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Don't own DP or Avatar. This is going to be interesting because Danny won't meet the gang till the near end, instead he will be traveling with someone else who is looking to end the Fire Lords reign, but the thing is, how can they do that when they don't fully trust each other… Oh and also, I will not show the gang because we know what they are doing however I will have a few special characters who will fight there way to be at the invasion, including a mysterious person who I dare you guys to guess who it is, and also unlike my other stories I want readers opinions and input on certain parts so it's not prewritten but it shouldn't be too long…
Danny sighed wearily as he floated along in the ghost zone. A ghost had dragged him in there cheerily to see him get lost. He studied his surroundings and caught some motion out of the corner of his eye.
He quickly turned towards the source and gasped. It was the ghost and it was trailing right towards him. This time he got a good look.
It looked like a six legged panda. It suddenly tossed him into a natural portal that closed as he passed through it "Ah hello young Phantom" some one said.
Danny quickly whirled around to see an old man "Who are you" he asked. The man bowed "I am Avatar Roku" he said. Danny nodded hesitantly "Why did your pet thing take me here" he asked.
Roku frowned as images appeared around Danny "In my world people are capable of bending the elements of water" it showed Katara "Earth" it showed Toph "Fire" it showed Zuko "And air" it showed Aang.
The image showed the nations living in peace. Danny jumped as the Fire Nations suddenly turned on the other nations. He saw a young boy run away and just weeks after his home destroyed as he was sealed in an iceberg.
Danny saw the Fire Nation conquer places over the time span of one hundred years. Suddenly it stopped as the boy in the iceberg was freed from the ice by the water bender. He watched him learn of his past and learn bending moves.
He saw him entering the Avatar state. Suddenly he jumped as the kid rose in the Avatar State and was struck down with lightning. He saw the kid fall.
Roku explained to him the importance of this image. Suddenly new images flashed before the screen of a powerful bender. He manipulated his element flawlessly.
Danny turned to Roku "Who is that" he asked. Roku gave a light yet grim smile "That man will help you meet up with the Avatar, he is seeking to end the Fire Lords reign, you will accompany him" he said.
Danny sighed "But what about Amity Park?" he asked quietly. Roku smiled "Your world and the ghost zone has been frozen until you return" he said. Danny smiled gratefully before a look of determination crossed his face "Okay" he said.
Roku smiled in appreciation "And one more thing" he said. Danny looked at him carefully "Yes?" he asked. Roku showed him Toph, Zuko, Katara, and Aang side by side "With your abilities you are able to choose two bending powers, but choose wisely because it will eventually shape your personality" he said.
Danny looked at each of them "I think I choose…"
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now lets see if anyone can guess what bending skills Danny choose. You find out one really quickly but the other remains hidden for quite some time. And also see if you can figure out who this man is, it should be interesting...