Wilson had a history of not making the first move. It was part of his strategy. It had gotten him three wives, and various other girlfriends. It had worked on Cuddy, Nurse Brenda, even House. Fool-proof. This strategy had never let him down. But it wasn't working on Cameron. Wilson was frustrated.

He watched her through the window of the door leading into the Emergency Room. She looked up, looked his direction, smiled... at Chase. He walked into the room, scrubs covered in blood, and leaned in to kiss Cameron. She pushed him away. Wilson figured that the push was due to the blood, though he wanted to think otherwise. Chase walked towards one of the patients, and Wilson saw his opportunity. He opened the door and entered.

Cameron saw him come in. She smiled. She addressed him, "Hello Doctor Wilson." What she really wanted to do was throw herself on him and kiss him right there in the ER, inches away from her boyfriend, but she thought that probably wasn't a good idea. Anyway, Cameron was determined not to make the first move. She knew Wilson's strategy.

They stared at each other. Made small talk. Stared more.

"Can I talk to you in my office?" Wilson asked.

"I'm busy."

"Oh." More staring. Wilson gave up. He grabbed Cameron's arm and pulled her into the hallway. He leaned in, but Cameron's lips reached his first. She pushed him against the wall, her fingers entangled in his hair. Wilson was surprised, but not completely shocked. The strategy was fool-proof after all. He thought that maybe he had technically made the first move by dragging her out of the ER, but with her lips on his, he didn't care.

Cameron knew that anyone could see them, that Chase could walk by at any moment. Or House, or Cuddy, or... anyone. But with her lips on his, she didn't care. They broke away after a few seconds and looked at each other. Stared. Smiled. Fool-proof.