The following chapter contains extreme violence
and is not suitable for the faint of heart.
Viewer discretion is advised.
More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads
to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction.
Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
- Woody Allen
Chapter Eight
Loudest Sound
The crack of a shotgun was heard throughout the bar.
Everyone whirled around to find the bartender pointing a gun at them.
"I want all of you to get the hell out of here, if you guys want to fight you can take it outside, he whispered with a dangerous air.
What? Are you planning to take us all on? The man with the broken bottle asked in an amused tone of voice.
A shot rang out, and the bottle shattered in his hand. The man cursed and let go of the remains of the broken glass.
"Move!" The bartender ordered as he motioned them towards the front door.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
As soon as they got outside, Neil, Jane and Courtney, were slowly backed into an abandoned alleyway by an angry mob. Seeing that they were trapped, Neil quickly rambled, Listen, what happened in New York wasn't our fault!
The man, who had the glass bottle in his hand, ignored Neil as he picked up a lead pipe that was lying on the side of the building, and lightly tapped it against the palm of his hand. Noticing the dangerous glint in his eyes, many of the customers decided to leave, not wanting to get involved with the upcoming fight.
Jane looked around her and saw five other men step forth from the crowd. She fearfully realized that six against three did not make the situation look any more favorable then facing a horde of Phantoms, and given the fact that Courtney was inexperienced with hand-to-hand combat, the odds were definitely against them.
Ryan, hurry! Jane thought as she prepared herself for the inevitable.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Ryan opened the car door and saw no sign of them. He looked around him in panic, scanning the abandoned parking lot, and was about to go back to the restaurant until he heard a familiar voice scream,
He turned around and noticed there was a large crowd gathered near the alleyway and heard people shouting. He had a bad feeling about this and decided he sould come prepared as as quickly grabbed a gun from the glove compartment and rushed towards the commotion.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This is for my brother! The man shouted as he smashed the pipe against the side of Neil's head.
NEIL!!!" Jane screamed as she saw Neil hit the pavement and ran towards him only to be pulled away by three men.
Neil, dazed, tried to lift himself up from the ground, only to be forced down again as the lead pipe cracked against the base of his spine. Once, twice, three times, he wasn't sure. All he knew was that the pain was intense.
Someone in the crowd began whispering frantically, Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.
Two of the men picked up lead pipes and joined in the fray as the man shouted with each blow, How does it feel to be so goddamn helpless? - Crack - To know that people are dying all around you! - Crack - And knowing you will never see your family again! - Crack - Never being able to tell them that you love them! - Crack - Well? TELL ME!
Courtney, tears streaming from her eyes, looked around her at the horrified bystanders and cried out, Why are just standing there?! Someone do something! HELP US!! Oh god, PLEASE!!
No one moved, and instead looked away in shame, too afraid to do anything.
Neil coughed up blood and tried to crawl away, but the man gave a sadistic grin and kicked him hard in the stomach.
"You think this hurts boy? The man asked, as he swung the lead pipe once more, smashing it against his ribcage.
Neil cried out, tears welling up in his eyes, not sure how much more he could take before he finally blacked out.
Now tell me. How does that feel? Does it hurt more? He jeered as he raised the pipe once more.
"STOP IT!! FUCKING STOP IT!!" Jane shouted, as she struggled helplessly, trying to pull free. The men paid no attention to her, tightening their grip, and continued to hold her back.
Suddenly she heard a bullet ricochet off the wall, and Jane turned around to find Ryan pointing a gun at them.
Alright, drop your weapons. He demanded.
The men that were wielding lead pipes did as they were told, and three pipes clattered on the ground.
The men that were holding on to Jane slowly loosened their vice-like grip on her. Pissed, Jane took the opportunity to slam her fist in the guys face who was still holding on to her arm then ran over to help Neil.
"Oh god......Neil. Jane whispered as she lightly stroked his cheek.
Neil was in bad shape, his hair was soaked with blood and his left eye was welded shut. Jane made no attempt to move him; afraid that he was suffering from internal bleeding.
Finally the sound of sirens were heard and Jane looked up with teary eyes to find two police cars and one ambulance pull up to the curb.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1200 hours
A deadly fight broke out today in front of the The Oasis, yesterday evening, sending one person to the hospital and six people to jail. Apparently the fight occurred as a result of last night's program addressing the nation that the Council was to blame for the attacks on New York City. The victim was Neil Fleming, a soldier who serves the Deep Eyes, and was savagely beaten by three men carrying lead pipes. While the---
Jane turned off the news and sat by Neil's bed. He was sleeping soundly and a bandage was wrapped around his head. The doctors told her that he would be able to come home in a few days, but until then he needed some rest to heal his injuries.
She thought about what that man said in the alleyway, about never being able to tell someone that you loved them until it was too late, and gently kissed him on the forehead.