If you don't normally read my author note, you'll want to read this one.
Oh, and when I said cover last time, I mean there's a picture to go with the story… Y'know, like a book cover… Will you check it out now?
"Edward, for the last time. Where are you taking me?!"
It isn't normal for your fiancée to kidnap you on a plane – private may I add – when it's no where near the wedding.
"Bella, if you really wanted to know you would have used a gift on me. You and I both don't want you find out where we're going." I frowned and pouted a little. He just leaned in and gave me a light kiss. I saw right through that.
"If you want to play dirty, you should have said." I then proceeded to attack his mind with all the annoying seven year old questions.
Are we there yet?
Will you tell me when we're there yet…?
Yes, Bella. I will…
Are we there yet?
Can we get ice cream?
No, I don't want you getting sick. Why would you want ice cream anyway? It'll just –
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
He ended up sitting on the floor holding his head in agony. I knew perfectly well he wasn't in any pain, only annoyed with my mind games.
"Edward?" I asked out loud.
"Yes Bella?" He asked exasperated, pulling his head out of his hands a little.
"Are we there yet?"
He groaned and rolled onto his side so his cheek was pressed to the cool floor.
It's dirty there. Do you really want to be down there?
Really really?
Do you want me out of your head?
Really, really?
Yes, Bella. Really really.
I just looked at his perfect face, his wonderful golden eyes – which I would occasionally change to green just to make him jump – and his perfect messy hair. I couldn't ask for anything more than that.
He was perfect.
Thanking you kindly, ma'am. Edward smirked from the floor.
I scowled at him. Ever since we had got back, we had seen if I could take down the walls to my mind. Normally he wouldn't be able to get into my mind but after trying it out, thoughts would occasionally seep out and Edward would pick them up. I found out that I had built in walls and now I kept forgetting to put them up again.
Very mature…
You can talk.
Ah, but there is method in my madness.
Which is?
Getting you to tell me where you're taking me.
Not annoying me?
Partly, but not completely. Are you going to tell me?
I might…
But I won't.
That really isn't fair you know.
It is… but I suppose I owe you something. He thought, getting up off the floor and back into his seat.
It's about time. Your cheek is grubby, you know. Still what were you going to say…think…
"I was going to say that there is also method in my madness. It'll make a lot of sense when we get there and when we meet him."
"Yes. I will explain when we get there. I promise."
"I'll hold you to that, Mr. Cullen." I said as I crawled into his lap.
"And I you, Miss soon - to - be - Cullen Swan… That doesn't work does it?
"Not really, no." I kissed him on the tip of his nose.
"I love you, despite all the annoying mind talk."
"I love you, despite your dirty cheek." He stuck his nose up, pretending to ignore me. I started kissing his neck, his jaw and nuzzling my way into his collar bone. He moaned and tried to pull me into a compromising position. I pulled away.
"We're on a plane."
"Yes, we are."
"No Edward." He made the puppy dog eyes that he knew made my resistance to him break… Well, most of the time. He didn't know that just yet.
He added the pout. "No."
And a frown. "No Edward."
"But Bella –"
The intercom that linked up to the pilot sounded. "If you could please return to your seats please. We'll be landing soon."
I slid off his lap and buckled myself into the seat. When I looked up again, he was frowning at me.
"You don't need that anymore."
I shrugged. "I thought I was always going to be a human in your eyes."
"Oh, you are but that doesn't mean you have to wear seatbelts." I raised my eyebrows and turned to look out at the clouds as we made our descent.
"Hmm," was all I said.
We were silent for the rest of the flight and the only indication that Edward was still sitting next to me was his thumb rubbing circles into my hand and his thoughts that revolved only around me. Looking down onto the land, I tried to work out where Edward would possibly be taking me. It had to be somewhere over the Atlantic, because we had been on board for some time. I was guessing England or Scotland but I had absolutely no idea where. And why would Edward take me here of all places?
When the pilot declared it safe to get off, I rushed to the door, only to be dragged back by Edward. "You have no idea where we're going."
"Don't I get to see where we are?"
"Yes, I just have to check something…" He went towards the nearest window to the door. I watched him lean over to look out, standing with my arms crossed and feeling impatient. "Okay, come on them."
Edward, Edward, Edward. What will I do with you?
Whatever you want. He purred inside his head so I slapped his arm and went to the door.
"Plane, Edward. A plane."
I stepped outside into the cold air – it wasn't cold to me, I was just guessing – and looked at the sign on the side of the building.Oh.
"Right, Manchester airport… I have no idea what this means now. Why would you take me to the middle of England in October?"
"All in good time, love."
"No! You can't just take me here and not give me an answer!"
"Yes I can and I just did."
"Edward Cullen, you…Urgh!"
"I love you too dear," he chuckled.
The further we got from the plane, the more confused I got. Edward had rented a car and was driving down country lanes – and was loving it – with their twists and turns. I was thinking about how grateful my reflexes were heightened because there would be no way I would be able to survive a crash on a rural road. Not that we would crash with Edward at the wheel. He was the perfect driver. We drove south for a while and my eyebrows furrowed further down as we passed a sign saying 'Welcome to Brassington'. I had given up asking what was going on a long while ago and I was just sitting it out, wondering and occasionally sending Edward a message saying he better explain.
It was odd. We past through the town and he turned off of the road and onto a dirt path wide enough for a car – or cars. I was beginning to guess where we were going and that guess was probably right.
We're going to one of the houses, aren't we?
Hah! I knew it!
I never said yes…
You don't have to, I can see it in your mind.
And I was doing so well with guarding it.
Yes, how is that possible? You're brilliant at blocking and you've never had any reason to.
Well, I have all the reason to with you prying into my brain now…
I wouldn't call it prying…
He shook his head. We're here, Bella…
I stepped out of the car, tearing my eyes away from him and looked up at the amazing house. It was tall and looked so quaint. It fit snugly around in the tall green trees and just looked so…cosy. I didn't think that was possible because I was still getting over the sheer size of it.
"It's a mind trick," I stated after a while.
"If you say so," Edward chuckled.
"Come on, we need to go and meet him."
"Indeed we do," he took my arm and we walked up to the threshold. Edward opened the door and a horrible smell hit me. I almost gagged. My face twisted in disgust and I saw Edward's nose twitch. Just a twitch? It stunk!
"Edward? Do most of your houses smell like this or is it just me."
"Bella…" he sighed. "Into the living room."
"But that's where the smell is coming from," I said, apprehensively.
"Exactly," he smiled.
It was official. My fiancée had gone crazy…possibly again…
"Edward…" I asked to no one in particular as he stepped inside the room. He stuck his head around the door.
"Bella, nothing's going to bite you." I hope. I heard him add silently.
"What do you mean 'you hope'?" I asked raising my eye brows.
"Please, Bella, come and meet them."
"He's a 'them' now?" I was getting hysterical.
Edward stepped forward and laid his hands on my hips, looking into my eyes. And then I realised what was going on.
He was trying to dazzle me.
"Please Bella…" he whispered close to my ear, his cool breath tickling my neck.
Either that or seduce me.
"I wouldn't take you here if it wasn't safe…" he whispered and I could feel his lips slowly moving down my neck to my collar bone.
I was betting on the latter…
"Bella…" It was getting unbearable.
"Fine! Fine, I'll go in but if something attacks me and I die, I'm blaming you."
"I'll blame myself too. Inside."
I just looked at him.
"What is it? You said you'd go in."
I nodded curtly.
He gave me an appraising look and went to stand by the door. Grabbing the door handle he pushed it open and let me walk in first. I gave him an appreciative smile, signally he did the right thing. He just rolled his eyes and took my hand.
We caught a conversation as we walked in. "…and you said they were dangerous. If they are why are we here? And why did you make –"
Edward and I came face to face with two people – a man and a woman. The man was tall, very tall, and he had black shaggy hair that hung close to his eyes. He was the source of the stench and I could see his nose twitching like Edward's did earlier. The woman only just came up to his shoulders and was clinging onto his arm like it was a life support. I noticed she had a black eye as well as thick gold wavy hair that stopped at her shoulders. I looked up at Edward.
He was smiling.
The man was the first to speak. "I thought you said she was human."
"She was," was his only reply as his smile turned into a smirk.
"Is it safe?"
Edward…I sent sweetly.
Yes, my dear?
Would you like to explain NOW?
He spun me around so we could look into each others' eyes.
Right, where to start…After I left you that first time in the hospital, I was a total mess. I frowned. Rosalie gave me some encouraging words but I took them the wrong way and ran here. I met Jack here and he was in the same mess as me. He had imprinted on –
Werewolves get –
Let me explain please… I stayed silent. When werewolves see their soul mate it's called imprinting. It's more than love, it's like 'I'll jump in front of a bullet for you because you're so amazing'… Rather like us you could say. He smirked. Still, his life was rather pointless without Imogen over there and we were two lost causes. I found him after he took his anger out on Esme's favourite oak tree here and we talked each other into fighting for our loves. We made an arrangement to meet up exactly in six months time. Today. With the ones we love.
I was silent
Any questions? He asked.
Oh, a few…
Any I can answer?
Why does he smell so bad?
We smell just as bad to him. Jack describes it like sickly sweet.
Can I give him a hug?
A hug? Why?
Just answer it.
I guess you'll have to ask him.
Jack had just finished speaking with the woman, who I was guessing was Imogen thanks to Edward. She was looking apprehensively at us both, as if we were going to attack her but I had my blood lust under control and I didn't need to bother with Edward's. He'd had a lot of practice. There was nothing really to worry about… except perhaps me.
Jack jumped backwards nearly falling over himself. Imogen nearly fell with him because she was still holding onto his arm.
"Was that you?" he asked, giving me a cautious look.
"It may have been."
He sure picked one, Jack thought.
Well, I take it I'm a good one.
He just looked at me, eyes wide. It was you.
Yep. Scaring people with my gift is a passion of mine. I'm the closest conventional vegetarian vampire you can get.
Your gift? What would that be?
I can take other gifts. I met a lot of people in Italy.
"Italy?" he blurted out.
Edward sighed next to me. "Right, we should start from the beginning and then you can tell us your story, if that's okay?"
We all took our seats on the sofas, facing each other after hugs had been passed around. I sat opposite Imogen and we shared the same expression. Nervous, but nervous for two entirely different reasons. I was nervous that if we did something Jack would get angry or turn into a wolf or something to the effect of that. From Imogen's thoughts, it sounded like she was scared we would attack her. I scoffed internally.
Edward squeezed my hand, bringing me back to present. "Well, when I left here, I made straight back to Forks and Bella. When I got there, she had been taken by a female vampire whom we'd met a year earlier…" Edward began telling our story, bringing in as much information as he could, with my mental notes being sent to him and infrequent explanations said out loud.
Jack and Imogen sat, listening with such an intensity it seemed their lives depended on what Edward was saying. Our lives had depended on it but it was in the past now. We had all adopted the same positions, holding our lover's hands.
"Well," Jack began. "I suppose we should tell ours. It's not quite as adventurous as yours but it's one all the same. When I left, shortly after you, Edward, I phased and went to my pack. They were grateful to have their Alpha back and filled me in on everything that had happened, which was not a lot. They had just been patrolling the moors for anything unusual and nothing had come up. I saw Imogen nearly everyday and when I didn't I was in a bad mood. I started forming a plan to fight for her.
"Ben –" I saw Imogen visibly flinch. "– Imogen's boyfriend was overprotective in a bad way. He would slowly stop letting her go out and socialise with her friends, namely my sister. He didn't know that a whole pack of werewolves lived in the town and if he did, I'm sure he would leave just as fast as he came, taking her with him. The pack tried to avoid confronting him, or even speaking with him in case he brought it up. We were getting worried about what was going on in the house because she hadn't been out in a week and Ben was coming back from the local pub drunk each night. On the one chance we saw Imogen, she would have bruises on her arms and shadows under her eyes from lack of sleep." Imogen was staring at her knees.
Don't be ashamed, I sent to her. She looked up sharply, although she knew my gift. I gave a warm smile and she returned it, still cautious but then again, she had reason to with Edward and I.
"One night we ended up barging into their house and having to save Imogen from him. He was totally drunk, the worst we'd seen him and she'd already been attacked viciously. She was bleeding and there were shards of glass in her arms and her head." Edward and I winced at seeing his memories of her lying on the floor, unconscious with gashes down the side of her for arms, far too close to her veins. There was blood soaking through from her skull and into her hair and the remains of a beer bottle close around her.
"We took her to A&E as soon as we could." Jack went on. "She needed surgery to get the glass out and was out for sometime. When she woke she told me that she did love me," he looked deep into her eyes and I got to see the surface of the love he had for her. "She always had loved me and that she only told me to go because she was afraid that I would get hurt by him. As if he could hurt me." Jack chuckled. "I haven't let her leave my side since." The look on their faces was flawless love, he was her saviour and she was his reason for living. I felt a single tear roll down my face. I brought my hands to my face and a squeal escaped from my oesophagus that sounded more like a sob. The tears were coming thick and fast now. Stupid gifts…
"What's wrong?" Edward was panicking.
"It's just… that's so…" He scooped me up onto his lap.
"Bella, why are you crying?"
"Tears of joy, Edward, joy. It's just so perfect that they've found each other."
He pulled me closer, gave me a hug and sometimes muttered my name and things like 'silly girl'. From the corner of my blurry eyes I could see Imogen doing the same with Jack.
We had all found our one true loves and it would remain like that for the rest of our lives.
Pre-A/N: I just love Jack and Imogen's story. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside to think about them being happy together. Ahh, I love my characters…
Oh, and I found Edward's font that is used in Twilight! I've only got the demo (doesn't include punctuation, just letters because I don't have £15 to throw away) and it's called Carmilla. I'm so hyper!
Still, on with the show.
Crappy Ideas and Awesomeness
Alternate version
The Story of Edward Duck
Now With Slang!
Once upon
a time there was a duck called Edward. He was a vampire duck and he
thought he was bad. He fell in love with a lovely lady swan called
Bella who wanted to be with him forever and he loved her too. Three
angry geese wanted the wonderful swan dead but the duck family
defended her and killed one of the geese…Bella is okay,however…When his she was nearly killed Mr. Edward Duck's
brother had to give her away. Lady Bella Swan went crazy, thinking
she could hear Mr. Ducky's voice and she ended up jumping off a
cliff…even though birds can fly (she forgot, of course). Duckums
realised he was a stupid duck and went to the birdy hospital to say
sorry but Bella didn't remember who he was. He was very sad. He
migrated to England and met a… chicken who was a dog in disguise
and they made each other go back and save the ones they loved. Ducky
came back but Bella had been taken by an evil goose after finding out
he still loved her! He raced back to his family and told them what
was going on. They were invited to a pond in Italy and this made
everyone happy because it was also where Bella was. When they got
there, Bella was bitten by the head vampire sea gulls and was being
changed into a vampire! Edward Duck tried to save her but an annoying
little robin kept attacking him with her power so he couldn't do
anything. He had to wait until the pond was having a ball to see her.
The stupid goose tried to kiss him and Lady Swan walked in on them!
She didn't think he loved her any more but he did. The day of the
ball came and when he did he almost drowned. She was beautiful. He
didn't know that she got some powers from the change. She could
take/borrow/use/ and turn gifts against people. Bella was using
Edward's all the time so she could read minds. She finds out he
really does love her after they stand in the rain on a tower and get
very wet. Then she pushes him off the top and he forgets to fly
(stupid duck) so she teleports them away to her part of the pond.
They go looking for Ducky's family but the evil robin attacks them
and Miss Swan if forced to give herself up to save Edward's life. A
member of the sea gull lot takes her away…He does it too because he
blames himself for everything. You could blame Global Warming on the
poor duck and he would believe you in under a minutes convincing.
Anyway, they both give themselves up for each other and Edward Duck
ends up in a fight while Bella is escaping from her dark prison that
the robin put her in. Edward has to fight a magpie because he wants
Bella to…make…babies… with him. Duckums is mad with
Magpie because he loves her. Mr. Magpie almost beats Ducky because he
has matches in his pocket and matches are Ducky's only weakness.
However, as the lit match falls a cool blue thing stops Edward being
set on fire. Duck and Magpie watch the flame fall to the ground as
Swan jump-kisses Edward. They get carried away and the Magpie has to
cough to get their attention back. He shows them more matches and
Bella sends them to the biggest duck in Edward's duck family, his
name was Emmett. The evil goose and robin turn up and so do the Duck
Family. The beautiful duck called Rosalie defends everyone, like a
good duck should but the Swan is thinking 'OMG!' because Rosalie
hated her. She's all like "what the hell do ya think ya
doing to my family, bitch?!" and Goosy gets very scared because she
doesn't want to get into a cat fight, despite being a bird… Well,
she gets in one anyway and Bella freezes the goose, the robin and the
magpie and the Cullens rip them up and burn them. But Duckums goes
all vampire on them and Swanny has to save him by making him hate
blood by using her gift and she's already worn out! 'OH NO!' I
hear you cry but fear not because she stops him but she ends up
blacking out. Edward has to wake her up by telling her he's okay
because she's still making him hate blood. She wakes up and he…
PROPOSES! It's awesome and they go to tell Aro they're leaving
because they're 'too cool for school'. Bella uses her gift to
make Aro go crazy and then they all leave, skipping off into the
sunset…and sparkling like vampire ducks do…
Hey do
you remember the chicken dog from earlier? Well, Duckums takes Swanny
to see him and his wife who we shall call Imo…Why? Because I feel
like it, okay?! Still, yeah, they go back to England and talk about
what happened. Imo was beaten up by her boyfriend before Chicken dude
got there and she almost died but he saved her and Edward and Bella
tell them their story…The girls start crying tears of joy and
everyone is happy once again and will remain so for the rest of their
– Now why didn't I just write that?
Edward's Floor Moment
Jane's mouth formed a small 'o' and she sprinted away as
fast as she could. No one spoke but we all heard a quiet 'thud' a
few seconds later. I winced.
This isn't as funny as it seems but I still start cracking up when
I think about Edward hitting the floor…
"We've known each other for a while now."
Cautiously, I lift my eyelids to greet the intruder that I recognised. My breath catches and my heart splutters.
It was Eric.
"Eric?" I screech. "What do you want?"
"Bella, I need to tell you something. Um… We've known each other for a while now and I know we haven't talked much these past few weeks but I was just wondering –"
"No. Get out of my bedroom."
He doesn't move.
"Now." I growl and he jumps from the window.
I hear bones cracking and wince.
"We've known each other for a while now II"
Cautiously, I lift my eyelids to greet the intruder that I recognised. My breath catches and my heart splutters.
Mike bloody Newton was at my window.
"Mike?" I screech, trying to keep my voice down for the second time this evening. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Bella, I need to tell you something. Um…Well, we've known each other for a while now and I've got to know you really well –" Please don't say he's going to do what I think he's going to do – "And…Um, well. I'm just going to come out with it. I'm in love with you, Bella."
I stare at him.
"We've known each other for a while now III"
Cautiously, I lift my eyelids to greet the intruder that I recognised. My breath catches and my heart splutters.
Who the hell could it be this time? And why is he using my full name?
Mr. Darcy, that's who.
Mr. Darcy of Pride and Prejudice. I must be going crazy. I'm just waiting for Barney to jump out of my dresser.
Speak of the devil, here he is now.
"Isabella, I am incredibly sorry to peruse you at this hour but Barney and I had something to tell you."
There was a pause and my mind was whirling, trying to work out what Mr. Darcy and Barney could possibly want to tell me.
Together at the same time.
Barney does that scary laugh thing and I stare wide eyed as he and Mr. Darcy start doing a dance. Barney I can cope with doing strange dance routines but Mr. Darcy, Jane Austen's man of many women's dreams dancing around in breaches? WITH BARNEY?!
My mouth has hit the floor and my eyes are just as wide.
Briefly they stop and turn to face me.
"Isabella," there's another pause and Mr. Darcy waits a while. "We've known each other for a while now and…Next January, we are to be married." I jump up, shocked to the bone.
And promptly faint.
My face hits the floor and somewhere I can here Mr. Darcy and Barney singing "I love you, you love me…"
Kill me now.
This is where I tell you my secrets and my only confession is this.
I have wasted over 7000 words on my author notes all together. They've gotten bigger and bigger and the only chapters I didn't have one were the first two… -rolls eyes-
The slightest review has changed this story so dramatically you won't believe it. I had no chapter outline and/or arc to go by so I had no idea where I was going with it. It started with Bella not remembering Edward and my original plan was to get Jacob to get her remember… And as you can see that went well. I ended up dragging Victoria, The Volturi and my very own werewolf into the story. I really did not stick to my plot line but I don't really care. It turned out fine and that's the main thing, however there will be no sequel. When I can't see anymore cliff-hangers to a story or more plot lines that haven't been done before I won't put the reader through pain reading my feeble attempts at another story. This story can only have so much and I've put Edward and Bella through enough. I don't think their hearts could take another beating. Sure, I'm evil but I'm not cruel!
You guys have been great, from people like Dmeyer with their two word reviews to the people like WamprickNyx who leave 10 line reviews, I love you one and all, even Ningyo Cullen with all the death threats. You guys have made this story happen and if possible, I'd write an EdwardxYou story (but I can't because I think I should get one of them first… :P) Each and everyone one of your reviews got me so hyper I wasn't sane for at least five minutes. It was great when I got 35 emails when I got back from school. I was jumping up and down for hours and annoying my brother to no end.
It's sad to see it go but, I'll leave you with the words of Barney and Mr. Darcy.
I love
You love me,
We're a happy family.
With a great big
And a kiss from me to you,
Won't you give me
one last review?
(I need to work on my rhyming skills)
PS: My favourite review by iluvthecullens. Chapter 27
"you know when the match is falling edward can just blow it out, the scream "WHAT NOW DEMETRI!" and "IN YOUR FACE SUCKER!" and "I'M TO COOL TO DIE!" AND "WHAT NOW?!" he he he!"
Thank you and goodnight.