was on for me to be in Gryffindor. I think I would have been disowned if I was anything but. Do you two know what houses you want?"

"No idea," Lily said. "I'm a muggle born," she added, a bit fearfully.

Smiling kindly, Maggie replied, "I was raised muggle. My mom was actually a witch but never told me until I got my letter! Don't ever let anyone tell you that blood is a big deal. They're just prats. "

"What about you, Severus?"

"Slytherin," said Snape, shyly. He wasn't too good with people.

"Narcissa Black, she's in our year, is in Slytherin. She's really sweet, so if you need any help, you can always ask her," Minerva.

"Except when she's with Lucius," muttered Maggie, under her breath.

Minerva rolled her eyes. The four talked the rest of the way to Hogwarts. The girls got along really well, but Severus seemed content to just sit and listen.

When they stepped off the train at Hogwarts, Lily heard a husky voice over the crowd yell, "First years this way! Yer with me!" The man that stepped from the shadows was the largest man Lily had ever seen; he had hands the size of trash bin lids and feet the size of dolphins. Lily looked fearfully from the giant man to Maggie and Minerva.

"Don't worry," said Minerva, "That's just Hagrid the gamekeeper. First years enter a special way."

Lily nodded and she and Severus followed the giant man down to the edge of a massive lake where rowboats were waiting for them. Severus and Lily got into a boat already taken by a boy with sandy hair and slightly tired, amber eyes. Suddenly a flash of bright, fiery hair flew into the boat with them.

"Hi!"said the girl attached to the flaming hair. "My name is Rei Esmeralda Scorch. Who are you?"

Lily, the first to regain her composure after the startling entry said, "I'm Lily Evans and this is Severus Snape." She looked to the sandy haired boy.

"My name is Remus Lupin." He said shyly.

"Nice to meet you all!" said Rei. She chattered up until they rounded the bin. Then the castle came into view. Lily had never seen a more magnificent site; it was enormous, had uncountable towers and torrents shooting up into the sky, and rather dark and looming in the evening dusk. They kept approaching the castle, finally sailing through an entrance in the rock, past a curtain of ivy vines concealing it. The boats parked themselves on the shore and Hagrid led them up to huge, bronze doors. After he knocked loudly three times, the doors opened and a tall witch was standing in the hallway. As the light shown upon her features, Lily noticed that she greatly resembled Minerva.

"Thank you Hagrid. I'll take them from here," said the tall witch.

"Yer welcome Professor McGonagall." Hagrid tipped his head and waved to the first years. "Good luck kids!"

The doors of the Entrance Hall shut with his exit. After what seemed like an eternity Professor McGonagall lead the students to the Great Hall where four tables were set up to represent the four houses and a teacher's table was at the front of the room. Placed in front of the teacher table was a stool with a hat sitting upon it. The hat sprang to life and sang a little song about the four Houses, then fell silent again. Professor McGonagall lined up the students, walked up to the stool with the hat on it, and pulled out a long scroll from her robes.

"Avery, Andrew!" she called. When he sat on the stool, she dropped the hat on his head.

"Slytherin!" yelled the hat. The boy walked to the Slytherin table amidst cheering. Lily waited nervously until she heard, "Evans, Lily!" She walked up, being careful not to trip, and sat on the stool. She felt the hat drop on her head and what seemed like hours later the hat yelled out, "Gryffindor!"

She walked to the table where Maggie and Minerva were clapping loudly. She noticed Sirius move to make room for her, but decided to ignore him and sat with the girls instead. By the end of the sorting, Rei, James, and Remus had joined her at the Gryffindor table and Severus was sitting at the Slytherin table. Even though Severus, her best friend, wasn't with her, Lily felt like she was home.


Maggie Mirranoy sighed. After such a stressful summer, it felt good to be back home, at Hogwarts. At the feast, she sat with Minerva McGonagall, her best friend. The two met at the Sorting in first year and hit off instantly.

Maggie grinned as Dumbledore gave another one of his unusual speeches and sent everyone off to bed. Her smile widened when Minerva was pulled to the side and engaged in conversation by Sean Sommers, a Gryffindor third year. "Ooh, girl!" exclaimed Rei, who had an odd American accent. "Minerva's got a beau!"

Laughing, Maggie replied, "Yeah, not that she'll ever admit it."

"He's cute," Lily commented. She spotted Severus Snape marching downstairs with the other Slytherin and waved to him, motioning that they would talk more tomorrow. Snape nodded and yawned, and then continued his walk, talking to a couple of other boys who looked his age.

"I've already got one picked out," stated Rei, staring up ahead of them.

Maggie raised an eyebrow. "You're only eleven, right? Slow down some."

"No, for real, he's my soul mate."

"And who is he?" asked Lily.

"A certain species called Remus Lupin. Oh, crap." Rei ducked because Remus turned around, apparently having heard his name. James Potter tugged on Remus' sleeve, and he started talking again.

Lily and Maggie both burst out laughing. Maggie regained her composure first, asking, "So he's your soul mate, but you're scared to talk to him?"

"Well, how crazy would it sound if I said that to him? Scare him off on the first night, I don't think so!" exclaimed Rei. Maggie shook her head and waited as the prefects told everyone the password, "Aslan's Pride".

"Better hope he's nothing like that James Potter he's with!" exclaimed Lily, remembering the train.

Maggie stretched and smiled, seeing the roaring fire and the plump red couches of the Common Room. "Night, Rei. Good night, Lily. I'll see you girls in the morning." After they replied, Maggie practically ran upstairs to her dorm, and flopped down on the bed. She left a light on for Minerva and Selene, and then changed into a tank top and pajama pants, lying down, and thinking of previous events.

After living for twelve years in a muggle neighborhood, Maggie's mother had just decided to move to Godric's Hollow, a wizarding neighborhood. Granted, her mother had gotten a well paying job at the Ministry of Magic, but that didn't make things easier. It had been hard enough to explain to her former school friends about where she was during the academic year, but over the summer she had to come up with a reason why they couldn't visit her. It hurt lying to them, but she couldn't tell everyone the truth; after all, who would believe it?

The hoot of a black owl at the open window almost caused her to fall out of bed. Maggie frowned as she caught sight of a piece of paper and a small box sitting on her nightstand. She rolled her eyes, seeing a Ravenclaw crest on the back of the note and also, some familiar writing. "Welcome home!" said the note, and it was signed, simply, John. The package happened to be a box of Maggie's favorite chocolate. She had met John Flitwick in detention last year. They had both been late to a class (John was late for Potions; Maggie, Defense Against the Dark Arts), John having slept in, and Maggie having been lost (it was the first week). Both had been running when John dropped a book and stopped to pick it up, causing Maggie to run straight into him. John's Potions homework exploded, as did Maggie's, causing the entire hallway to collapse in the middle, complete with big crater. The two got the blame placed on them by Filch and ended up polishing the entire Trophy Room together. They had been friends ever since.

Maggie scribbled a quick thank you, and attached it to John's owl, which promptly flew off. John's father worked at Hogwarts, teaching Charms, and he introduced Minerva and Maggie to his best friend, Sean Sommers. The group quickly became a foursome and were rarely seen apart toward the end of the year. Maggie shut her curtains and dove under the covers. Sleep sounded like a really good idea.


Minerva McGonagall woke up early the next morning to finish reading the third chapter of A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration: Level 2, before her first transfiguration lesson of the year. Although her mother was the professor for the class, Minerva did not get cut any slack. If anything, Minerva had to work harder than everyone else to prove to her classmates that she was not getting special treatment from Melissa McGonagall. This was fine with Minerva since she loved the subject and seemed to have a natural ability for it.

"Why are you up so early?" mumbled Selene Crimsonhold, Minerva and Maggie's other roommate, from her four-poster bed.

"I have to finish reading this chapter for class today."

"Transfiguration? Come on Minnie, we won't get as far as you've already read today, I'm sure. Besides you're the best in the class at it anyway."

"Only because I read and practice." replied Minerva. "Let me finish. We're going to wake up Maggie if we keep talking."

"Too late," grunted Maggie.

By this time, breakfast was being served in the Great Hall, so they got dressed and went down. Professor Breaux, the current Deputy Headmistress, was busy handing out schedules to the Gryffindor house. Dumbledore had announced last night that Professor Breaux was taking over the Defense Against the Dark Arts position this year since no one seemed to want that post. A new witch, Professor Sinistra was now teaching Breaux's old post of Astronomy.

"Oh man! Double Potions AND double Charms with the Slytherins!" exclaimed Maggie. Minerva and Selene groaned.

"Well… at least that's not today…" said Minerva. The Great Hall was clearing out by this time. A third year girl with dark, lidded eyes and a mass of bushy black hair passed by the Gryffindor table and glared at Minerva and Maggie, who took no notice.

"Who was that?" asked Lily who had been talking about classes with Rei.

"That's Bellatrix Black," said Minerva with a look of deep dislike. "She hates anyone who isn't a pureblood or those who associate with Muggleborns."

"Yup, she's a real piece of work," said Sirius Black's voice behind them, "Fun to mess with at reunions though."

Hearing this Bellatrix turned sharply and said loudly enough for everyone to hear. "Well, at least I am not a disgrace to MY family and on the verge of being disowned." She then turned on her heel and walked out the door without a glance back.

"Wow, she hears like a bat!" Sirius then left rather quickly also, not giving the girls the chance to see him slightly upset.

"What was that about?" asked Rei, she and Lily looked confused.

Minerva glanced at Selene who glanced at Maggie who said, "Well, Sirius is kind of the white sheep of the Black family."

"Wow, your play of words is excellent," said Selene.

Maggie tossed her hair jokingly. "Don't be jealous."

"Anyway," said Minerva in a low voice. "Bellatrix isn't really fond of Sirius. He doesn't agree with his family on their pureblood views, there's apparently a big rift between him and the rest of his family, at least from what Bellatrix was spreading around last year. Him being put in Gryffindor was just icing."

"Icing and sheep?" Rei said, shaking her head. "You and Maggie should write fiction."

Minerva gave Rei a small smile and continued eating. Bellatrix really got under her skin. Blood shouldn't matter. Everyone was here because they all had abilities. Bellatrix was also a kind of Slytherin enthusiast, and she also had a deep hatred of all things Gryffindor. Her ignorance bothered Minerva to no end. She said good bye to everyone as she, Maggie and Selene went to their first class, Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Minnie M!" exclaimed Breaux as Minerva walked into the classroom. Minerva shut her eyes and her face flushed in embarrassment; yet another drawback of growing up in the castle - ridiculous nicknames. Breaux, however, had nicknames for everyone, so it wasn't as bad as it could be. Professor Breaux had transferred from Beauxbatons to Hogwarts, something about the French not "getting" her. Minerva sighed and sat down beside Maggie. It was going to be a long year, she decided.


Rei Scorch was not having a good day. She and Lily had gotten lost on the way to their first class, Potions. Luckily, Professor Slughorn seemed nice enough. He started out class by taking roll, talking briefly to students whose surnames sounded familiar. He stopped cold when he saw Sirius Black's name on the roll under Gryffindor, thinking that there had been a mistake. He ambled down the list and eventually got to "Rei Scorch, eh? Your parents just moved here to work as Aurors? I knew your dad when he was in school. Good man, good man."

Rei smiled and nodded, wondering just how much he knew about her family. Rei had a bit of a secret. Her mother, while a witch, was also half fire fairy, an almost extinct species. Contrary to popular belief, fairies can pass as humans, which is what Rei's grandmother, Esmeralda, did for most of her life. The fairy families were grouped by elements. In Rei's family, their wings were made of fire. Back in America, Rei had the reputation of a pyromaniac, because, well, things often caught fire when she couldn't control her magic. As if moving from one continent to the other wasn't hard enough, she now had to keep her secret from everyone here.

"We will be working on something very simple today," said Slughorn. "It's a potion that cures boils. It's on page seven in your book, about half way down. Groups of four, I think. Evans, Lupin, Scorch and Snape, why don't you get into a group? Potter, Avery, Pettigrew…" He continued on until everyone was in a group and then put some notes on the board for them.

Rei and Lily moved over to Remus Lupin's table, meeting Snape there. Rei tripped and when her hand touched the table, it instantly started to blaze. "Sorry! Sorry! That actually happens a lot!" she cried. Slughorn just laughed and put out the fire with water from his wand. Lily stood with her eyes wide, Snape with a knowing smirk, but Remus simply said, "Just last week, I turned my mom's meatloaf into an ice sculpture. It was really hot in my house," he added sheepishly.

Rei grinned at Remus with a look of deep appreciation. Lily glanced from one to the other, while Snape was oblivious to anything other than the potion he had already started on. "Hey, wait up Sev." said Lily, as she and the others started reading the potion from the book. They got through with their first potions class without any other major incidents. Slughorn announced to the class that Rei, Lily, Remus, and Severus' potion was the best and gave each of them five points for their houses. Rei knew that it was only because of Severus that the potion was good. She had almost put in the wrong ingredient and Severus quickly snatched it up before it hit the liquid in the cauldron.

The Gryffindors' next class was History of Magic with Professor Binns. Rei thought she might die of boredom within the first ten minutes. Binns was an old ghost who lectured with a monotone voice that could put even the most attentive student to sleep. By the time classes were over for the day Rei was exhausted. On the way back to the dorm she passed by Remus talking with James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. They were talking in hushed whispers and shut up as soon as they saw Rei. She glanced over at them with a questioning look. "Hey Rei! Cool trick in Potions today!" said Sirius in a clear attempt to act normal. "It wasn't really a trick... but thanks." said Rei, "I'm beat, so I'll see you guys later." She walked off again and glanced back to see them whispering to each other again. I wonder what they're up to?she thought to herself. But when she got to her four poster, she forgot all about the boys and drifted into a deep sleep.