AN: I do not own anything but this story!
Trigger Happy
Hilary sat at her desk, wondering what she should do for her boyfriend Ian Papov's birthday.
The two had been together for 3 years now and still she hadn't found the perfect way to celebrate his birthday.
Of course, it wasn't very easy to decide on what to do, considering they didn't really have the same likes.
Hilary would love to do something romantic but she knew he would disapprove; he wasn't really the type to enjoy simple, romantic, mushy gestures and activities.
Then again, Hilary wasn't that sure about what he'd enjoy; most of their time spent together wasn't used to talk about birthdays and stuff like that. Ian had told her that he really enjoyed surprises and that he wouldn't want to know what was happening for his birthday, though; Hilary imagined that he had regretted those words after the past two birthdays.
On her first attempt at organizing his birthday, she had done a big get together surprise birthday that resulted in one highly hyper Max, a few random beyblader make-out sessions, and Tala puking in the closet during an intense game of seven minutes in heaven. The second attempt, she decided, hadn't been much better. After the first disastrous birthday, Ian told her that for the next birthday, she should try to plan something less noisy and with less people, maybe just something for the two of them. Hilary nodded to show that she'd understood and they ended up spending the day in each other's company at a spa.
Needless to say, Ian was not as enthused as Hilary was. He had never told her, but he had a thing with strangers touching him, and this 'birthday surprise' of hers was definitely going to make him uncomfortable. Of course, seeing her enjoying herself made him want to at least try to endure it but that too had proven to be just as bad an idea as coming to the spa was. The day ended in them getting banned from the spa because Ian wouldn't stop hitting the masseuse.
After going through those disastrous flashbacks of previous birthdays, Hilary went back to thinking of what to do for this year's, determined to make this birthday the best birthday her boyfriend could ever ask for. But what did he like? Hilary decided to call up some of their friends and ask them.
"Hello?" came the voice of the first person she decided to call.
"Hey Spencer! Um, I was just wondering what to do for Ian's birthday, and I wanted to see if you had any suggestions as to what he might like," she replied.
"Oh, well, I never really talked to him much…but I know what you SHOULDN'T do!"
"Ok…" Hilary said, deciding that an idea of what not to do would prove to be useful as well.
"Don't take him to an amusement park, he hates those things! A few years back we went, just the Blitzkreig Boys, and his nose got stuck in the Ferris Wheel operator thing…man, we needed to stay in the emergency room for HOURS after that!"
"Uh…ok. Thanks for the advice."
"No problem. Hey Hilary, I gotta go now, my pie is in the oven, but I hope you come up with a great idea."
"Yeah, sure. Thanks Spencer."
She hung up, a tad disappointed because she seemed to be stuck on square one. Hilary decided to call up another member of her boyfriend's team.
"What do you want?" came a cranky voice on the other end.
"Yeesh Kai! Is that how you greet all your friends?" Hilary asked, a bit offended.
"Sorry," he mumbled, "you woke me up."
"Oh, sorry," she apologized, "I just called to see if you had any ideas of where I could take Ian for his birthday…"
"Uh, I really haven't been around him much…to tell you the truth, he kind of creeps me out."
"Kai Hiwatari is creeped out by something?! CALL THE NEWS!" she yelled, before falling into a fit of giggles.
"Ha ha," came his sarcastic voice, "seriously though, I don't really have much of a clue."
"It's ok. I'll leave you to your sleep now."
"Sorry and yeah, goodnight Hilary."
"Sleep tight."
Once again, Hilary hung up the phone, feeling more and more hopeless. Deciding to put all her faith in this one last person, she called him up.
"Yup! It's me!"
"What are you doing calling me at- oh wait- it's only 9 pm."
"Uh…yeah. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what to do for Ian's birthday…any ideas?"
"I don't know of any places…but I'm sure that if you think about his personality, you'll be able to find something fitting. You're a smart girl."
Hilary sighed, "Yeah, thanks Tala."
"No prob. Cya later."
Even though none of the phone calls she had made were of much use, Hilary was determined to find a great place for her boyfriend's birthday. Said determination got her to use Tala's idea of thinking about Ian's personality.
Ok, so what was he? He was shorter than most guys, kind of brutal, liked sharp things but was nice when he wanted to be. He was a joker, loyal to his friends and family, manipulative, and oh-Trigger happy.
'Trigger happy, trigger happy,' Hilary knew that there was an idea in there somewhere; she just had to find it. After a few moments of intense thought, she exclaimed, "AHA!" Of course! How could she have been so stupid? The idea was SO obvious, it was painful!
She called up her place of choice and a car company, and reserved them for the special day. Two weeks later, when it was time for said day, she blindfolded her confused boyfriend and dragged him out of the house. Practically throwing him in the car, she told the driver to get them to their destination. An hour later, they arrived at their destination and Hilary took Ian out of the car.
She removed his blindfold and he looked around. They were in a desert. Ok…that was slightly creepy. What was even more frightening was that when he turned to look back at his girlfriend, she was holding a gun. Ok…they were in a desert, a remote location, where there were no people to hear him scream…and she had a gun. Certainly this would not end well.
Hours later though, he was having the time of his life and by the looks on Hilary's face, so was she. He stopped what he was doing for a few moments and when she'd done the same, he gave her a quick kiss on the lips before saying, "This really was the best birthday ever, thanks."
She smiled, glad that she had finally found something he'd like. And for that matter, something they both liked.
Who knew spending time at a firing range could be so much fun?