Author: Naruko-koi

Rating: T, but maybe M later

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the Naruto characters… don't rub it in!!!

A/N: I kind of had this idea for awhile now and I am just putting it in writing (or typing). I must also remind you that this is my first fic ever, so it might suck. I won't be offended if you don't like it.

Based off ideas from Naruto series and 'Mulan' from Disney (well, the general idea)


Chapter 1: Memories


The sound of feet running across a stone path could be heard throughout the garden as a young prince ran to the front gates of the palace. Dodging maids and servants, he ran as fast as his legs would take him. He could feel the frustration rising the farther he ran because he knew that if he didn't reach the front gates soon, he wouldn't get the chance to say goodbye to his best friend before she left to head back home.

"If I don't say goodbye now, I won't see her until next year's festival," the young prince whined. Just as all hope seemed lost, the young prince caught a glimpse of bright, blonde hair. "Naru-chan?"

"Sasuke!!!" the young girl screamed, making Sasuke's left eye twitch. He could have sworn the whole palace could hear her booming voice, but before he could finish his thought, he was tackled to the ground by the hyperactive blonde. "Sasu-chan, I thought you weren't going to say goodbye to me," Naruko sobbed out with tears at the corners of her eyes.

"Of course I was going to say goodbye you cry baby," Sasuke said, acting like he didn't care. But everyone knew Sasuke hade a soft spot for the adorable blonde and even though he would never admit it, he had a huge crush on her. "Now will you please get off me, you weigh a ton," he said, lightly pushing her off of him.

"Don't call me a cry baby," she pouted while playfully punching him in the arm, "I'm going to miss you. I don't want to leave! Why can't I stay with you forever?" she complained. Sasuke smirked; she was so cute when she pouted.

"Your highness, your father is ready to leave," a young maid gracefully walked up to Naruko, offering a hand with her bags.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye. I'll see you again soon," the princess said sadly.


"Promise! It doesn't matter what it takes, I will see you again!" she said happily. She gave him one last hug before grabbing her stuff to leave.

"Wait, I almost forgot," Sasuke said, reaching in his pocket, "I wanted to give you this before you left," he pulled out a beautiful blue diamond necklace (1) and put it around her neck.

"Wow Sasu-chan, it's beautiful!" she exclaimed.

"I thought it would match your blue eyes," he said blushing slightly. Naruko ran up to him and gave him a peck on the cheek before running to catch up with the maid.

"Bye Sasu-chan, I'll see you again," she yelled while getting into the carriage before riding of down the road. Sasuke brought his hand up to his cheek where she had kissed him and turned a darker shade of crimson.

Sasuke jolted awake from his dream. It had been 13 years since that day and now he was 20 years old. After that day the Uzumaki Kingdom was attacked by Orochimaru and the Sound Kingdom; killing the entire royal family, including the young princess, Naruko Uzumaki. Sasuke could feel himself on the verge of tears. He would never forget the day he found out Naruko had died and he knew he would never be the same. Ever since the Sound Kingdom attacked the Uzumaki Kingdom, they had been at war (2).

A knock at the door woke him from his thoughts, "Who's there?"

"It's me, Itachi," a tall dark figure walked into the room. He had many of the handsome features like Sasuke, but had longer hair that was pulled back into a low pony tail and had many aged features that gave away his age. Itachi was the future king of the Uchiha Kingdom and Sasuke was younger brother, as well as his right-hand man and one of the generals in the army. "We get the new recruits today, so hurry up and get ready."

"Oh great," Sasuke groaned out, "more annoying people to deal with." Sasuke hated the 'rookies' as they called them. They never knew what to do and would almost always die in battle. There was a lucky few who survived to learn the ninja skills needed to fight properly, and right now he had a feeling that they were going to be an even bigger pain than last time.

"Oh come on Iruka-sensei; please let me join the army. You know I can do it," a young girl around the age of 19 with blonde hair and blue eyes paraded around the kitchen to get her 'father' to let her join the royal army.

"No! Absolutely not! You know they won't let a girl join the army and besides I won't let my little girl get hurt, or worse – killed," he argued back. He was beginning to get wrinkles from the stress she was causing him. She hade been trying to convince him for months now, but no matter how hard he tried, he could never get her to change her mind.

"Pft… Once they see my moves they won't say no. And if I have to, I'll join the medical unit. Please, Iruka-sensei. I feel I need to do my part to help with the war," she whined using her infamous puppy dog eyes.

"Oh no! Those puppy dog eyes won't work on me this time, Naruko (3). I said no and I mean no!"

"But Iruka–"

"No buts young lady, you are not joining the army and that is final!" Iruka yelled.

"Ugh! Fine! I'm going to my room and you better leave me alone!" Naruko yelled as she stomped upstairs to her room. 'I don't care what Iruka-sensei says; I'm joining the army, even if I have to sneak out and runaway.' Once she reached her room, she quietly packed her bags and slipped out her window into the cool morning air.


1) The blue jeweled necklace that Naruto wears all the time in the series. The one he got from Tsunade.

2) I don't know if I will ever mention this, but there are 4 kingdoms: the Uzumaki Kingdom, the Uchiha Kingdom, the Sound Kingdom, and the Hyuuga Kingdom (will show up later). Oh yeah, the war is Hyuuga and Uchiha Kingdoms vs. the Sound Kingdom.

3) I will explain this better in the next and later chapters, but everyone thinks Naruko is dead… and you'll find out why next chapter XD!!!!

Well I hope you like it. I know, I know… my grammar SUCKS (pervs…) and it was really bad in the first couple paragraphs. But I couldn't help it; I didn't know where to start. I also think I had a BAD 'comma splice' (as my teacher calls it) and I didn't know how to fix it… oh well!

PLEASE REVIEW!!!!! – I could also use advice and ideas. I won't be offended, I promise!!!!!